Poll: Palestinians Embracing Islamism

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Poll: Palestinians embracing Islamism May 06, 2011
Looks like a complete reversal from only thirty years ago.

57% identified themselves as Muslims first, 21% identified themselves as Palestinians first, 19% as human beings first and 5% as Arabs first.


The increase in adherence to religious identity is also reflected in the system preferred by the Palestinian people.

About 40% of the respondents said that they believe that the Islamic caliphate is the best system for Palestinians, 24% chose a system like one of the Arab countries, and 12 % prefer a system like one of the European countries.

Now this begs the question, how will future elections in the W. Bank turn out if Palestinians could vote for candidates who espouse ideology of Hamas or Hizb-ut-tahrir?

http://elderofziyon.blogspot.com/2011/0 ... amist.html

It's also worth pointing out that Palestinians in Gaza celebrated the recent unity deal between Hamas and Fatah by holding pictures of Osama bin Laden.


event horizon
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Re: Poll: Palestinians Embracing Islamism May 06, 2011
good to know...
Now this begs the question, how will future elections in the W. Bank turn out if Palestinians could vote for candidates who espouse ideology of Hamas or Hizb-ut-tahrir?

the answer
It's also worth pointing out that Palestinians in Gaza celebrated the recent unity deal between Hamas and Fatah by holding pictures of Osama bin Laden.

its good that u support ur questions with ur answers :)
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Re: Poll: Palestinians embracing Islamism May 06, 2011
Hi Mahmoud. How are events going in Egypt?

I have a feeling that when they realize 'democracy' doesn't put food on the table, Egyptians will want something else.

What do you think?
event horizon
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Re: Poll: Palestinians embracing Islamism May 06, 2011
I could not quickly find the original poll, but what suprises me is that tribal identification is not included. I wonder whether the options were pre-arranged or open. Tribal identification always stood in the way of Palestinian nation building (or many other Arab states for that matter), at least in the past. Would be interesting to know whether Pali's indeed do no identify with their tribe anymore.
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Re: Poll: Palestinians embracing Islamism May 07, 2011
event horizon wrote:Hi Mahmoud. How are events going in Egypt?

I have a feeling that when they realize 'democracy' doesn't put food on the table, Egyptians will want something else.

What do you think?

HI EH, how are you? thanks for asking about Egypt, things seems to be cool, u will have to wait and watch...
'democracy'? who said Egyptians want democracy? they want Sharia, did u forget mate? about food don't worry, they will be on diet...

but I am glad that u seems to be worried about Egypt future than I do... u have feelings for Egypt wow.. be my guest :)
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Re: Poll: Palestinians embracing Islamism May 08, 2011
This happened in Egypt. I guess we're seeing the fruits of broad support for Sharia:

Khyber, Khyber, O Jews, Osama's army will return!

event horizon
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Re: Poll: Palestinians Embracing Islamism May 08, 2011
freedom of speech mate :D...
do u want the translation?
by the way did u hear about the fights happened around a church in Cairo today :s
still thinking how long it will take for things to calm there....
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Re: Poll: Palestinians Embracing Islamism May 08, 2011
Mahmoud04 wrote:freedom of speech mate :D...
do u want the translation?

He'll wait until he gets the Memri version.
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Re: Poll: Palestinians Embracing Islamism May 08, 2011
Mahmoud04 wrote:freedom of speech mate :D...
do u want the translation?
by the way did u hear about the fights happened around a church in Cairo today :s
still thinking how long it will take for things to calm there....

Just read about it.

Christians in Egypt have long said they feel like they're on the verge of their own kristallnacht.
event horizon
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Re: Poll: Palestinians Embracing Islamism May 08, 2011
well, I was expecting some fights here and there because of whats been happening last few years but didn't expect it that bad...
EH, upper Egypt is much worse but not well covered by media :), I guess the army and the new government will have loads of work to do to rearrange cards in Egypt...

lets wish they will succeed, coz don't want to think of other chances...
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