Who Would Win...

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Re: Who would win... Mar 07, 2011
I had an Australian squaddie once, he was quite good.

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Re: Who would win... Mar 07, 2011
Well you can only have an opinion on this topic to be honest, because as I keep stating no one seems ready to put any scenarios to it.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Who would win... Mar 07, 2011
Why the British of course? What a silly question!

Come on everybody, follow my lead...

And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England’s mountains green:
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England’s pleasant pastures seen!

And did the countenance divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here,
Among these dark satanic mills?

Bring me my Bow of burning gold:
Bring me my Arrows of desire:
Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold!
Bring me my Chariot of fire!

I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand:
Till we have built Jerusalem,
In England’s green & pleasant Land.

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Re: Who would win... Mar 07, 2011
Being at work Dillon, I can't see your link. Is it for the WI? :lol:
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Re: Who would win... Mar 07, 2011
EH, where exactly are you getting your evidence from with regard to combat experience?

Well, I think it's pretty obvious the Americans have more combat experience than the British.

In Iraq, the Brits operated in the South whilst most of the fighting occurred in the Sunni areas where the Americans were in command.

Ditto with Afghanistan - most of the fighting is in Helmand province - American presence - and the British and other nations have taken less violent provinces.
event horizon
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Re: Who would win... Mar 07, 2011
event horizon wrote:
EH, where exactly are you getting your evidence from with regard to combat experience?

Well, I think it's pretty obvious the Americans have more combat experience than the British.

In Iraq, the Brits operated in the South whilst most of the fighting occurred in the Sunni areas where the Americans were in command.

Ditto with Afghanistan - most of the fighting is in Helmand province - American presence - and the British and other nations have taken less violent provinces.

Not obvious at all. But as I keep saying, no one seems to want to draw the battle plans as it were, so it's an unanswerable question really. Hey ho.

All conflict is bad anyway at the end of the day.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Who would win... Mar 08, 2011
I'm no expert on these things but from above there seems to be the opinion that British forces are the best.

Yet, I just read that 8 British Special Forces members were captuted by the Lybians yesterday. By the Lybians!
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Re: Who would win... Mar 08, 2011
Ambassador wrote:I'm no expert on these things but from above there seems to be the opinion that British forces are the best.

Yet, I just read that 8 British Special Forces members were captuted by the Lybians yesterday. By the Lybians!

Those guys, being SAS, were obviously under orders not to discharge weapons, otherwise a whole bunch of people would have been meeting their maker.
sage & onion
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Re: Who would win... Mar 08, 2011
sage & onion wrote:
Ambassador wrote:I'm no expert on these things but from above there seems to be the opinion that British forces are the best.

Yet, I just read that 8 British Special Forces members were captuted by the Lybians yesterday. By the Lybians!

Those guys, being SAS, were obviously under orders not to discharge weapons, otherwise a whole bunch of people would have been meeting their maker.

I imagine you are probably right.
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Re: Who would win... Mar 08, 2011
They either don't make the SAS like they used to or those lads meant to get caught.
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Re: Who would win... Mar 08, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:They either don't make the SAS like they used to or those lads meant to get caught.

or both or neither or one of them...
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Re: Who Would Win... Mar 08, 2011

An EMP.. (Electromagnetic Pulse Generator)

What does it do ?

http://www.dailytech.com/Military+Fundi ... e17494.htm

Any more questions about who would win ?
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Re: Who would win... Mar 09, 2011
In a war - as the question states - I would say the US due to sheer amount of military personal and weaponary.
If the question is who is a better soldier than its the brits for sure.
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Re: Who would win... Mar 09, 2011
I used to work for the USAF years ago, I've never seen so many medals on each man. I'm sure they were awarded a medal for crossing the state line.

When I used to come to Dubai back in 2003/4, the beach hotels were over run with American squaddies, they used to make a beeline for my eldest daughter who had to fight them on with a stick. Having said that they all seemed to be a really nice bunch of lads, thrown into some hell hole a long way from home. They didn't really seem to have a clue about where they were or why they were there. They just threw as much beer down their necks in the alloted time as they could. Not unlike the Brits really.

The women were the scariest of the lot, especially the black ones. I could only tell they were women because they kept their tops on.

If it was a 'one on one' fight it would be the Brits every time, they are much better trained, In fact we train most of the other armys at one time or another, But the Yanks have it with machines and weaponary, although they are trigger happy. Think friendly fire.
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Re: Who would win... Mar 09, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:I used to work for the USAF years ago, I've never seen so many medals on each man. I'm sure they were awarded a medal for crossing the state line.

