Britain recently arrested (and released, but are still investigating) two British citizens who burned a copy of their own Koran.
At the same time, an art exhibition, on the taxpayer's dime, is displaying a desecrated Bible at an exhibit (apparently, if I understand the article correctly, visitors can even desecrate their own Bible at the exhibit?).
So why is the government paying 'artists' to desecrate the Bible but criminalizes similar actions with the Koran?
Does the government pretend its sane any more?
The Bible:

There is apparently an exhibition in the Gallery of Modern Art (Goma) in Glasgow, entitled Made in God’s Image.
It encourages people to deface the Bible in the name of art — and obliging visitors have responded with predictable abuse and obscenity. This can come as no surprise to the ‘artists’, who included in their creation a video of a woman ripping pages from the Bible and stuffing them into her bra, knickers and mouth.
Cranmer has never been one for the burning of books, a logical corollary of which must be the freedom to burn a book if one so wishes, or place a rasher of bacon within it and call it ‘art’.
But when that book is burned with taxpayer subsidy, the offence is multiplied a thousandfold, for the good people of Glasgow are forcibly paying for the desecration of a sacred book, and they are therefore unwittingly complicit. This, to Cranmer, would be a just reason not to render unto Caesar.
Bizarrely, or naively, the exhibit, Untitled 2009, was proposed by the Metropolitan Community Church, which ‘celebrates racial, cultural, linguistic, sexual, gender and theological diversity’. Their idea was to reclaim the Bible as a sacred text: they simply wanted those who ‘felt excluded’ from its pages to ‘write themselves in’.
And so one writer has altered the first line of Genesis from ‘In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth’ to 'In the beginning, God (me) I created religion.’ Another has written ‘The Gospel According to Luke Skywalker’ (Cranmer suspects one of the Jedi fraternity). But the principal expression has been one of blaspemous derision: one message says ‘F*** the Bible’.
A spokesman for the Roman Catholic Church said: “One wonders whether the organisers would have been quite as willing to have the Koran defaced.”
Answer: ‘No’.
Reason: ‘Most Christians are a pushover; some Muslims are likely to riot, cause criminal damage or threaten death’. ... bible.html
The Koran:
A British National Party election candidate accused of publicly burning a copy of the Koran was freed today when the charge against him was unexpectedly dropped.
Sion Owens (41) of Bonymaen, Swansea, South Wales, was arrested and charged at the weekend under Britain's Public Order Act.
The BNP candidate in next month’s Welsh Assembly elections spent the weekend in custody before appearing at Swansea Magistrates’ Court.
He was warned today that police are continuing to investigate the alleged incident and to expect further action.
It is understood that his release was due to a technicality regarding the Act under which he was arrested and charged. ... ing23.html