symmetric wrote:Zobber/Zonker, what are you aiming at?
yaaki, Isma, No one is aiming at nothing, men do not talk with hidden intent like the o so lovely women who we cannot live without. This is just an objective discussion nothing more, So please DO NOT TAKE OFFENSE,
Let me sum it up for you .. GOOD & BAD exist in every society, and stereotyping a whole nation is lame.
THis is the truth , The Whole Truth and Nothing but the truth
On the other hand, I don't appreciate wicked comments from jerks like you.
YOur lack of appreciation is due to your own misunderstanding of this discussion, Do not stoop low to hurl insults at contenders in a debate. You first lesson in ethical debating.
If my people are racist & our government sucks, then what the fcuk are you doing here among us??
Let us be objective, I urge you again , Loosing your temper is a sign of weakness and lack of depth of perception. Do not repeat it , lest someone call you on it.
So called "adults" judging and questioning a young girl in an impolite way is actually one of the ugliest things I've ever seen in my life. So what if some of her comments didn't sound nice, based on her backgrounds you easily tell she did NOT intend to insult anyone. I don't agree with her views at all, but the girl spoke very frankly with pure intentions, and she surely did not mean to harm anyone.
Chill , take a xanax, this thread only has objective discussions. Your strong emotional responses are invalid, uncalled for, and out of context
-- Mon Dec 13, 2010 12:37 am --
zonker wrote:Zubber, amen to all that.
After long deliberation, I have come to the conclusion that Planet Earth is not a fair place.
I hope that Heaven, as promised by Allah, will not be full of his chosen people, these arrogant Arabs!

haha, luckily the chosen people are only those that have faith and not restricted to race , religion or physical construct. And indeed u have made an excellent argument, the world is not fair, logic demands, that justice should be served , and it indeed shall be done and then some...