Going Organic..........

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Going organic.......... Apr 09, 2011
I've been going organic where possible. I question just how "organic" the food marketed "grown in the UAE" and what standards are used, but I buy it any way.

Well, this morning, being the dutiful wife, got up and did some baking for the hubby to have with breakfast. Let me start by saying, I'm no Betty Crocker and start from scratch. If it's in a box, I'll go for it. Decided to do lemon and blueberry loaf, rather than making them into muffins. Turned out very nice. Had a nice slice with butter, yum, yum. Then had another slice, without butter, yuck, yuck. Hubby enjoyed without butter, but I guess the coffee washing it down helped!!!!

Clearly the absence of pesticides alters the taste of food. Bad can be good!!!! :lol: My next venture: baking from scratch as there isn't much to making a loaf or muffins, and well worth the effort especially when you can add real blueberries and fresh lemon!!!

Should also mention that I once had organic white wine. Big YUCK!!! Wouldn't even use it for cooking it was so nasty.

How organic do you go???

Bora Bora
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Re: Going Organic.......... Apr 09, 2011
Im not sure what you mean by "going organic" but if it means buying fresh fruits and vegetables as opposed to the canned ones, then absolutely , I always "go organic" , I also find it strange that any crop besides dates could ever grow in the soil and climatic conditions in the UAE, most probably the crops are chemical stimulated to grow faster and larger, and in that case, there would be a nutritive value tradeoff in the crop, meaning that it wouldnt be healthy eating those
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Re: Going Organic.......... Apr 09, 2011
By going "organic" I mean just that - organically grown food, as opposed to food drenched in pesticides. In the states there are certain standards that have to be met to be able to label food "organic".
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Re: Going organic.......... Apr 09, 2011
Totally agree.

I'm not a hardcore organista, but I try. For me, with fruits, the trick is to never buy anything fresh. That way I allow it to ripen sitting at home. With veggies I just trust what the label says (not that I have much of a choice).

I can think of a few good business ideas already.

But right now all I want a blueberry muffin!!! Hopefully the Starbucks closeby will have a few left. :P (drooooool)
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Re: Going organic.......... Apr 10, 2011
Bora, I have to say if the label says 'organic' then I avoid it like the plague. It will be over priced and no guarentee it is 'organic'.
Here in the UK we have a tractor symbol for meat produced in the UK. Only it isn't produced in the UK, only slaughtered in the UK. Which is a con, because you think you are 'buying British' but you aren't really!
There is also another logo 'Cumbrian Fell Bred' which leads you to believe that the meat you are buying is from cattle left to wander the fells of our green and beautiful country. In reality it isn't any different to any other cattle. I know this for a fact, as my Limousin cattle are 'Cumbrian Fell Bred' whilst my Fresian aren't.
Same fields, same grass.
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Re: Going Organic.......... Apr 10, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:By going "organic" I mean just that - organically grown food, as opposed to food drenched in pesticides. In the states there are certain standards that have to be met to be able to label food "organic".

The term is misleading since pesticides/fertilizers are organic compounds. When I first heard the word in terms of produce, I had no idea what it meant either.
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Re: Going Organic.......... Apr 10, 2011
BM...I agree with you. Organic is just another scam for selling food at the most highly inflated prices. Pesticides can be washed by careful attention to detail. The food is no different. Scientific fact! :!:
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Re: Going Organic.......... Apr 10, 2011
zonker wrote:BM...I agree with you. Organic is just another scam for selling food at the most highly inflated prices. Pesticides can be washed by careful attention to detail. The food is no different. Scientific fact! :!:

Organic food is not a scam! The trouble is not so much pesticides but genetically modified foods. Pesticides are fine so long as they as synthetic.
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Re: Going Organic.......... Apr 10, 2011
Misery Called Life wrote:
zonker wrote:BM...I agree with you. Organic is just another scam for selling food at the most highly inflated prices. Pesticides can be washed by careful attention to detail. The food is no different. Scientific fact! :!:

Organic food is not a scam! The trouble is not so much pesticides but genetically modified foods. Pesticides are fine so long as they as synthetic.

It is MCL! There's nothing wrong with genetically modified foods! It may stop the UK having to give millions to India in aid! You can feed yourselves :D
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Re: Going Organic.......... Apr 10, 2011
When people talk about Organic Food, they mean food that has been grown without recourse to chemical fertilizers, or insecticides/pesticides.
GM food is a different category. Even with GM foods (only a small number of plant species), there is controversy whether it causes any real harm. Some inconclusive scientific evidence, which is neither here nor there.
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Re: Going organic.......... Apr 10, 2011
I don't exactly trust "organic" in Dubai but shop at "organic" (Dubai Mall or Greens)... Since I live in 4 places I can say I eat organic in 2 places...I am very careful to select foods without preservatives (always have)...The only canned food I eat is black beans (and only rarely). So far in excellent health *knocks on wood*. organic does not mean no pesticides...
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Re: Going Organic.......... Apr 10, 2011
Interesting enough, I just read an article in Gulf News on Abu Dhabi organic farms, e.g., hothouses, that has been "certified" as organic (by who? which standards?) that has been selling its fruit, vegetables, eggs and chickens over at JLT for the last month. Possibility that they will open a store in Dubai. There has to be something to organic because there is a definite difference in taste.

