The Privacy Law.

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The Privacy Law. May 10, 2011
Artice 8 of The Human Rights Act offers European citizens general protection for their private and family life.

Some of the so called super injunctions issued by the Courts recently include a gagging order which prevented the revelation of photographs of Jemima Khan and Jeremy Clarkson, now there's a mix!, and the revelation of an affair between Gabby Logan and Alan Shearer. (Anyone who is familiar with English football knows that Alan Shearer, whilst a bloody good footballer, is a bloody boring person, so I'm not surprised she wanted to keep that quiet!)

An anonymous blogger on twitter has recently wrecked the gagging orders by posting a list of the celebrities who have recently obtained injunctions.

By last night, an estimated 2 million people had been forwarded the list, which claimed to expose confidential details of the private lives of a married premiership footballer, two actors and a celebrity chef. Media outlets are supposed to be prevented from disclosing their names by a series of super-injunctions, which prevent them from being identified.

The first individual named on the website was a married Premiership footballer who allegedly had an affair with Imogen Thomas, the former Big Brother contestant. It was claimed the “highly paid” player, described by his agent as a “family man”, has been having a six-month affair with the former Miss Wales.

An actor who obtained a privacy injunction after cheating on his wife with a prostitute was also identified. He had found it increasingly difficult to keep his name a secret after Helen Wood told a newspaper that he had paid her £195 for s.e.x. Wayne Rooney, the England footballer, previously paid Miss Wood £1,000 for an encounter. I wouldn't care, she's nowt to write home about and not a patch on Coleen!

Oh dear! Is nothing sacred? With twitter and Facebook, is there any privacy left? :lol: :lol: ... rders.html

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Re: The Privacy Law. May 10, 2011
To avoid concern just assume that everything you say or do is being recorded or videotaped and can be made behave!
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Re: The Privacy Law. May 10, 2011
According to press, most of the so called 'outed' names on the twitter list were wrong anyway. I personally think it's terrible that people just because they have money can shut someone up, you do the crime then you have to live with the consequences.

FYI, nothing like that exists here, apart from for the royal families. Peoples private lives here are game for the authorities, such as bloggers being arrested, emirates crew being arrested for dodgy texting etc, so it's worth remembering that everything you write, sms etc in the UAE is 'sniffed' for things for the authorities to haul you up on.
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Re: The Privacy Law. May 10, 2011 ... Volvo.html

Very "strange" article written in the Daily Mail recently. Unable to take comments for "legal reasons". Note the last paragraph specifically.

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