British Troops Are On Stand-by

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British Troops Are On Stand-by Mar 05, 2011
To be deployed to the borders of Libya on a humanitarian mission.

I have to ask why we are getting involved here? We sent planes in with the SAS and got all the Brits out (I think) and many numerous other nationalities that were able to tag on. We chartered planes and flew refugees to Egypt and now Dave wants to send the squaddies in.

Why don't we just sit back and let the other countries sort their own out?

We don't have any money, and in a couple of years we won't have any planes or military personel!

Petrol is predicted to be £2.00 a litre in the not too distant future because of the trouble in Libya, maybe that's Dave's motive, ...oil. Get in before the yanks.

UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: British Troops Are On Stand-by Mar 06, 2011
Well if current reports are to be believed, a group of 8 SAS men with a diplomat sent in for talks with opposition leaders to Gaddafi have been caught and are being held.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: British Troops Are On Stand-by Mar 06, 2011
I totally agree with BM,
Beside how it can affect UK economy, I have fears if western countries tried to help in Libya with power, this might lead to opposite results, not far from Iraq or Afghanistan...

The mentality in the ME has always been thinking that western troops can never be friends, personally I "think" the only accepted troops now in Libya would be Egyptians... but I have no idea what or how this could happen...
I think the situation now in Libya is seriously complicated..

But your fears about UK is right...
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Re: British Troops Are On Stand-by Mar 06, 2011
I don't think we should go in either. We have nothing to gain, plus why should we?
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: British Troops Are On Stand-by Mar 06, 2011
Except that we can't seem to keep our noses out of everyone elses business. I think we should pull out of everywhere and just protect our own borders from the incomers who want to blow us all up at home.
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Re: British Troops Are On Stand-by Mar 06, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:Except that we can't seem to keep our noses out of everyone elses business. I think we should pull out of everywhere and just protect our own borders from the incomers who want to blow us all up at home.

I can't agree more with you on that. It really is about time we started looking after our own, instead of worrying about everyone else.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: British Troops Are On Stand-by Mar 06, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:Except that we can't seem to keep our noses out of everyone elses business. I think we should pull out of everywhere and just protect our own borders from the incomers who want to blow us all up at home.

I can't agree more with you on that. It really is about time we started looking after our own, instead of worrying about everyone else.

you just briefed what has been happening in the past few years...

western get their noses in others' problems, others leave their problems and focus on how to kick western out...
CIA still can't get it...
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Re: British Troops Are On Stand-by Mar 06, 2011
Mahmoud04 wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:Except that we can't seem to keep our noses out of everyone elses business. I think we should pull out of everywhere and just protect our own borders from the incomers who want to blow us all up at home.

I can't agree more with you on that. It really is about time we started looking after our own, instead of worrying about everyone else.

you just briefed what has been happening in the past few years...

western get their noses in others' problems, others leave their problems and focus on how to kick western out...
CIA still can't get it...

It's very easy to say that! But who are the nations many run to when they're in trouble? Oh yeah US! We always seem expected to bail others out. Will you ever see any Arab nations going to help others? Not a chance as they'd all start fighting one another.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: British Troops Are On Stand-by Mar 06, 2011
i should have said west rather than CIA..
but again Choco I agree with you 100%....
and this bring us to the fact that, is Arab nations represented by their people? you can find the answer if you open any news channel in the past 15 mins... so yes Arab leaders go to US, but people in streets?, I doubt... remember whats in Iraq and Afghanistan is not the government fight, it street fights...

about the "will ever see any Arab nations going to help others?" hmmm, when did people stop? didn't you read any history? or follow news these days!!!

apologies if my previous post upset you..but you know politics is complicated and we can't generalize at the end..
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Re: British Troops Are On Stand-by Mar 06, 2011
No exactly it's extremely complicated. Yes of course in history there are countless examples of nations helping others. But I'm talking about now. I don't know, it's all a complete mess if you ask me. Plus certain nations (cough cough) need to stop going in under the guise of 'helping' when it's clear they have another motive for doing so.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: British Troops Are On Stand-by Mar 06, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:No exactly it's extremely complicated. Yes of course in history there are countless examples of nations helping others. But I'm talking about now. I don't know, it's all a complete mess if you ask me. Plus certain nations (cough cough) need to stop going in under the guise of 'helping' when it's clear they have another motive for doing so.

I agree. And those nations that follow (cough cough) aren't doing it out of the goodness of their heart. Promises, Promises. Every nation that gets into the mix also get a piece of the pie, except those who send a few troops for the sake of appearance, get crumbs.
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Re: British Troops Are On Stand-by Mar 06, 2011
(Cough Cough) agree :)
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Re: British Troops Are On Stand-by Mar 06, 2011
Mahmoud, when chocs said US she meant us (as in us British) not the US. Easy mistake.
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Re: British Troops Are On Stand-by Mar 06, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:Mahmoud, when chocs said US she meant us (as in us British) not the US. Easy mistake.

