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Bora Bora wrote:Then he should count his blessings, or does he want to go "home"???
Bethsmum wrote:Bora Bora wrote:Then he should count his blessings, or does he want to go "home"???
I'm sure Zonker can speak for himself, Bora, although he will be fast asleep presently! I would say he is a very patriotic man who appears to love his home country and Canada. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he returned home one day and good for him, I say.
Mahmoud04 wrote:finally the answer to the thread, will regional unrest affect the UAE is .... nobody knows...
Bethsmum wrote:Pakistan, Bora. I'm not giving away any secrets here BTW, Zonker has stated it on the forum quite a few times.
zonker wrote:Bora, we have gone around in some circles here on this discussion, and lost our way. I was not talking about myself, I was just stating the facts as they appeared to me. I used to live in the UAE, and loved it, EXCEPT for some of its glaring injustices which always troubled me. And so, when the opportunity arose, I left. I might add, that I was literally begged not to go by many locals in high places, but I extricated myself with some tactful maneuvering, and we all parted as friends.I knew I couldnt change the things I didnt like, and left well enough alone.
As for where is 'Home', I have always beleived in the saying 'Home is where the heart is'. My heart, fortunately or not, is not always in one place. Yes, I do love Pakistan, and really start to LIVE in the true sense of the word when I am there. There is a lot wrong with that place I realize, and I am not going to defend the undefensible.
And yes, I love it here in Canada. I think, for me, it is the perfect country.
But where is my heart currently? .......Thats the million dollar question....
So the "rights" that you seek is not to be treated like a foreigner by virtue of not having to renew your visa. Do you think having a visa that doesn't have to be renewed, gives you the right to live in the UAE indefinitely would disqualify you from being a foreigner? If you aren't a foreigner, and you aren't a national, then what category would you fall into? What countries allow an expat a visa that allows them to live in that country on a long term basis and not consider them as "foreigners"?
South Asian muslims can immigrate the same way Arab muslims can. Granted it is tougher today, but it's still possible. Have you tried??
Who is to say that you wouldn't be happier somewhere else in a country that gives you the opportunity to make that country your home?
Khalid, you are a FOREIGNER living in the UAE!!! You need to come to terms with that fact. YOU made the UAE your home, but you can't make it your home country.
Khalid021 wrote:My family migrated to UAE from Pakistan on foot in the late 1950's.
Look Bora, I don't and will never consider myself a foreigner in UAE no matter what my passport says or what the UAE authorities say.
Khalid, you can call yourself whatever you want, it isn't going to change a thing. If you aren't a foreigner/expat, and you aren't a citizen, what are you??
Khalid021 wrote:I know all the expats go through this. But it is very difficult to tolerate and accept, for expats who were born here.
You mean a foreigner has been naturalized to a citizen of the emirates ? And how and when did they do this ?
Khalid021 wrote:You mean a foreigner has been naturalized to a citizen of the emirates ? And how and when did they do this ?
Check my earlier post how most of the UAE nationals got their citizenship.
Khalid021 wrote:Thank you for understanding but I can't go to Pakistan. I can't go there and live there because it's a very dangerous place to live. Don't you hear it in the news; the sectarian violence, Suicide bombings, F^cked up economy. I do love UAE but as much as like, it's very difficult for me accept that I am a foreigner. Look Bm, you shouldn't be hard on your govt giving citizenship to immigrants as long as they are law abiding. You should know that even the British Royal Family have German and French roots. The Britons have also died out long time ago and most of the white british people are actually decendents of Germanic Tribes.You mean a foreigner has been naturalized to a citizen of the emirates ? And how and when did they do this ?
Check my earlier post how most of the UAE nationals got their citizenship.
Bora Bora wrote:Actually Zonker, I was referring to getting you!!!, not the issue about "rights". I still want to know exactly what rights are being referred to. A list would certainly help.
I have been turning over this "rights" issue in my head and I'm very curious as to what "rights" a person who grew up in the UAE feels are being denied them. To say one doesn't want to be treated like a "foreigner" and yet is not a citizen, would mean they would fall somewhere in between. How should locals treat an expat who is a foreigner, but doesn't consider himself one, and yet is not a citizen??
Khalid:Look Bora, I don't and will never consider myself a foreigner in UAE no matter what my passport says or what the UAE authorities say.
Khalid, you can call yourself whatever you want, it isn't going to change a thing. If you aren't a foreigner/expat, and you aren't a citizen, what are you?? You would also be helping me out to understand the whole "rights" thing, if you answered my above post to Zonker.
@Khalid : I hope you will remember one thing: if you dont have self-respect, dont expect others to respect you. If you declare yourself from Pakistan, then proceed to throw dirt on it, dont expect any one else here to come out and sypathise with you.
I wish you the very best in your efforts to relocate. Hopefully you will make somewhere else home, where you will get all the rights you seek. The legacy of your family, a very rich one, and how they traveled to the UAE will be passed down to your children, and their children, and along with your family's legacy, you will have your own legacy as well: how you travelled to another country to have a better life..
i dont get it, if you are a paki you are a paki regardless of wherever you are born or whichever passport you have got!
khalid you are a pakistani! Khalas. As for not going back to pakistan. Sorry but BS! I mean millions of people live in Pakistan so why can't you?