Salaries In Dubai/Abu Dhabi

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Salaries in Dubai/Abu Dhabi Nov 27, 2010
Is there any site listing the salaries of what people earn in Dubai/Abu Dhabi? E.g., I'd just like to get a rough estimate on what people in my profession in the said regions make.

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Re: Salaries in Dubai/Abu Dhabi Nov 27, 2010
Not really from what I know. You are best off speaking to some recruitment agents. In this region I have found companies/agents advertising for jobs and not disclosing the salaries in their adverts being cagey about it. As you may know there is a huge disparity between what locals earn, expats with european/us passports earn and others with indian/pakistani ones do.
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Re: Salaries In Dubai/Abu Dhabi Nov 27, 2010
What Passport, what ethinicity, what field and how much experience. Yes all these matter and in that order !
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: Salaries in Dubai/Abu Dhabi Nov 27, 2010
Emirati's have it great - as they never show up to work (trust me I know) - they often get 2 or more jobs and do 1-2 days at each. What a life. I am just jealous.
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Re: Salaries In Dubai/Abu Dhabi Mar 12, 2011
desertdudeshj wrote:What Passport, what ethinicity, what field and how much experience. Yes all these matter and in that order !


lets say 6 years experience as engineer, changing to technical sales for a software company. American, white. I make about 6k$ a month (before taxes)
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Re: Salaries In Dubai/Abu Dhabi Mar 13, 2011
yitfs wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:What Passport, what ethinicity, what field and how much experience. Yes all these matter and in that order !


lets say 6 years experience as engineer, changing to technical sales for a software company. American, white. I make about 6k$ a month (before taxes)

I struggled to find a Tech Sales offering more that AED 10k/m + Bonus/Commission + Accom, Transport and phone allowance, so unless the sales of your product are dependant on some very special skills I would be very careful of the offer and contract you may receive from your current employer.

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Re: Salaries in Dubai/Abu Dhabi Mar 13, 2011
Dillon wrote:
yitfs wrote:
desertdudeshj wrote:What Passport, what ethinicity, what field and how much experience. Yes all these matter and in that order !


lets say 6 years experience as engineer, changing to technical sales for a software company. American, white. I make about 6k$ a month (before taxes)

I struggled to find a Tech Sales offering more that AED 10k/m + Bonus/Commission + Accom, Transport and phone allowance, so unless the sales of your product are dependant on some very special skills I would be very careful of the offer and contract you may receive from your current employer.


thank you for that info. that is not really what I expected. I expected at least more than what I take home (after taxes) on the low end. and that is what I understood that could be offered. For me this is all theoretical, since the job doesn't really exist but if interested there could be potential to create the opening. The job does require special skills in a set of product that my company creates. could explain the lack of tech sales there, and the fact that the job is brutal with the traveling,. 5 days a week of travel. so i guess on the low end if I'm being offered.

about 4000$/m (15k/m AED) + accom , trans, phone then I would be leaning towards yes. specially that I don't have to pay Americana taxes on that money and all im paying is food and my entertainment.

what should i be asking for when it comes to accommodations, I know I want my own place, no sharing.. I like new modern places. should that number be about 5k-6k or more.
what about transportation, what am i asking for money to buy, rent, lease a car and gas what else.
when it comes to phone, it is a company phone, this job will require a BB with corporate services for email and all.
there might be money for relocation, not a deal breaker, would just need time to sell all my stuff on ebay and release my apartment.
I guess the first step, is for me to tell my contact that yes I'm interested, lets see if the VP thinks its a good idea and we start moving on this. If this job is created and tailored for me. then the compensation package should be a nice one not just anything..
i guess this is all theoretical right now, so we will see how it goes.
any other info you can share with me would be great.
thank you
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