The Ultimate Dubai BAN Guide

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Re: The Ultimate BAN Guide Feb 28, 2011

sent the email and printed it already. I printed the exact yahoomail page where my sent items can be seen and printed another page that contains my letter, with the date and the time when I sent the email to him. He does not reply to my emails, so I printed it. =)

Hopefully, in God's guidance, everything will turn out fine.

Thank you so much! :)

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Re: The Ultimate BAN Guide Feb 28, 2011
emarat wrote:
emarat wrote:I've been banned from entering the UAE permanently. Ban was issued by CID on suspicion of espionage. :roll:
I heard that if my employer takes responsibility of all my acitivies (as guarantor), with lawyer assistance it can be forced to take permit entering the UAE again.
Can anybody tell me what my chances are? :roll:
Thanks in advance.

Any clues?

Suspicion of espionage??? I think you have as much chance as a snowball in hEll getting that reversed!!!
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Re: The Ultimate BAN Guide Mar 02, 2011
Hi there! Here's an update:

I signed the cancellation paper yesterday already, which is good.
Now I am worried because my boss is the one who is processing it in the MOL and immigration department. I'm just bothered that he might do or say something to jeopardize me and my career. I can't help but be paranoid about it since I know my boss very well and of what he's capable to do. :(

I'm just hoping for the best now. And I pray that everything will go fine...

Thank you very much! :)I
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Re: The Ultimate BAN Guide Mar 02, 2011
I would think someone like him has been hauled into the MOL, or his PRO, or contacted by MOL in the past because of other employee complaints against him. As long as you did everything the way it should have been done, you don't have anything to worry about, even if he tries to pull a fast one.

Keep us posted. :)
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Re: The Ultimate BAN Guide Mar 08, 2011
Hi! Updates....

Last week, I signed my cancellation paper already. He cancelled me from the Labor Department also, but I'm not sure if he's been to the Immigration department to cancel me. We have mutually agreed that I will stay until this coming Thursday... They are having problems regarding their documents for processing the visa of my replacement, which by the way is still in Kish for almost 2 weeks already at her own expense.

He talked to me this morning and asked me to stay for another week because there is still pending work in his office and nobody can do it except me. I refused to accept it and he said that he will go to the labor department and tell them things. I told him that what we agreed was just for me to wait for a replacement to get hired, which we did 3 weeks ago, and whatever problems they have with the replacement now is not my problem anymore. He is such a liar! He told me as soon as I get cancelled, I can leave the office with or without replacement. Now he's telling me I cannot go and if I go, he will tell things to the Labor Department.

I told him that he is giving me no choice and I have to go to the Labor also to seek for help.
His words were just "ok, let's see until Thursday what we can do".
I am close to getting desperate here already. :(
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Re: The Ultimate BAN Guide Mar 08, 2011
Have your papers been processed by the Labour Department? If they have then it would be illegal for you to continue working. He has 30 days from date of cancellation of your labour card to cancell your residency.

With regards to him telling you that he was "going to tell the labour department things about you"; if your papers have been processed by the Labour Department then your business (as well as his) is finished with them - so why would it have any further bearing on you and your position with the company.

I would suggest that you call the labour department. Tell them that you have resigned and that your boss is intimidating you and ask what their suggestions are to deal with this. They may well just get someone to call and speak with him - this will probably scare the sh.t out of him...
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Re: The Ultimate BAN Guide Mar 08, 2011

According to him, my papers have been processed by the Labour Department already. I double checked it through the internet yesterday and it showed that my Labor Card has been cancelled already. I told him that it was clear on my resignation letter that my last day of work was on the 28th of February but since he asked for 2 more weeks to wait for my replacement, I agreed to that. Now he is telling me that he did not sign my resignation letter. ;<

I plan to go to the Ministry of Labor before Thursday if he will not make it clear that he will let mo go.
Thank you very much!
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Re: The Ultimate BAN Guide Mar 08, 2011
The fact that he cancelled your labour card and that you have signed your cancellation paper is already proof that he accepted your resignation. End of storey :)
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Re: The Ultimate BAN Guide Mar 08, 2011
Yes, that's what I also thought. I will see what happens today. I will finalize everything with him...and if he still doesn't want to let me go, then I will go to the Labor tomorrow morning. I am really really tired of his attitude and his office. I feel poor for everyone who works with him. Thank you!

-- Tue Mar 08, 2011 4:36 pm --

I have spoken with him already....

