Why Are Some Guys Afraid Of Marriage?

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Why Are Some Guys Afraid of Marriage? Mar 13, 2011
-Freedom - the big issue
-What about the other girls?
-Losing in love
-Poor relationship examples
-Fear of being controlled
-Giving up their space
-Responsibility - the biggest scare

here is the full article

I don't know how many singles in here... but to married one is this true?

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Re: Why Are Some Guys Afraid Of Marriage? Mar 13, 2011
The vast amounts of literature on the subject matter of relationships are written by western authors , therefore their ideas are not valid universally , The idea that men dislike marriage is rampant in free societies where RSM (Random Senseless Mating) is practiced, so when they marry (men and women) they cannot be sluts (referring to both male and female) anymore , this is main reason why they dislike marriage

Those cultures (individuals) who follow any kind of tradition or faith, understand that their only avenue to have their desires fulfilled is through marriage (both men and women) and hence they look forward to getting married as soon as they hit puberty.

The disease of nailing anything that moves is an imported western hedonistic idea
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Re: Why Are Some Guys Afraid of Marriage? Mar 13, 2011
Well Zubber, those who think there is only one way and on top of that want to force that way unto others are called extremists and/or fanatics.

I am married and never felt my freedom was taken. My wife always stimulated and encouraged me. I can truely say that without her I would have ended in the gutter. It only took me a long time to see that. I was, and still am, not an easy person to live with and need my freedom. She never placed borders on me. The only thing she had real trouble with, were my two female friends from my youth. Although I never had a sexual relationship with them (they are not ex's), my wife never liked it. I always tried to make clear that me and my friends (men and women) are a package deal. Now she is the opposite, she even encourages me to see them so now and then. Peculiar thing is, both are in a serious relationship now. With one of their boyfriends I can get along very well, the other doesn't like it. His girlfriend, my friend, had many fights with him over me. Its a very strange feeling when somebody jeopardizes her relationship over me. Now, its pretty much OK.

Most of my friends are not married, but are living together for a long time now. Nothing wrong with that. All of them have the most wonderfull kids.
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Re: Why Are Some Guys Afraid of Marriage? Mar 13, 2011
The disease of nailing anything that moves is an imported western hedonistic idea

LOL there speaks a Muslim man. From my experience they are the worst culprits for sha&&ing anything that moves!
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Re: Why Are Some Guys Afraid of Marriage? Mar 13, 2011
Flying Dutchman wrote:Well Zubber, those who think there is only one way and on top of that want to force that way unto others are called extremists and/or fanatics.

Well i wouldnt agree with your definition of those categories

Flying Dutchman wrote:I am married and never felt my freedom ... its pretty much OK.

And I wish you well , you are lucky to have a supportive woman like that , sane women are rare in this day and age

Flying Dutchman wrote:Most of my friends are not married, but are living together for a long time now. Nothing wrong with that. All of them have the most wonderfull kids.

What is right or wrong (ie., the conscience) is influenced by a myriad of factors, Human thought is prone to errors, hence relying solely on what one thinks is not advisable IMHO

-- Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:55 pm --

Bethsmum wrote:
The disease of nailing anything that moves is an imported western hedonistic idea

LOL there speaks a Muslim man. From my experience they are the worst culprits for sha&&ing anything that moves!

hey bm, how are you passing your sunday afternoon ?
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Re: Why Are Some Guys Afraid Of Marriage? Mar 13, 2011
Zubber seems to be blaming Western influence for Muslims behaving badly. I've seen other faithful people quite sure that only the Devil makes them do bad things.

I think the faithful are quite capable of behaving badly all by themselves and should accept responsibility for their own failings.

Anyway, it's very important to select the right person for marriage and it's so hard to know who the right person is. Chosing the wrong partner will make life quite difficult.
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Re: Why Are Some Guys Afraid of Marriage? Mar 13, 2011
hey bm, how are you passing your sunday afternoon ?

Why do you ask Zubber? as a matter of fact I've just returned from a trip to Manchester with Beth, read a PM on DF and now I'm about to watch the rubgy, followed by Manchester City versus Reading in the FA cup. Is that enough info for you? What are you up to?
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Re: Why Are Some Guys Afraid of Marriage? Mar 13, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:
hey bm, how are you passing your sunday afternoon ?

Why do you ask Zubber? as a matter of fact I've just returned from a trip to Manchester with Beth, read a PM on DF and now I'm about to watch the rubgy, followed by Manchester City versus Reading in the FA cup. Is that enough info for you? What are you up to?

Excellent, good to know you are in a relaxed state of mind

-- Sun Mar 13, 2011 7:05 pm --

blueshift wrote:Zubber seems to be blaming Western influence for Muslims behaving badly. I've seen other faithful people quite sure that only the Devil makes them do bad things.

Kindly clean your laptop/desktop screen regularly
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Re: Why Are Some Guys Afraid Of Marriage? Mar 13, 2011
I don't know if you guys will agree with me or not..
but recently the divorce rate is pretty high, there is success rates and happy couples for sure, and our life style these days is a good reason that some people can blame it on..

I just want to make a reminder, this is a discussion along with experiences, not a place to fight against believes or cultures etc. because this occurs in every single country in the world these days...
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Re: Why Are Some Guys Afraid of Marriage? Mar 18, 2011
Every guy is afraid of rushing marriage if they are normal. Basically a men is always opened to other women. They have to be sure ther had enough fun and experience in order to get married. It's better having many discusting experiences and getting enough then getting married and being unfaithful. Many early marriage comes out of the need of a guy to make it's girlfriend unavailable to others, and many early marrieges have a men with lot of dirty affairs with other women.
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Re: Why Are Some Guys Afraid Of Marriage? Mar 18, 2011
^^ U are chinese ?
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Re: Why Are Some Guys Afraid of Marriage? Mar 18, 2011
:oops: some wont take risks....... thts the factor...... they love themselves more than anyone .........thts the truth........ they need to be like a free bird......... thts life..... so be always yourself......... :!:
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Re: Why Are Some Guys Afraid of Marriage? Mar 19, 2011
Fabingrt wrote::oops: some wont take risks....... thts the factor...... they love themselves more than anyone

Are u referring to monkey-spanking-addiction ?
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Re: Why Are Some Guys Afraid of Marriage? Mar 19, 2011
zubber wrote:
Fabingrt wrote::oops: some wont take risks....... thts the factor...... they love themselves more than anyone

Are u referring to monkey-spanking-addiction ?

I think u better know abt tht
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