Dubai Knight wrote:Well, as it appears I am the one that put the dog amongst the cats...I shall elucidate, clarify and rectify all in one:
In my post I referred to one 'Mohammed Bin Flip Flop' as a generic reference to an otherwise faceless and nameless landlord. It was BM who then incorrectly assigned that term to refer to
her landlord, believing that the apartment she has leased (no BM, it may say freehold on top of the paper but you really are only leasing it for 99 years) from Dubai Properties, is an establishment that wholly belongs to His Highness General Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, (deputy ruler and prime minister of the UAE and ruler of Dubai to give him his full handle).
Since the fire sale of a couple of years ago, it is questionable how much of Dubai Properties he actually retains these days. It is more likely that BM's landlord is actually the other Sheikh Mohamed: vis-a-vis His Highness General Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan (Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and deputy head of the UAE armed give him his full trumpets worth too!)
At no point did I refer to any member of the ruling families of the UAE in derogatory tones.
There may be a gentleman who works for Dubai Properties with the name Mohamed Bin Flip Flop, in which case he should be delighted to see his name in print. Any reference to any persons living, or dead from the neck up, is purely co-incidental.

Good attempt DK! PMSL! I'm afraid your post is there for all to read. It is quite clear to whom you are refering despite your retraction! Well at least Mohammed the Torso presumed you were refering to Uncle Mohammed, and who was I to defend you after your attempt to belittle my ownership at JBR?

Squirm squirm DK!
OMG I bet your back orifice is giving it some! No eye rolling I notice, but the cool dude look. I wouldn't be that cool if I were you! Mark my words, it's time to wind your neck in. Not so clever at my expense now are you?
It's news to me that I have a LL!. A person usually pays rent to a LL. I don't pay rent, people pay me rent. But if you say so DK, then who am I to argue? After all you obviously know F.uck All! LOL
Is there a smilie for a wriggler?
So, you not only told Sheikh M the Torso about DK's comment on here, but you've also posted pictures of his torso on here? Very bizarre
I'm sure that Sheikh M the Torso is very British-style in how he treated your daughter while they weren't dating on your holiday.
Do unrelated 15/16/17 yr old Emirati boys and girls meet at the mall, go bowling and to the cinema together, and visit each other's family homes?
Spoken like a true Chav!
I've met Shaf and his family several times, at DF meets, at their home, in the grocery store as we lived nearby each other. He's an English gentleman.
Hey K! Come here I want to whisper something! THIS IS A PUBLIC FORUM! Anyone can read it. I happened to have it open when Mohammed was waiting for Beth and sitting next to me on the couch! LOL. He's now an avid reader
Yes I posted his torso, it's all over the internet, he wasn't a bit bothered! To be honest K. it's not as bizarre as the images you have posted and acredited to me in FC. Now that's bizarre! That an adult can browse the internet looking for pictures and copy and paste them here claiming to be images of a person is not only chav like and childish, it is, well rather sad! You left this forum, a rather bitter and twisted individual and you have not managed to rehabilitate yourself during your exile, have you?
As for Shafique AKA Islam 24/7, well K, a passport doesn't make him British, after all we used to give our passport away with 10 tokens collected from the back of Kellogs Cornflakes. (We are getting a grip of that now!) You see if he was a true English gentleman he wouldn't be anti-white, he'd be grateful for a leg up and he wouldn't go round slagging off the native British people as the white feral underclass, would he? There is no way on this earth that he would be accepted as British by those who matter in my country, and that's the British! LOL.
And to reiterate in case you missed it K, this is Mohammed the Torso!
Note the KING tattoo! LOL!!