He is refusing to hand-over my passport and cancellation documents. He said he will give it to me once I am in the airport already. He said that it is legal to do that. He said that even though I am cancelled, I am still under him and he is still responsible for me because he is the one who signed my cancellation papers. I am really losing it!
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Re: The Ultimate BAN Guide Mar 08, 2011
Go to the MOL. They have the last word, not him. If the opportunity presents itself tell him that your passport is in reality the property of your government, entrusted to you, and that if necessary you will go to your embassy and tell them that he has taken it and refuses to give it to you.

As for your replacement, when he offered her the job she was probably on a visit visa and I read somewhere that you have to be out of Dubai for 30 days in order to get a work visa. She still has 2 more weeks to go the poor thing, but that's neither here nor there as far you are concerned. You want to leave, you need to sort it out with the MOL, and move on to your new job. He is going to continue to delay your leaving until the replacement comes, then he's going to want you to say to do a "hand over", and by that time you won't have a job to go to.
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Re: The Ultimate BAN Guide Mar 09, 2011
Want your passport back.. Quick and easy.

Ask him to hand it over, when he says no, take you phone and in front of him dial 999 and tell them you wish to report your passport lost/ stolen :D
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Re: The Ultimate BAN Guide Mar 09, 2011
I informed him yesterday that I will not be in the office today because I will go to the Labor Department to file a complaint. He called me in the evening and told me to call the PRO to get my documents. After that, the PRO called me and told me that he will give my passport and documents today in the office.

I think he got a bit scared about me going to the Labor office, which I really intended to do today. Worst comes to worst, and my passport and documents will not be given to me today...I will call 999 and file a complaint against then in the Labor office.

Thank you very much for all the help. :)

-- Mon Mar 21, 2011 11:19 am --'s me again...

I was able to get out of my previous company but my previous boss is refusing to give my passport and cancellation papers...whe I asked for the passport and papers, he said he handed it over to the I called the PRO. the PRO said that he will be the one to give my new company all docs and passport, but after 1 week, he did not show his face in my new company. my previous boss called my new boss and told him things about me-bad things. good thing my new boss does not believe any of those things he said.

he still refused to give my passport and cancellation papers to my new boss although my new boss told him that he will allow me to go to my old company's office to finifsh the work for my old boss, given that my old boss has to give my passport and cancellation so that my new boss could start applying for my visa under his company because we were told that i can only stay in dubai up to 28 after my cancellation.

my old boss still doesn't want to give my passport and canccellation. I have inquired about going to the Labour office but they said that I should go to the police since I am cancelled already.

Yesterday, I went to the police station to file a complaint. They called my old boss to hand over everything to me...but still he refused and told them that he will only give my passport and cancellation papers when I am in the airport already.

Now I do not know what to do...that's the police already...still they cannot do anyhting to help.
I am just disappointd and so stressed now...I don;t even have the money to buy a ticket for myself... :(
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Re: The Ultimate BAN Guide Mar 22, 2011
Hi Bamba

Just joined the forum and sorry to read your tale.

Did your ex-employer fly you in? If so, then I believe he has an obligation to fly you back home again - so he should buy you your ticket and return your passport.

Otherwise perhaps your embassy could help you - have you spoken to anyone there?

I would be tempted to write to the newspaper and name and shame an employer like that. I'm sure many people would like to know who he is so he can be given a wide berth!

It is unfortunate that the police have not been more helpful - maybe you will get someone more helpful if you go again?

-- Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:14 pm --

Just to add I am a bit surprised that the police did not mention that it is illegal to confiscate a passport.

I know that this law is flouted by everyone but really, the police could have at least mentioned it even if just to show that they know about it.
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Re: The Ultimate BAN Guide Mar 22, 2011
Hi Staryy...thanks for the reply.

My previous boss did not fly me in Dubai. I came here on visit visa, and like any other person who's visa is expiring, I had no choice but to take his offer...

I haven't spoken to anyone from our embassy, since I know how they deal with cases like this already. :(
I would really like the whole UAE to know about him but I choose to keep quiet about it and just move on and finish my problem with him, since he has all the power to do twisted things to anyone he likes.

At first, the police asked me why my previous employer doesn't want to give my passport...I told them that it;s because he still wants me to work in his office and finish all the work for him (since he doesn't know what to do with his own business). The police clearly told me that it would be illegal for him to let me do that and to keep my passport...

