A large man of Lebanesey tendency is making a right fuss in Carrefour because there are two pay stations in the electrical goods section, but only one operating and there is a queue. This line consists of 3 people and is moving quickly but he insists loudly that he shouldn't have to wait to be served and should not had to queue! I politely pointed out to him that he is obliged to wait his turn...just like everyone else. Including me.
Having made my purchase, I am pushing my trolley through the throng of scantily clad tourists to the elevator. There are 4 of us waiting with our trolleys. As the lift arrives, a lady of Arabic origin pushes in front of all of us and attempts to get her trolley in the lift whilst blocking the people who are trying to get out. It is an Indian family with 2 small children and they are trying to get a push chair out of the lift past this woman who keeps trying to push her trolley into the crowded space. She then starts gobbing off in Arabic at the Indians. Thankfully a local lady waiting in the queue, then gives her a load of verbal and makes her back off and wait her turn.
And finally, I am pulling out of my parking space and a guy notices I am leaving. Out of courtesy I indicate the space will become free, so what does he do? He pulls his Escalade up just past me and, as I reverse out and just about clear the space, he is trying to back up between the front of my car and the space to try and block it! I can hardly move and have to wait for him to push his way past me before I can pull away!
A bunch of Dubai arsehats!!
