K. In your haste to post anything at all negative you can about me you've become confused. Let me straighten things out a bit for you.
BM doesn't have an image of Mohammed a se.xy and powerful Sheihk. Largely because he's 17. BTW K. Mohammed does have a fantastic torso, he works out every single day. You must have missed the picture that I posted of that torso when you were in your self inflicted exile from DF! LOL.
DK didn't refer to Beth's Mohammed as 'Mohammed the flip flop'. When DK was trying to impress on me that my flat, and every other flat in JBR, I presume, was worthless, he refered to 'Mohammed the flip flop' being able to come and build a hotel on the site of JBR at his whim! (That would be a big hotel! LOL). By that he surely meant Sheikh Mohammed Al Maktoum. Now as we are constantly reminded that this is a Dubai based forum, I do feel it was slightly remiss of the self confessed wise old owl of DF refering to Sheikh Mohammed in that manner. I'm sure he is more than aware that locals even post of this forum. What I pointed out that while Beth's Mohammed appears to have a sense of humour, he didn't particularly like Sheikh Mohammed being refered to in that manner, and I don't blame him. Mark my words, that isn't something that he wants to repeat!
Now come on K! You weren't taken in by Shafique's claims that he was the quintessential English gentleman were you? LOL. Shafique's a peasant sitting on a beach somewhere with a British passport taped to his forehead, protesting 'I am British, I am, I am. I am, so there!' and meanwhile refering to true English people as the white feral underclass.
Perhaps you already know this , "Sheikh" was once a title of someone of noble characteristics , But now every alcoholic, wh0re chaser, diseased , arrogant, half brained, monkey (ie., the middle easterners) use this title, which is a mockery to what it stands for , so dont call anyone Sheikh, That will only fuel their wretched arrogance.
awww Zubber, suffered at the hands of the Emiratis aleady? And you've only been here 2 minutes!
Why you're just behaving like all those immigrants who come into my country. Come and enjoy our hospitality and meanwhile slagging us off. If you don't like the Emiratis that much Zubber, why don't you jump on the next banana boat back to India? I'm sure you won't be missed
, well i can understand why women get dazzled with a pretentious show of wealth, its the same as a guy that gets dazzled with a show of skin
There speaks the man who posts about breasts and unwrapping the candy! Err Zubber

Make your mind up!
A Sheikh is a Sheikh in the UAE or Saudi Arabia. In Europe, N America etc. any Arab might call himself a Sheikh.
There are good Sheikhs and bad ones.
BM was in Dubai for a short visit with her daughter, and is now back in the UK. I think they all enjoyed themselves, and I enjoyed reading her accounts of her stay in Dubai.
I am sure they have nothing but good memories, despite all the dire warnings
Yes Zonker, we are safely back in the UK. Beth enjoyed herself tremendously! She says it was the best holiday ever. Mohammed looked after her well, they went bowling, to the cinema, visited the malls and called at his family's homes. All the things that you would expect 15/16/17 year olds to do. He delivered her and her friend home each night in one piece. Nothing but very good memories.
The Mohammed in question is only 17, so no he's not an adult yet, he's still a teenager. Plus no one ever said they were dating, just hanging out. Don't worry warnings (unheeded) have been given about how inappropriate it is.
I don't see how it is inappropriate Chocs. It only really matters what I think at the end of the day and I didn't have a problem with Beth hanging out with a 17 year old local boy. He is welcome to visit us in the UK anytime he likes.
Don't worry, the suitable age for marriage here is about 12 so the young lady in question is probably considered 'over the hill' by now!
How very amusing!
A truely bizzare story allowing a teenage girl dating an adult person in a country where there is the sharia law applied when local citizens are involved. I had to read it a few times to believe what I was reading.
Actually it was a topic about every other man being called Mohammed. The Mohammed's in question were all around 17. Not adults by any stretch of the imagination.