Then they asked the next question, which I think was the reason why they couldn't help me... They asked the nationality of my previous employer. When I answered them, they all went crazy and seemed that my previous employer and the police men are of the same nationality...

So I lost my trust and respect for the police here now... I used to believe that they will always impose the proper law here in Dubai..but it seems that my previous employer can go above and beyond any rule here in the UAE just because he is a local himself...(but not a dubai-local)

Now my new boss had spoken with him again, and he instructed me to just go to my previous company and teach the new lady there the work, which I already did before she went to Kish to exit. I am left with no choice but to give in to the injustices that is happening to me. It is unfair, but now I have learned that this is Dubai..nothing in fair, nothing is free. :(
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Re: The Ultimate BAN Guide Mar 23, 2011
Hey Bamba,

Sorry to hear that your saga continues. Have you gone to Immigration? the Ministry of Labour? They will tell you what he can and can't do. I don't think he can demand that you return to your country at your own expense if he did not pay for you to come to Dubai. If he wants you to leave, I believe it would have to be at his expense. Then your new employer would have to pay for you to return to Dubai.

Just because he has influence with the police it doesn't mean that he can influence Immigration and the MOL. You are assuming that your embassy won't do anything, but it wouldn't hurt for you to report it to them as they may act on your complaint.

Once again, good luck to you.
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Re: The Ultimate BAN Guide Jun 13, 2011
Hi DF!

Any updates regarding the Ban Guide.
i need help. I would like to know if such case written below still applies up to this date.

I recieved a discontinuation of service letter from my employer within my probation period (Joined the company 20/02/2011, recieved the letter 15/05/2011). Will I be banned by the labour ministry? coz i recieved another email attachment from my employer (in arabic + english which i believed its from MOL) stating that "No work permit will be issued till 6months from cancellation date" its asking for my signature where theres a statement says "I certify that I have received all my dues up to date".

Did my current employer just imposed a ban on me rather than the labour ministry? I understand that they invested an employment visa + labour fee matters for me to work here in Dubai.
Is there any way that i could lift off this 6months ban if there will be? Where can i get information regarding the costs of investing/buying an employment visa + labour card + etc..?
I already have an appointment letter from my prospect new employer. Would my current employer give NOC if ever my prospect employer asks for it? Lets say my current employer is open for negotation so i could lift the ban ifever theyre the one who imposed it, and not the MOL.

Hope i could be enlightened. PLease advice. Thanks in advance.

Re: Re:
by Dubai Knight » Sun Jul 18, 2010 8:59 pm

sweetche182000 wrote:
ahmeed80 wrote:
asha12 wrote:
If i am employed in dubai and i am removed from my job by the employer within the probation period of three months(for whatever reasons) then do i need a NOC to get another job ? ..... Please advice. Thanks .. Also what are the chances of getting a job in dubai after being removed from a company during the probation period

i think NO...u will not face any ban and therefore u can switch to new job without any problem.

i was also removed in my job inder probation period for some reasons ,they told me they will put 6 months ban to me is it possible coz i want to find a new job here in dubai....

No, they cannot ban you. The probation period is for both sides. If either you or the employer decide to part during that time, there is no ban, but they may ask you to pay relocation, visa and recruitment fees.

Good luck!

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Re: The Ultimate Dubai BAN Guide Sep 10, 2013
All shearing is very nice and very informative :)
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Re: The Ultimate Dubai BAN Guide Sep 26, 2013
now possible to remove ban by paying some fees
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Re: The Ultimate Dubai BAN Guide Oct 11, 2013
dbxsoul ,i would like to add about medical legal services..the most important thing in medical legal services is that they will work independently to evaluate the claims efficiency of treatment and time frames are addresed properly.according to patient and doctor vies and action expert take the decision.
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Re: The Ultimate Dubai BAN Guide Oct 21, 2013

This blog is interesting. I have BE (Bachelor of Engineering) degree and earning more than 12k AED. I have completed 6 months in my current company in UAE. Company is pathetic and not happy with the process followed here. Can you please tell me if I move to job better than current salary. Can ban be imposed? If imposed, can it be lifted? How?

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Re: The Ultimate Dubai BAN Guide Feb 06, 2014
dbxsoul ,

I have a question, supposing I'm working in a Travel Agency but in less than 6 months I get a job for Emirates Airlines or DNATA or Fly Dubai, do I need to have a NOC? or does the company has a power to not release me? Hope you can answer me. Thanks.
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Re: The Ultimate Dubai BAN Guide Feb 06, 2014
Sorry for not being more active on the forum recently.