True, you can wash fruit and veggies, but alot of the pesticide is absorbed into the product through spraying and the soil. I'm sure there are some "pesticides" in organic, but in order for a farm to be certified, the pesticides have to be less harmful??

Genetically modified food doesn't work for me!!! Remember the giant GM tomato that they were pushing? Damn things were the size of melons to pumpkins.

Recently I discovered Irish beef, fairly new import to Dubai. I have to say, quite delish. My first choice (no surprise here) is US beef!! and generally buy only filet mignon cut, but with the Irish beef, been buying sirloin cut - having the butcher cutting thicker slices as opposed to the thinner cut put in the packages.

I found Australian and NZ beef hit and miss and lacking in flavor. Brazilian beef - bought it once for stewing and it was horrible!!!! Never bothered with local or Indian beef.
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Re: Going organic.......... Apr 10, 2011
Different governing bodies have different criteria for classifying foods as ‘Organic’. In the UK, DEFRA http://www.defra.gov.uk are the responsible body with recommendations from ACOS (Advisory Committee on Organic Standards) who publish the UKROFS (United Kingdom Register of Organic Food Standards).

The regulations go much further than simply watering, feeding and pesticide use, they start off with certification from the Soil Association, after analysis, the Soil Association will recommend between 3 to 5 and sometimes 7 years soil treatment where very little commercial product will be allowed to grow on the land applying for organic classification, natural water courses that pass through non organic or industrial areas and run through the land, highways, foot and bridle paths maintained by others are also considered as potential contaminators.

After the land is certified organic, the root stock and seed husbandry has to meet organic standards then grown, harvested, delivered for sale and subsequent soil treatments all meeting the standards set out in the UKROFS.

I too am very sceptical about anything labelled ‘Organic’ in a supermarket and would avoid them at all costs, there are far too many unscrupulous middlemen in the food supply chain for my comfort, I would have a lot more confidence buying directly from a farm shop or farmers market. All GM food, fruit, veg and livestock is not considered organic.

As for organic food grown in the UAE? I really don’t know, I would suspect there would be more efforts to maximise profit rather to conform to any organic guidelines that may or may not exist in the UAE, I certainly can’t find any, regardless of any other criteria, the TSE used for landscape irrigation in Dubai is not clean enough for the irrigation of fruit and vegetable products for human consumption and the only alternative would be desalinated water, stripped of all the minerals necessary for a plants healthy growth and with a carbon footprint that would prohibit the food being certified organic in most other countries with published guidelines.

For the trusting organic diehard there is always the Organic Supermarket and Café in the Greens and Dubai Mall, http://www.organicfoodsandcafe.com I do consider it worthwhile to pay for meat products that are guaranteed free from growth promoters, hormones, antibiotics and other unnecessary chemical additives. But be warned, you may need an organic remedy from the organic price shock you’ll be in for at the checkout while paying for your organic produce!

:lol: :lol:
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Re: Going Organic.......... Apr 10, 2011
zonker wrote:When people talk about Organic Food, they mean food that has been grown without recourse to chemical fertilizers, or insecticides/pesticides.
GM food is a different category. Even with GM foods (only a small number of plant species), there is controversy whether it causes any real harm. Some inconclusive scientific evidence, which is neither here nor there.

Geez man how can Genetically Modified foods be organic? Besides small number of plant species?

A report here says upto 40% of food sold here 'is genetically modified'
http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/uae/gener ... d-1.156613

http://www.thenational.ae/news/uae-news ... -labelling

Now if you wanna eat tomatoes the size of melons, do feel free. Then again add potatoes, brinjals, eggplants, super sized apples (full of wax) etc etc to the list.

zonker wrote:BM...I agree with you. Organic is just another scam for selling food at the most highly inflated prices. Pesticides can be washed by careful attention to detail. The food is no different. Scientific fact! :!:

Err at the top of my mind did you know that with bananas to ripen em faster they sprinkle sodium phosphate on it? Now when you buy em bananas they would already be ripened. Quick ripening does affect the nutritional value of the fruit. But once you purchase it there is nothing you can do about it. Such foods would never be classified organic.

What about induced hormones...once again never can be classified as organic.

Bethsmum wrote:It is MCL! There's nothing wrong with genetically modified foods! It may stop the UK having to give millions to India in aid! You can feed yourselves :D

We'll take the aid in cash, without it, some may starve, but please spare us your Genetically Modified foods. Sweet Poison! :lol: :lol:
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Re: Going organic.......... Apr 10, 2011
A sure fire test to check if a vegetable is organic is to look at it. Does it have obvious signs of being nibbled at by some critter, whether it be a caterpillar or the like? If it does then it is probably organic. If not, then it has been sprayed with something. A half eaten cabbage wouldn't go down well in Waitrose, now would it?

