Inequality Between Europeans & Indians

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Inequality between europeans & indians May 04, 2011
Hi i have created this thread to just give my opinion about the inequal distribution of income between Europeans & Indians, eventhough the europeans have same qualifications are paid more than Indians, this type of unequal wealth disribution & disparities should be stopped & Indians should be paid same.

Its my opinion & you can spread this idea or this particular thread among your relatives, friends etc.

Even my sister who's Indian friend's mom works in hospital is paid less than a european working in the same department & the same profession & level.

Thats the only thing that worries me a lot about UAE, and not only indians the whole of asians are discriminated, & its like racism.

Hierarchy chart (present condition)

1st rank Arabs
2nd rank Europeans
3rd rank Asians(including indians, chinese, philipinoes etc) :(

Hierarchy chart (future condition should be)

1st rank Arabs
2nd rank Europeans, asians (all) :D

Dubai Forum Guest
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Re: Inequality between europeans & indians May 04, 2011
I will correct you, it's not 'like' racism, it IS racism! But it's a two way problem, because sadly many arabs have a low opinion of those from the subcontinent, but Asians also don't do themselves any favours, when they roll over and accept being treated as low class citizens. Would you ever see a Westerner (not necessarily European) accepting that? Not a chance! We know what we're worth and we damn well fight for it.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Inequality Between Europeans & Indians May 05, 2011
Its a whole mish-mash of racism, bias about competency, status, and taking advantage of the fact that citizens of certain countries would be making lower salaries back home, so they don't feel the need to pay them the same as other workers from countries typically paying higher salaries - even though they are doing the same job.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Inequality between europeans & indians May 05, 2011
Hmm, interesting that Geekyman is suggesting a less discriminatory hierarchy chart than what he perceives to already exist, I can’t speak for the Health Service Industry but it is my personal opinion that individuals are compensated for their experience, qualifications and general aptitude in discharging their duties, I very rarely see Indians working as contemporaries to Europeans, but those few who do, receive similar remuneration packages.

Tell me Geekyman, does the Caste System still prevail in India?
Dubai Master of Thread Hijackers
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Re: Inequality Between Europeans & Indians May 05, 2011
When I worked in Dubai I had a higher degree, but lower experience in the area and my Indian colleagues had more experience and were paid a bit less than me for doing the same job. I didn't stay long.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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