As to the Emirates/ DNATA question above. Firstly, I don't know, I will have to check for you. Normally when moving from public to Government positions the ban is not applicable. However, Emirates and DNATA are semi-government, this means that there is room for interpretation. To complicate matters most of the (Emirates/ DNATA) activities take place within the "freezones". Give me a day or two and I'll see if I can find an answer for you.
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Re: The Ultimate Dubai BAN Guide Feb 06, 2014
dbxsoul ,

Thank you so much for the quick response. You've been a great help to many indeed. Looking forward to your reply again. :)
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Re: The Ultimate Dubai BAN Guide Sep 17, 2014

I am a graduate with a degree in computer science. I have just changed my job 2 months back with a salary above 12K after completing 2.5 years in previous company. Now i have a much better offer from a good company. If i resign now will i get a ban? If yes, can it be lifted and how?


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Re: The Ultimate Dubai BAN Guide Sep 17, 2014
It depends on the type of contract that you have.
If it is a limited term contract then probably yes; if it is an unlimited contract you only need to complete 2 years in order to avoid the ban, although you need to have an NOC from your current employer allowing you to transfer.
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Re: The Ultimate Dubai BAN Guide Sep 17, 2014
It is an unlimited contract and i joined just 2 month back, Currently in probation. I heard that you can avoid ban if you are a graduate and salary of above 12 thousand ?
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Re: The Ultimate Dubai BAN Guide Sep 17, 2014
Yes, with attested certificates; as well as that it is still within your probation period - although your employer may be justified in deducting "reasonable" recruitment and processing fees... strictly speaking they are not allowed to, but there is a small grey area in the labour law which they exploit in order to recover these expenses.

Normally it costs a company anywhere between 3,500 and 5,000 AED to employ and process an employee, excluding any advertising/ agency fees which may be incurred.
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Re: The Ultimate Dubai BAN Guide Sep 17, 2014
Thanks for the reply sir. Realy appreciated.
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Re: The Ultimate Dubai BAN Guide Sep 17, 2014
I am just confirming the issue of the ban during probation for you, will get back to you in about 30 minutes
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Re: The Ultimate Dubai BAN Guide Sep 17, 2014
The following is from ... _havingban . However, do check whether these rules are current as rules may have been changed since this was posted.

Employment Visa Procedures for person who is having 6 months Ban
How to get Employment Visa during ban period?
Based on the Ministry of Labor’s new decisions if the employee resigns before the completion of two years, a six-month ban shall be imposed. But the same may be lifted without any charges or NOC from the employer if the employee managed to get a new job opportunity, taking into account that the salary of such worker with the new company shall be in accordance with the skill level specified by the Ministry of Labour:

1- First skill level: which means that if the employee is having university degree and above, his salary with the new company shall not be less than Dh12,000. Professions include: Manager, Engineer, Doctor, Teacher, Accountant, Accounts Clerk, Marketing Specialist, Quantity Surveyor, Draughtsman, Executive Secretary, Pharmacist, Administration Officer, Reservation Officer, Safety Officer, Public Relations Officer, Computer Operator, Advertising Designer etc. Click here for the list of professions.

2- Second skill level: if the employee is having diploma, his salary with the new company shall not be less than Dh7,000. Technical and Mechanical related professions.

3- Third skill level: if the employee is having high school degree, his salary with the new company shall not be less than Dh5,000. Professions include: Sales Executive, Sales Representative, Sales Supervisor, Site Supervisor, Administration Clerk, Correspondence Clerk, Customs Clearing Clerk, Ticketing Clerk, Cash Desk Clerk, Receptionist, Cashier, Store Keeper, Tourist Guide etc. Click here for the list of professions.

If these three skills have not been met by the employee, he may not lift the ban and he/she shall wait until the completion of the ban period and then he/she may work with a new sponsor, moreover, the NOC from the earlier sponsor has no effect based on the Ministry of Labour’s new decisions. This rule is not applicable for Free zone / government / semi-government organizations.

Above mentioned salary can be in total. It is not necessary to put as basic salary. New profession must be compatible with educational certificate. For secondary certificate holder, the new profession code shall end with 0000003.

NOTE: The above conditions are not applicable for government / Semi-government / Free zone, Family and House servant visa.
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