It is virtually impossible to grow anything and not have insects have a go at it. The only vegetable I grow is potatoes. I was sick of looking at half eaten beetroot, cabbage and carrots. The only fruit I grow is rhubarb, and tomatoes. You cannot buy tomatoes that come anywhere near home grown ones. I pick them up in supermarkets and they don't even smell like tomatoes.

I don't for one minute think you can buy beef that hasn't been treated with some form of anti biotics. It's compulsory to inject cattle against lots of diseases including TB in the UK. I still maintain that British beef is top quality, but it has to be reared in the UK and not just slaughtered here.
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Re: Going Organic.......... Apr 10, 2011
I don't eat red meat often, so whatever was used to fatten up that heffer, I'm sure it isn't detrimental to my health.

Food definitely doesn't taste the way it did many years ago.

While I'm at it, just saw a short segment on gluten. Very interesting how wheat, in the US in particular, has been altered and is high in gluten. When the person speaking about it went gluten free, he dropped 20 pounds that he was struggling get it off for some years, and mentioned a couple of other positives.

Anyone here reducing their gluten intake? If so, any difference in taste/health?
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Re: Going organic.......... Apr 10, 2011
Gluten not so good for you...in bulk.

Essentially stay away from breads...(which is the South Beach Diet)

Here are some products containing gluten:

Bread crumbs
Breaded fish
Breaded meats or poultry
Bread pudding
Chicken nuggets
Flour tortillas
Fried vegetables
Graham crackers
Hamburger buns
Hotdog buns
Ice cream cones
Melba toast
Pie crusts
Pizza crust
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Re: Going organic.......... Apr 10, 2011
I agree with Zonker, it's pretty much been proven that organic food is no better than how things are grown and treated regularly. People should always wash all their fruit and veg thoroughly anyway. Organic is just an excuse to charge ridiculous amounts of money for things.
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Re: Going organic.......... Apr 11, 2011
Ambassador wrote:Gluten not so good for you...in bulk.

Essentially stay away from breads...(which is the South Beach Diet)

Here are some products containing gluten:

Bread crumbs
Breaded fish
Breaded meats or poultry
Bread pudding
Chicken nuggets
Flour tortillas
Fried vegetables
Graham crackers
Hamburger buns
Hotdog buns
Ice cream cones
Melba toast
Pie crusts
Pizza crust

Ambassador, thanks for that! I got a bit of a sweat on until I reached 'C'. Chardonnay is not on the list! I'm going to be fine.
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Re: Going organic.......... Apr 11, 2011
Chocoholic wrote: it's pretty much been proven that organic food is no better than how things are grown and treated regularly

What do you mean by "regularly"

-- Mon Apr 11, 2011 12:57 pm --

Bethsmum wrote:
Ambassador wrote:Gluten not so good for you...in bulk.

Essentially stay away from breads...(which is the South Beach Diet)

Here are some products containing gluten:

Bread crumbs
Breaded fish
Breaded meats or poultry
Bread pudding
Chicken nuggets
Flour tortillas
Fried vegetables
Graham crackers
Hamburger buns
Hotdog buns
Ice cream cones
Melba toast
Pie crusts
Pizza crust

Ambassador, thanks for that! I got a bit of a sweat on until I reached 'C'. Chardonnay is not on the list! I'm going to be fine.

Just call it: long-ago squeezed/trampled grapes...

-- Wed Apr 13, 2011 4:23 pm --

If a box of chocolate cookies had an "organic" label, would you feel less guilty about eating them? Would you think they were more nutritious, or tastier?

Economists who study social psychology refer to something called the "halo effect," a bias in judgment that causes you to assume that one positive attribute comes packaged with a bunch of others. For example, you might perceive your attractive coworker as being more capable as well.

According to a new study by Jenny Wan-chen Lee, a graduate student at Cornell University's Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, the halo effect extends to food too: if people are told a food is "organic," they're also biased to believe it's more nutritious and better tasting.

Lee's study involved 144 people, recruited at a local mall for a taste test: Lee presented shoppers with chocolate sandwich cookies, plain yogurt and potato chips, each in two varieties — "conventional" or "organic." In reality, there was no difference between the food pairs; everything was organic.

Participants used a nine-point scale to rate various attributes of each food, including overall taste and estimated fat, fiber and calorie content. Tasters also estimated the price of each food.

Uniformly, the participants reported preferring the taste of the foods labeled "organic," and believed them to be lower in fat, higher in fiber and lower in calories than the conventional alternatives. They also judged the organic foods to be higher in price.

Even in the cases of the cookies and chips — which wouldn't be considered healthy under any circumstance — most participants believed that the organic versions were more nutritious.
The findings remind us not to let food labels fool us into overestimating a product's real nutritional or caloric value. But the halo effect aside, the question is, do organics really taste better? Turns out, they often do — at least according to this taste test by professional chefs, organized by TIME. Whether they're worth the premium in price, however, is up to you.

Read more: http://healthland.time.com/2011/04/12/t ... z1JPB6QwTf
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