Lauren Boothe - Israel Behind Vittorio's Murder

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Lauren Boothe - Israel behind Vittorio's murder Apr 22, 2011
Like flies to... well, you know.

In this case, Lauren Boothe flew to Islam. Either she converted and became crazy or she was crazy to begin with and was attracted to Islam. If I had to guess, I'd say it was the latter rather than the former.

The killing of Vittorio (Vik) Arrigoni in Gaza this weeks follows (too) closely, the murder of pro-Palestinian peace activist Juliano Mer Khamis in the West Bank. Juliano, 52, was shot dead outside the Freedom Theatre in Jenin Refugee Camp on the West Bank on the 4th April. His documentary Arnas’s Children detailed the work of his mother in helping Palestinian children deal with the trauma of living under Occupation through the use of drama and self – expression.
Juliano was untimely, bloody, end was one he had predicted three years ago on Israeli television.
Vittorio Arrigoni was found, this week, hung, by armed ‘fanatics’ in an apartment in Gaza. An end he would never, ever, have predicted.


It is no coincidence then that both Juliano and Vittorio should die within two weeks. Both, at the hands of unknown Palestinian ‘cells.’ As they say on children’s TV - tell us boys and girls what’s wrong with this picture?

Israel’s supporters will doubtless feel affronted at the assertion that Vittorio was murdered by those almost certainly in the pay of the Jewish State. But they can’t have their dark ops cake and eat it too. Not this time. Too many of us have our eyes open to the filthy tactics employed by Israel every time they come under intellectual attack. And there is no doubt that Israeli Apartheid is losing traction by the day. ... ck-on.html

Btw, ElderofZiyon 'frisks' her article, not that such a poorly thought out piece needs any debunking: ... ke-st.html

She's been covered on this forum before in case you're wondering who this bat-crazy woman is. I guess now she's finally finished reading the Koran and stepped up to 'Zionist' conspiracy theories.


(It's also interesting to read the comments from FD and I saying all along she was crazy)

event horizon
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Re: Lauren Boothe - Israel behind Vittorio's murder Apr 22, 2011
She's a strange one. On a side note, she used to review the papers on Sky news once a week, every week. The first time I saw her reviewing the papers wearing her black dress was the last. I don't know whether Sky dropped her because she converted to Islam or because of her antisemitic rants.
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Re: Lauren Boothe - Israel behind Vittorio's murder Apr 22, 2011
What's worse, you'll hear none of her co-religionists take deep offense to what she's written (out of principal, not grudgingly for public relations).

I read the comments on her page and I couldn't find one by a Muslim poster who called her a loony.
event horizon
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Re: Lauren Boothe - Israel behind Vittorio's murder Apr 25, 2011
Found some video of her. I may get flamed for this but what the hell:
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Re: Lauren Boothe - Israel behind Vittorio's murder Apr 25, 2011
Thats an old video, she's much fatter now :lol: She'a a silly girl, no one takes her very seriously.
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Re: Lauren Boothe - Israel behind Vittorio's murder Apr 25, 2011
Perhaps she'll offer her body to the starving people of Gaza. Could probably feed eight families for the next six months.
event horizon
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Re: Lauren Boothe - Israel behind Vittorio's murder Apr 26, 2011
When a person stays in one of the luxury hotels in Gaza and compares it to a concentration camp, you know you are dealing with a very special person.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Lauren Boothe - Israel behind Vittorio's murder Apr 26, 2011
You can judge a person by who they support. Going through the old thread on Lauren Booth, it's nice to reaffirm that there were people calling her a loon then and there were the usual suspects supporting her.

I think Lauren's admirers are just as crazed as she is.
event horizon
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Re: Lauren Boothe - Israel behind Vittorio's murder Apr 26, 2011
event horizon wrote:You can judge a person by who they support.

They support a group of people whose manifesto literally says that their goal is to kill jews, take it for what it is!
This is not about rationality. Rationality is that nowhere in the ME have Muslims more civil and democratic rights than in Israel. (((hello))) McFly!
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Re: Lauren Boothe - Israel behind Vittorio's murder Apr 26, 2011
Yup. The Muslim Brotherhood is against women and non-Muslims from leading Egypt. And they're the 'moderates'.
event horizon
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Re: Lauren Boothe - Israel behind Vittorio's murder Apr 26, 2011
event horizon wrote:Yup. The Muslim Brotherhood is against women and non-Muslims from leading Egypt. And they're the 'moderates'.

Hamas = Muslim Brotherbood
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