To BM With Love....The Ballad Of The King's Jest.

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To BM With Love....The Ballad of the King's Jest. Mar 17, 2011
My darling BM.
Kindly refer to your recent post "She is going down", based on a news item taken from one of Britain's notorious Tabloids. I agree, your system is getting screwed. But maybe, this is what is called poetic justice. Please read carefully one of the very beautiful poems by one of "yours" below, possibly from the 1800's.
The Afghan's have been screwed from all sides for over a century now........... :mrgreen:

Rudyard Kipling

The Ballad of the King's Jest

When spring-time flushes the desert grass,
Our kafilas wind through the Khyber Pass.
Lean are the camels but fat the frails,
Light are the purses but heavy the bales,
As the snowbound trade of the North comes down
To the market-square of Peshawur town.

In a turquoise twilight, crisp and chill,
A kafila camped at the foot of the hill.
Then blue smoke-haze of the cooking rose,
And tent-peg answered to hammer-nose;
And the picketed ponies, shag and wild,
Strained at their ropes as the feed was piled;
And the bubbling camels beside the load
Sprawled for a furlong adown the road;
And the Persian tiger-cats, brought for sale,
Spat at the dogs from the camel-bale;
And the tribesmen bellowed to hasten the food;
And the camp-fires twinkled by Fort Jumrood;
And there fled on the wings of the gathering dusk
A savour of camels and carpets and musk,
A murmur of voices, a reek of smoke,
To tell us the trade of the Khyber woke.

The lid of the flesh-pot chattered high,
The knives were whetted and -- then came I
To Mahbub Ali, the muleteer,
Patching his bridles and counting his gear,
Crammed with the gossip of half a year.
But Mahbub Ali the kindly said,
"Better is speech when the belly is fed."
So we plunged the hand to the mid-wrist deep
In a cinnamon stew of the fat-tailed sheep,
And he who never hath tasted the food,
By Allah! he knoweth not bad from good.

We cleansed our beards of the mutton-grease,
We lay on the mats and were filled with peace,
And the talk slid north, and the talk slid south,
With the sliding puffs from the hookah-mouth.
Four things greater than all things are, --
Women and Horses and Power and War.
We spake of them all, but the last the most,
For I sought a word of a Russian post,
Of a shifty promise, an unsheathed sword
And a grey-coat guard on the Helmund ford.
Then Mahbub Ali lowered his eyes
In the fashion of one who is weaving lies.
Quoth he: "Of the Russians who can say?
When the night is gathering all is grey.
But we look that the gloom of the night shall die
In the morning flush of a blood-red sky.
Friend of my heart, is it meet or wise
To warn a King of his enemies?
We know what Heaven or Hell may bring,
But no man knoweth the mind of the King.
That unsought counsel is cursed of God
Attesteth the story of Wali Dad.

"His sire was leaky of tongue and pen,
His dam was a clucking Khattack hen;
And the colt bred close to the vice of each,
For he carried the curse of an unstaunched speech.
Therewith madness -- so that he sought
The favour of kings at the Kabul court;
And travelled, in hope of honour, far
To the line where the grey-coat squadrons are.
There have I journeyed too -- but I
Saw naught, said naught, and -- did not die!
He hearked to rumour, and snatched at a breath
Of `this one knoweth', and 'that one saith', --
Legends that ran from mouth to mouth
Of a grey-coat coming, and sack of the South.
These have I also heard -- they pass
With each new spring and the winter grass.

"Hot-foot southward, forgotten of God,
Back to the city ran Wali Dad,
Even to Kabul -- in full durbar
The King held talk with his Chief in War.
Into the press of the crowd he broke,
And what he had heard of the coming spoke.

"Then Gholam Hyder, the Red Chief, smiled,
As a mother might on a babbling child;
But those who would laugh restrained their breath,
When the face of the King showed dark as death.
Evil it is in full durbar
To cry to a ruler of gathering war!
Slowly he led to a peach-tree small,
That grew by a cleft of the city wall.
And he said to the boy: `They shall praise thy zeal
So long as the red spurt follows the steel.
And the Russ is upon us even now?
Great is thy prudence -- await them, thou.
Watch from the tree. Thou art young and strong.
Surely the vigil is not for long.
The Russ is upon us, thy clamour ran?
Surely an hour shall bring their van.
Wait and watch. When the host is near,
Shout aloud that my men may hear.'

"Friend of my heart, is it meet or wise
To warn a King of his enemies?
A guard was set that he might not flee --
A score of bayonets ringed the tree.
The peach-bloom fell in showers of snow,
When he shook at his death as he looked below.
By the power of God, Who alone is great,
Till the seventh day he fought with his fate.
Then madness took him, and men declare
He mowed in the branches as ape and bear,
And last as a sloth, ere his body failed,
And he hung like a bat in the forks, and wailed,
And sleep the cord of his hands untied,
And he fell, and was caught on the points and died.

"Heart of my heart, is it meet or wise
To warn a King of his enemies?
We know what Heaven or Hell may bring,
But no man knoweth the mind of the King.
Of the grey-coat coming who can say?
When the night is gathering all is grey.
Two things greater than all things are,
The first is Love, and the second War.
And since we know not how War may prove,
Heart of my heart, let us talk of Love!"

