Re: Please Help Potential Job Offer To Dubai
Mar 15, 2011
If you have the option to return to the States, that's a good thing, but is it guaranteed? Is your contract under US law or UAE law? Make sure that you get a decent medical coverage/provider. If UAE law, please read it carefully and if something is vague or not clear, get answers. It is very hard to get out of UAE contracts. Don't take anyone's word on anything, get everything in writing!!!!!
The limit on income that is non-taxable income is 87,500$. You will need to find an accountant that does overseas tax filing = it is a very specialized area, unless you are a wiz kid with numbers and can do your own returns. For your taxes you would have to factor in salary and anything else provided by the employer, such as housing, transportation allowance, telephone allowance, if they company pays your electric (DEWA), etc. Contracts are usually broken down: base salary, housing allowance, etc. and some contracts will give a salary that is all inclusive, meaning no breakdown - everything is included in your salary. Breakdown has become the standard because when you complete your contract your end of service dues are based on your base salary only.
Will the company be giving you a housing allowance? Take a look on and you can get an idea about apartments - furnished and unfurnished. (You don't want to live in International City or Discovery Gardens.)
If your monthly expenses at home are 2,000$, which is 7380AED, (the exchange rate is $1 = 3.68AED) you will not never cover the same expenses here as those in the US. If your company covers your housing and provides you with a car, that's a biggie bonus. 7380AED a month will easily cover living expenses and social life - deduct that from your base salary, and the different is bankable.
Look, if the numbers are good and if the information you have gotten helps, and you are comfortable with it, then go for it. Its only 2 years out of your life. And if you don't, you will always ask yourself "what if?".
Good luck to you.
- Bora Bora
- Dubai OverLord

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