Well Zonker, I have to admit that I had it on TV and stopped to watch the highlights.
I think they are an adorable couple. They, along with Harry, were so relaxed and casual. Little private conversations passing between them. It was interesting to watch them as a couple because they are the future of the UK and will probably bring about quite a bit of change when their time comes.
Apparently the Queen is quite taken with Kate as she had loan Kate a tiara that has been in the family for some time.
Other observations: Camilla, fat ugly cow!!

Waving at the crowd as if she was someone.

Based on the response from the crowd they couldn't care less that she showed up!!! I guess she forgot that it was Diana's son that was getting married - not hers.

I think so many people were thinking about Diana.
Fergie's daughters Beatrice and Eugenia: woof woof!!! looked absolutely cheap and hidieous
Most of the ladies attending were dressed quite lovely (I said most!!!) and the men cut a fine figure in their uniforms and dress.
All the pomp that went on with the escorts, horses, carriages, was really nice to watch.