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Re: To BM With Love....The Ballad of the King's Jest. Mar 17, 2011
Hells bells Zonker, I dunno what's up with BM? I actually read all of that.
It's a bit above me, what's it all mean? Are you having a go at me or something? I never was very good at getting the meaning of poetry at school. I'm a plain speaker, me. :D

I quite liked it tho'! Has that Rudyard Kipling gadgy written owt else?
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Re: To BM With Love....The Ballad Of The King's Jest. Mar 19, 2011
Written about 1870 or so, the poet an Englishman, describes a region in the present day Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. The protagonist in the story is obviously a British spy wanting to spy on Russia (grey-coat, as he describes it), but his 'agent' or 'Joe', gives him a 'story' about the cruelty of the then reigning King of Afghanistan. This was what has come to be known as The Great Game: Super Powers jockeying for an advantageous position, and pennyless Afghanistan getting screwed into the bargain. I thought rather well-illustrated in this starkly descriptive poem. It has been going on for centuries.
I am glad you liked it! Yes, Kipling has written a lot of wonderful prose;
"Kim" being one of his memorable books. :D
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Re: To BM With Love....The Ballad Of The King's Jest. Mar 19, 2011
zonker wrote:BM:
Written about 1870 or so, the poet an Englishman, describes a region in the present day Afghanistan/Pakistan border area. The protagonist in the story is obviously a British spy wanting to spy on Russia (grey-coat, as he describes it), but his 'agent' or 'Joe', gives him a 'story' about the cruelty of the then reigning King of Afghanistan. This was what has come to be known as The Great Game: Super Powers jockeying for an advantageous position, and pennyless Afghanistan getting screwed into the bargain. I thought rather well-illustrated in this starkly descriptive poem. It has been going on for centuries.
I am glad you liked it! Yes, Kipling has written a lot of wonderful prose;
"Kim" being one of his memorable books. :D

I knew there was more to it than I imagined. :drunken:

A message to my very special friend :occasion4:
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Re: To BM With Love....The Ballad Of The King's Jest. Mar 21, 2011
Why do people celebrate Birthdays? Isnt it a reminder that another year has gone by? And we are so much nearer to the brink? Its kinda scary....... :P
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Re: To BM With Love....The Ballad of the King's Jest. Mar 22, 2011
Zonker, in BM's world, age is just a number! I don't feel any older than I did when I was 21! Well I feel a bit richer and I've got a dodgy knee (sports injury LOL) but apart from that no different really. I have found myself asking 'BM, when are you going to grow up?' more of late, but I don't think it's going to happen soon!

Zonker, you are as young as the woman you feel, or in my case, the man.

Keep young at heart Zonker! The Chardonnay helps!

As Frank Sinatra would say

Lovely ... Don't you ever change.
Keep that breathless charm.
Won't you please arrange it ?
'Cause I love you ... Just the way you look tonight.
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Re: To BM With Love....The Ballad of the King's Jest. Mar 22, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:..........

Zonker, you are as young as the woman you feel, or in my case, the man.

Keep young at heart Zonker! The Chardonnay helps!

As Frank Sinatra would say

Lovely ... Don't you ever change.
Keep that breathless charm.
Won't you please arrange it ?
'Cause I love you ... Just the way you look tonight.

Wonderful !
You are my guiding angel! :lol:
And that Sinatra my favourite! :D
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Re: To BM With Love....The Ballad of the King's Jest. Mar 23, 2011
LOL! Zonker, BM is no angel! I thought you may have gathered that by now. :angel8:

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Re: To BM With Love....The Ballad Of The King's Jest. Mar 24, 2011
Well, I never believed in angels much, anyway! :lol:

And thanks for that song!
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Re: To BM With Love....The Ballad Of The King's Jest. Mar 24, 2011
zonker wrote:Well, I never believed in angels much, anyway! :lol:

And thanks for that song!

You don't want an angel Zonker! Usher says he wants 'a lady on the street and a freak in the bed', isn't that like most men?
I must say I can't recall a song from Mr Sinatra where he sings that way about a lady. They don't make them the way they used to Zonker. Us ladies like to be romanced and not referred to a freaks :D
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Re: To BM With Love....The Ballad Of The King's Jest. Mar 24, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:
You don't want an angel Zonker! Usher says he wants 'a lady on the street and a freak in the bed', isn't that like most men?
I must say I can't recall a song from Mr Sinatra where he sings that way about a lady. They don't make them the way they used to Zonker. Us ladies like to be romanced and not referred to a freaks :D

That must be the fantasy of every "teenager" that has ever lived, who thinks of se.x about every 10 seconds or so. :lol:
BTW, the one thing you cannot accuse me of is that I ever called you a freak! :shock:
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Re: To BM With Love....The Ballad Of The King's Jest. Mar 24, 2011
zonker wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:
You don't want an angel Zonker! Usher says he wants 'a lady on the street and a freak in the bed', isn't that like most men?
I must say I can't recall a song from Mr Sinatra where he sings that way about a lady. They don't make them the way they used to Zonker. Us ladies like to be romanced and not referred to a freaks :D

That must be the fantasy of every "teenager" that has ever lived, who thinks of se.x about every 10 seconds or so. :lol:
BTW, the one thing you cannot accuse me of is that I ever called you a freak! :shock:

Usher seems a nice boy.I think freak is meant in a good way Zonker :D There's time yet :wink:
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Re: To BM With Love....The Ballad Of The King's Jest. Mar 25, 2011
BM, I understand!
I cant even imagine one landing with someone who behaves like a lady in bed, and a freak on the street!
The closest Frank came to it was when he said THE LADY IS A TRAMP.

.....and I think its a lady's prerogative to change her mind frequently! :wink:
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Re: To BM With Love....The Ballad of the King's Jest. Mar 25, 2011
The closest Tony Bennett came was singing about leaving His Tart In San Francisco.
LOL I got that one off someone else :wink:

See the old boys were just as bad as Usher.
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