Happy Slapping In Bur Dubai

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Happy Slapping in Bur Dubai Apr 14, 2011

Briton 'beaten to death' in a Dubai police cell after being arrested for swearing

or as 7Days call it .. a "Mystery"

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Re: Happy Slapping In Bur Dubai Apr 14, 2011
Inhuman treatment is nothing new in the UAE , from a multitude to reports from that region, Lets see if the English Govt can do something
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Re: Happy Slapping In Bur Dubai Apr 14, 2011
They have, the UK government have called for the Dubai Police to investigate, oh now I see the flaw ... the Dubai Police.


Headline to appear in 6 months

"Djinn appears in police cell and beats prisoner to death" ... obviously he wasn't wearing his magical amulet
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Re: Happy Slapping in Bur Dubai Apr 14, 2011
I looked for the story in the GulfNews...guess what?
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Re: Happy Slapping In Bur Dubai Apr 14, 2011
... that's because it never happened !

Waiting for the spin machine to kick in to give us the real story.

Any bets on what kind of drugs they are going to find/plant to validate this ?

Truth be told this was just waiting to happen, these kind of beatings are as regular as morning roll call and frankly Bur Dubai is not the worst - you should try Naif or Al Ra'afa

-- Thu Apr 14, 2011 4:18 pm --

In the interests of a balanced opinion ...


Reports of Briton’s death by beating 'a pack of lies', say police

I am guessing he was simply following the Dubai mantra ... he didn't like it, so now he is going home !

I wonder if we will be seeing prominent officials infront of video projectors demonstrating how they got to the bottom of this ? Bur Dubai is covered by video camera's - so lets see the footage - the hotels are covered from head to toe in camera's ditto

If the National are vying to become the mouthpiece of officialdom the least they could do is to get the timing of the vice-consuls' visits correct.

-- Thu Apr 14, 2011 4:31 pm --


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Muhahahahahaha, looks like some serious editting going on down there !!! :lol:

-- Thu Apr 14, 2011 5:51 pm --

My oh my, now the National piece has disappeared as well ............

I suppose we now wait for the WAM sanctioned article - ... "Tragic Suicide" perhaps ?
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Re: Happy Slapping in Bur Dubai Apr 14, 2011
"But the official was turned away by an officer who claimed Mr Brown did not want to see him and had ‘declined consular assistance."

Mr Brown was dead in a body bag, and prison officials denied it to British officials
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Re: Happy Slapping in Bur Dubai Apr 14, 2011
Sure we won't see Sage's protests here
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Re: Happy Slapping in Bur Dubai Apr 14, 2011
capsicum wrote:Sure we won't see Sage's protests here

What are you expecting me to protest about?

I have read the article in UK's Sun & Mail Newspapers, most of the time these rags cannot be trusted to get the facts straight. On the face of it looks like a real bad situation, lets wait and see what the outcome is.
sage & onion
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Re: Happy Slapping in Bur Dubai Apr 14, 2011
The dead giveaway something is up in the National report is that fact that the official giving the statement refused to be named! Smoke screen for doesn't want to be implicated in anything!
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Re: Happy Slapping in Bur Dubai Apr 14, 2011
Poor guy!
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Re: Happy Slapping in Bur Dubai Apr 14, 2011
Dubai Government Investigator: "So, Inspector Knacker, how did this prisoner receive these wounds and subsequently die?"

Inspector Knacker of Bur Dubai Police: "Er, honest your honour, he tripped and fell down a flight of stairs going to the cells..."

Dubai Government Investigator: "There, that is the answer! Of course he did! Case closed!"

British Government Investigator: "Bur Dubai police station is a single storey building...there are no stairs!"

:shock: :shock: :shock:

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Re: Happy Slapping in Bur Dubai Apr 14, 2011
7days is down and a popular online forum has taken down all threads related to this incident.

Sage, the Telegraph and BBC are reporting it as well.
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Re: Happy Slapping in Bur Dubai Apr 14, 2011
He died of natural causes, case closed
http://gulfnews.com/man-detained-over-h ... e-1.792618
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Re: Happy Slapping in Bur Dubai Apr 14, 2011
capsicum wrote:He died of natural causes, case closed
http://gulfnews.com/man-detained-over-h ... e-1.792618

Uh-huh and yet there are no identities to these mystery 'sources' come on wakey wakey! Of course they're going to say such things, because nothing like this could ever ever happen here, right?! May I remind you of the Sheikh Issa case?
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Re: Happy Slapping in Bur Dubai Apr 14, 2011
I love this bit:

“The torture story is a total fabrication and distortion of facts. The forensic report to be released soon will identify the exact cause of the ‘natural death’ of Bradley. We never beat suspects in police custody."

Ok, so does that means you beat them before or after they are in police custody!!

:roll: :roll: :roll:

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Re: Happy Slapping In Bur Dubai Apr 14, 2011
They knew the results of the autopsy before they did it ?

Kicking the crap out of someone causes death, naturally

Took a while to get the story straight and the Ducks lined up .... but in the end W(AM)e are told:

He had smoked some dodgy gear attacked a maid, attempted to throw her off a 6th floor balcony (a maid that was luckily accompanied by her personal security detail, that were able to rescue her from impending death) and that some 5 - 6 days later this gear resulted in him chocking on his own vomit.

Yah right

I saw some once in college but I never inhaled :shock: so I don't really know how it works, but from asking around I am reliably informed that violent convulsions and vomitting after 5-6 days is a tad unusual, if not unheard of.

Looks like a duck, waddles like a duck, quacks like a duck - according to Dubai Police it is OBVIOUSLY a camel wearing a bikini.

Case closed - very sad
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Re: Happy Slapping in Bur Dubai Apr 15, 2011
Whilst i am truly sorry for his familys loss, i still think that the British and European press love to hate Dubai for reasons i can only describe as jealously/ oneupmanship. I am british expat living in Dubai and have done for a number of years. All i ever ready from the Daily Mail and the like is sensationalist rubbish. Yes the prisons are awful here and to be honest thats how they should be, not like the holiday resorts we call prisons in the UK. If you get arrested here you deserve to be arrested, full stop!

wonderful comment by a Dubai Brit
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Re: Happy Slapping in Bur Dubai Apr 15, 2011
Trust me, it is not a Dubai Britt, through my case I have uncovered that Dubai pays people to monitor and post on forums, to spin the news, and do some PR cleaning.
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Re: Happy Slapping in Bur Dubai Apr 15, 2011
herve wrote:Trust me, it is not a Dubai Britt, through my case I have uncovered that Dubai pays people to monitor and post on forums, to spin the news, and do some PR cleaning.

Yeah wouldn't surprise me in the slightest Herve. I mean they've even rounding up the UAE Emirati bloggers, going to their homes, taking them away, then saying they've been arrested for booze pocession a few days later - uh-huh.

Let's not hide our heads in the sand, police brutality happens all over the world, but in the majority of cases, those responsible are brought to justice - here? It's never going to happen.
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