Please Help Potential Job Offer To Dubai

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Please help potential job offer to dubai Mar 12, 2011
Hi all, I'm new here and I need help.

My company might be offering or making a job available for me in Dubai. THis is all theoretical for now. but in case this goes through. I've been with the company for 6 years. as an Engineer. This job would be as a Technical Sales, so complete change for me. my question would be, what should I expect, or what should i be asking for, since this is a large international company and being an American citizen.
Here I own my car, I rent a very nice 1 bedroom apartment, in a very nice area.. so I'm kind of trying to wrap my head around what is it I should ask for there. anything you can help with would be great thank you.

Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Re: Please Help Potential Job Offer To Dubai Mar 12, 2011
I strongly suggest you stay where you are. Will the company require you to resign to take up your new post in Dubai? I know that Federal Express does. Keep in mind that you will still have to file a tax return and pay, at the very least, Federal tax. Calculate your monthly expenses in the US, and add to that to figure out what salary you would ask for. You will need to consider that you will need some big items in Dubai: a car, an apartment, furnish that apartment, pay water and electric, food, and money for a social life.

Life is very different here, and although it is an international company, you will be working within a multicultural environment. Do not expect it to run the same way it does in the States. You will also being living in a country with laws very very different from the US. Do your homework on Dubai.

If going from being an engineer to technical sales is helpful to your career in the US, it may not be the case in Dubai. You are going into an area that is totally new to you, a country that is totally
Bora Bora
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Re: Please help potential job offer to dubai Mar 12, 2011
hi bora bora thanks for the advice. lets say I make about 6k $ a month. and after taxes and retirement investments I'm left with just over 3800$ a month. I spend about 2K a month between rent, car , credit card. and take trips to vegas everyone once in a while. I can say I live very comfortably. and never have to think something is too expensive can't buy it, if I want it I can buy it.

Since you mention the mentality, I know a lot of people that work in Dubai or worked there. I do go a lot to the middle east, Lebanon to be exact. so to an extent I know the culture and mentality. I know it will be a total change for me. But i can't imagine its something I can't get used to, besides I always have the option to come back. I will have to resign a new contract for the move, right now with the bad economy it is the only way to do it. with regards to federal tax, I've heard that you don't have to pay or claim taxes on the first 100K$ when working abroad, is that accurate, if anyone knows for sure? There is potential to negotiate, car and living expenses as well. the job will require a lot of traveling in the region, any where from tunisia to qatar, kuweit, beirut. everywhere there is a deal to be signed I would be there.

Thanks for the advice and please keep it coming. I have only a few days to accept this potential opportunity.
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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Re: Please Help Potential Job Offer To Dubai Mar 15, 2011
you have to pay taxes on the first 87500 i believe for salary and then taxes on any allowances, Uncle sam doesn't let anyone get away for too long. i just returned to the US after 4 yrs in dxb and i have to say, i'm happy to be back home. i made much more than you fwiw and still lived below how i lived in the states, there's a lot of hidden taxes in dubai, so take that into consideration.
Dubai forums Addict
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Re: Please Help Potential Job Offer To Dubai Mar 15, 2011
If you have the option to return to the States, that's a good thing, but is it guaranteed? Is your contract under US law or UAE law? Make sure that you get a decent medical coverage/provider. If UAE law, please read it carefully and if something is vague or not clear, get answers. It is very hard to get out of UAE contracts. Don't take anyone's word on anything, get everything in writing!!!!!

The limit on income that is non-taxable income is 87,500$. You will need to find an accountant that does overseas tax filing = it is a very specialized area, unless you are a wiz kid with numbers and can do your own returns. For your taxes you would have to factor in salary and anything else provided by the employer, such as housing, transportation allowance, telephone allowance, if they company pays your electric (DEWA), etc. Contracts are usually broken down: base salary, housing allowance, etc. and some contracts will give a salary that is all inclusive, meaning no breakdown - everything is included in your salary. Breakdown has become the standard because when you complete your contract your end of service dues are based on your base salary only.

Will the company be giving you a housing allowance? Take a look on and you can get an idea about apartments - furnished and unfurnished. (You don't want to live in International City or Discovery Gardens.)

If your monthly expenses at home are 2,000$, which is 7380AED, (the exchange rate is $1 = 3.68AED) you will not never cover the same expenses here as those in the US. If your company covers your housing and provides you with a car, that's a biggie bonus. 7380AED a month will easily cover living expenses and social life - deduct that from your base salary, and the different is bankable.

Look, if the numbers are good and if the information you have gotten helps, and you are comfortable with it, then go for it. Its only 2 years out of your life. And if you don't, you will always ask yourself "what if?".

Good luck to you.
Bora Bora
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Re: Please Help Potential Job Offer To Dubai Mar 22, 2011
well thanks all for the advice. the deal didn't go through. but all this info was very helpful, I'm still working on ideas and i have contact with people keeping an eye out for me.

I think i should start another thread somewhere. to get help interpret the tax issue and how its paid. because I see a clear law that says if u work outside the US you can exclude up to 91,500$ of your paycheck based on the IRS publication 54 (u still have to file ofcourse) and I want to file and pay my SS. there is a set of rules in there. but that law is clear, at least to me it is. Although my employer is American, it operates under different divisions to split, specifically to split the issue of taxes and global concerns.

Second thing I wanna open a thread for (after searching) is the best site to find jobs over in the Dubai, I'm still interested since I have family and friend where i studied in Lebanon I wanna be closer.

again thank you all.
Dubai Expat Wannabe
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