When I used to come to Dubai back in 2003/4, the beach hotels were over run with American squaddies, they used to make a beeline for my eldest daughter who had to fight them on with a stick. Having said that they all seemed to be a really nice bunch of lads, thrown into some hell hole a long way from home. They didn't really seem to have a clue about where they were or why they were there. They just threw as much beer down their necks in the alloted time as they could. Not unlike the Brits really.

The women were the scariest of the lot, especially the black ones. I could only tell they were women because they kept their tops on.

If it was a 'one on one' fight it would be the Brits every time, they are much better trained, In fact we train most of the other armys at one time or another, But the Yanks have it with machines and weaponary, although they are trigger happy. Think friendly fire.

Couldn't agree more BM. Careful calling the Yanks trigger happy though, BB doesn't like it!
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: Who would win... Mar 09, 2011
Ambassador wrote:in a war; American troops vs. English troops ?

Quite frankly, I have no idea who the winner will be in such a situation!

In fact, I really doubt whether there will be a winner at all.

But surely I know who the loser will be.

Neither American nor British, but the human race as a whole, and the life we know as it is on this planet.

To quote John Lennon,

“Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one”
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Re: Who would win... Mar 10, 2011
zaq wrote:
Ambassador wrote:in a war; American troops vs. English troops ?

Quite frankly, I have no idea who the winner will be in such a situation!

In fact, I really doubt whether there will be a winner at all.

But surely I know who the loser will be.

Neither American nor British, but the human race as a whole, and the life we know as it is on this planet.

To quote John Lennon,

“Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one”

I never did like John Lennon, he was a right prat.
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Re: Who would win... Mar 10, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:
zaq wrote:
Ambassador wrote:in a war; American troops vs. English troops ?

Quite frankly, I have no idea who the winner will be in such a situation!

In fact, I really doubt whether there will be a winner at all.

But surely I know who the loser will be.

Neither American nor British, but the human race as a whole, and the life we know as it is on this planet.

To quote John Lennon,

“Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one”

I never did like John Lennon, he was a right prat.

I was not advocating John Lennon.

I wanted to use his words to express my thoughts.

It is not fair if I use his exact words with out mentioning his name.
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Re: Who would win... Mar 10, 2011
Are you a peace activist?
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Re: Who would win... Mar 11, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:Are you a peace activist?

Just another common man with out any tags.
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Re: Who would win... Mar 12, 2011
zaq wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:Are you a peace activist?

Just another common man with out any tags.

Just a John Lennon fan then?
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Re: Who would win... Mar 12, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:
zaq wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:Are you a peace activist?

Just another common man with out any tags.

Just a John Lennon fan then?

no tags.
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Re: Who would win... Mar 12, 2011
zaq wrote:
no tags.

And few words it would appear, that'll be the end of this topic then.
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Re: Who would win... Mar 13, 2011
americans never attack another "super power" directly and the same goes for the brits!

so the brits will use canada and the yankees will use the french and german :D
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Re: Who would win... Mar 13, 2011
It's a long time since Britain was a super power! We just think we are good.
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Re: Who would win... Mar 13, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:It's a long time since Britain was a super power! We just think we are good.

goood at what? football or cricket? :D
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Re: Who would win... Mar 13, 2011
rudeboy wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:It's a long time since Britain was a super power! We just think we are good.

goood at what? football or cricket? :D

sage & onion
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Re: Who Would Win... Mar 13, 2011
I thought this debate “who’s got the bigger d!@k (sorry, army)?” was over
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Re: Who would win... Mar 13, 2011
sage & onion wrote:
rudeboy wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:It's a long time since Britain was a super power! We just think we are good.

goood at what? football or cricket? :D


hmmm oh yeh you are good at cricket, last time i checked the brits lost to the bengalis :D

Football hmmm when was the last time england won a major cup?? :D
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Re: Who would win... Mar 13, 2011

hmmm oh yeh you are good at cricket, last time i checked the brits lost to the bengalis :D

Football hmmm when was the last time england won a major cup?? :D[/quote]

Still a ways to go in the cricket.

1966 World Cup Final England 4 West Germany 2, England Captained by Bobby Moore, Hat trick scored in final by Geoff Hurst, the other goal scored by Martin Peters, wow all three players came from West Ham United.
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