Where Is Shafique?

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Where is Shafique?

He's actually Hashim Amla and so is tied down with the cricket World Cup in the subcontinent.
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He's off to Libya, to fight alongside the rebels. Shaf's last stand.
He's just given up hope on us. We're all destined to be good-for-nothings.
In the battle of wits, BM has sent him running for cover.
Total votes : 5

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Where is Shafique? Mar 25, 2011
Hey where's our good man Shaf? Long time no see!!!

Misery Called Life
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Re: Where is Shafique? Mar 25, 2011
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Good question! Where is Shaf?

All choices are tooooo good MCL!
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Re: Where is Shafique? Mar 25, 2011
Yes, where is Shaf?

Hope he's alright!!!

8) 8)
Tom Jones
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Re: Where is Shafique? Mar 25, 2011
MCL! Do you really think BM is capable of making Shaf run for cover? I, somehow, seriously doubt it! :D

My thoughts are that his wife is knocked up (again) and he has retreated to the UK to ensure that the sprog is born in England to guarantee it's British passport and entitlement to free NHS treatment for life aswell as child benefit for the mother at the current rate of £80.00 per month.

Note to DDS, sprog. A term for a child in Britain, please don't get confused with frog or anything like it. BM remembers when you misinterpreted my reference to Kanelli's children from kidlets to piglets. Sprog is sprog and sprog only :drunken:
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Re: Where Is Shafique? Mar 25, 2011
I thought he might be joining the silent protest, but thats not his style, so he must be tied up with something.
Hope he's OK.
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Re: Where Is Shafique? Mar 25, 2011
Maybe he's converted to Judism?? :shock:
Bora Bora
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Re: Where is Shafique? Mar 25, 2011
Other possibilities:

-He has been very busy lately with his foe lists, perhaps he put himself on the foe list (if thats possible) per accident and cannot put himself off it anymore, or did something else with it so nobody can see his posts? Or he put everybody on his foe list and doesnot see any post anymore.

-He still continues posting under an alter ego handle.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Where is Shafique? Mar 25, 2011
Maybe he's too busy in his new gainful employment as proof reader of Haaretz.com?

He may as well get paid for it :roll:

-- Fri Mar 25, 2011 11:09 am --

I just googled Shafique! The only possible was an Indian Restaurant in Chelmsford, I've discounted that as Shafique is British. That's a FAIL then.

Another thought :idea: He may have a repetitive strain injury.

Come back Shaf! I can't say all is forgiven tho'.
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Re: Where Is Shafique? Mar 25, 2011
benwj wrote:I thought he might be joining the silent protest, but thats not his style, so he must be tied up with something.
Hope he's OK.

On the contrary, I think it is very much his style and the hope of the silent witnesses that the Forum degenerates into chaos for purely selfish reason.

I'm sure the silent few are alive and well, and keeping up to Date with events here on DF.

:lol: :lol:
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Re: Where is Shafique? Mar 26, 2011
His carpal tunnel was acting up so his doctor advised him to stay off the message boards for a while. Something about him loving his posts too much.

Not sure how he's going to avoid hearing his own voice or looking in the mirror.

-- Sat Mar 26, 2011 2:00 am --

Dillon wrote:
benwj wrote:I thought he might be joining the silent protest, but thats not his style, so he must be tied up with something.
Hope he's OK.

On the contrary, I think it is very much his style and the hope of the silent witnesses that the Forum degenerates into chaos for purely selfish reason.

I'm sure the silent few are alive and well, and keeping up to Date with events here on DF.

:lol: :lol:

Bingo. But it must be quite the Herculean task for him not read his own posts. Kudos to him. Let's just hope his old posts can keep him satiated if the urge is too much.
event horizon
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Re: Where Is Shafique? Mar 26, 2011
"Silence is the most powerful scream" ~ Random Internet blog post
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Re: Where is Shafique? Mar 26, 2011
event horizon wrote:His carpal tunnel was acting up so his doctor advised him to stay off the message boards for a while. Something about him loving his posts too much.

Not sure how he's going to avoid hearing his own voice or looking in the mirror.

-- Sat Mar 26, 2011 2:00 am --

Dillon wrote:
benwj wrote:I thought he might be joining the silent protest, but thats not his style, so he must be tied up with something.
Hope he's OK.

On the contrary, I think it is very much his style and the hope of the silent witnesses that the Forum degenerates into chaos for purely selfish reason.

I'm sure the silent few are alive and well, and keeping up to Date with events here on DF.

:lol: :lol:

Bingo. But it must be quite the Herculean task for him not read his own posts. Kudos to him. Let's just hope his old posts can keep him satiated if the urge is too much.

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Re: Where is Shafique? Mar 26, 2011
He's probably got bored, like the rest of us and decided to find more interesting places to hang out, plus probably sitting there silently hitting the 'report' button on all the rubbish posts.
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Re: Where is Shafique? Mar 26, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:He's probably got bored, like the rest of us and decided to find more interesting places to hang out, plus probably sitting there silently hitting the 'report' button on all the rubbish posts.

You really think so? I think that’s something only a miserable, immature loser would do, I wouldn’t put Shafique into that category!

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Re: Where Is Shafique? Mar 26, 2011
:lol: :lol:
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Re: Where is Shafique? Mar 26, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:He's probably got bored, like the rest of us and decided to find more interesting places to hang out, plus probably sitting there silently hitting the 'report' button on all the rubbish posts.

Morning Chocs!
You haven't lured Shafique to Expatwoman have you? :shock:
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Re: Where is Shafique? Mar 26, 2011
Shafique is capable of ANY kind of behaviour. Like a psycho narcist.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Where is Shafique? Mar 27, 2011
Well, this thread hasn't helped his carpal tunnel - what's his doc going to say?

event horizon
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Re: Where is Shafique? Apr 04, 2011
He's really not around is he?

Lol I loved the improvisations. The Hareetz one was hilarious.

And what's with this silent protest? What exactly are he/they protesting?
Misery Called Life
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Re: Where is Shafique? Apr 04, 2011
MCL, I think the suggestion is that they may be protesting their removal as mods and that the forum will implode without their input. I know DDS seems particularly aggreived, he doesn't say much these days, just posts random links :shock:
BM wants her little munchkin back! :(
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Re: Where is Shafique? Apr 04, 2011
Misery Called Life wrote:He's really not around is he?

Lol I loved the improvisations. The Hareetz one was hilarious.

And what's with this silent protest? What exactly are he/they protesting?

I have two theories: if they remain silent, it will be the demise of DF due to the lack of their beneficial contributions, or: if they don't contribute to DF, those that do will eventually cause DF to implode and find themselves banished forever, leaving the door open for them to return and show everyone what DF had been denied by their absence. :roll:

Actually the self-imposed exile that they have taken is a welcome break. But then again, there are those few exceptions where they can't help themselves and reveal their true self. :lol: :lol:

10 to 1 BMs little muchkin will make an appearance shortly with a nasty post. He's sooooooooooo predictable.
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