I got that. I also got the (cough cough) as in U.S.
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Re: British Troops Are On Stand-by Mar 06, 2011
same meaning of discussion
, but thanks for correcting BM, BTW I still don't know where everybody from..
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Re: British Troops Are On Stand-by Mar 07, 2011
Mahmoud! how rude of me, we haven't been introduced! Hello, I'm BM, Bethsmum to be precise, Beth is my daughter and I'm her mum. She is one of three, the youngest, but i'm mum to her sisters aswell. I don't like kids really and I'm not sure how I ended up with three, I blame it on the Chardonnay. I am English, from the north, I live north of Manchester but am originally from the north east near Newcastle, where the women have a reputation of being hard and not wearing many clothes, although I am fully clothed as I write this, so you don't have to worry. I support Manchester City FC although you've probably only heard of Manchester United, who got beat off Liverpool today, which threatens their Premiership hopes ha ha. I am blonde.

Bora is from New York, a fine city, which I recommend you visit, if you haven't already. Be prepared to be searched at Passport control. They didn't like me because of all my Dubai International Airport stamps, so I got an egate card and they don't stamp my passport now. Do visit Ground Zero which is a very sobering experience. I can also recommend Grand Central which is like no other train station I've ever been to. The shops are nice too. I recommend you stay in Trump Towers, I did. The concierge was very good, he was very helpful, he asked me what I was looking for and was very shocked when I said 'a man'. I was only joking Mahmoud! Bora is blonde too.

Chocs is British, I think, I don't know where from though but I believe she has a German boyfriend. I'm not keen on German woman, they don't shave their armpits. I don't know if Chocs is blonde.

Anyone else I can help you with:?
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Re: British Troops Are On Stand-by Mar 07, 2011
Bur what can be done now in the countries where troops are posted? I think they should just all pull out and leave them to it, to be honest.
Miss DubaiForums 2005
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Re: British Troops Are On Stand-by Mar 07, 2011
Nice to meet you BM...
"Beth is my daughter and I'm her mum"... :)
3 girls I think its quite hectic, but still easier than 3 boys like my mom had "too much fights"...But I like kids so much, and I think they like me as well...
I had a feeling that you could be Scottish, but north England not too far..

I am Egyptian, from Alexandria originally, but my father worked over 3 cities, and then it ended up with me living in Cairo... not real fan of sports actually, I just follow when there is a good game but I don't really care who wins, unless Egypt is playing...

Well, I had Pakistan stamps in my old passport so, Egyptian with Pakistan stamp, I think I will have long term relationship with officers if I go to the states...

Well, German girls, I lived there for few months, so I have a background of what u mean, Italian and French are my favorite... and Pakistani women surprised me with their beauty
did you notice that u end your paragraphs with "Blonde"...

Thanks again for the introduction BM..
have a nice day... to all
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Re: British Troops Are On Stand-by Mar 07, 2011
When I vacationed in Sharm El Sheikh several years ago and I never saw more hairy women in my life!!! German and Italian. Every time one of them lifted their armpit I gagged!!!

I have to correct you BM. Chocs boyo is not German. Apparently some sort of British miliary marksman (he carries a gun) in one of those elite RAF, SAS, SBF, SRR, SFSG units. He also has a very low opinion of US soldiers, something he and Chocs share, considering the US and the UK are allies.
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Re: British Troops Are On Stand-by Mar 07, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:When I vacationed in Sharm El Sheikh several years ago and I never saw more hairy women in my life!!! German and Italian. Every time one of them lifted their armpit I gagged!!!

Disgusting...but I guess the german men like that!
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Re: British Troops Are On Stand-by Mar 07, 2011
Not so hectic in Casa BM now Mahmoud, the older two have left home, thank the lord. Why on ever would you have thought I was Scottish? I don't like that daft accent at all!

I used to live in Germany too Mahmoud, I like the south best but I couldn't never understand the Bavarian accent. The women are so hairy they don't shave their legs , minging, and they are dead arrogant and racist. I used to have 'auslander' stamped all over my cheque book. Bloody cheek, i think they had forgotton two world wars and a world cup.

Yes, I noticed I finished my paragraphs with blonde, I wrote it Mahmoud, so I would have noticed it :D

Be good mahmoud.
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Re: British Troops Are On Stand-by Mar 07, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:Bur what can be done now in the countries where troops are posted? I think they should just all pull out and leave them to it, to be honest.

I agree with this Choco, people will not let foreign troops solve their problems, this has been proven over history...
I think if western have spent half the money they spent on wars on protecting their boarders it would have been safer and less souls could have died...
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Re: British Troops Are On Stand-by Mar 07, 2011
Mahmoud04 wrote:
Chocoholic wrote:Bur what can be done now in the countries where troops are posted? I think they should just all pull out and leave them to it, to be honest.

I agree with this Choco, people will not let foreign troops solve their problems, this has been proven over history...
I think if western have spent half the money they spent on wars on protecting their boarders it would have been safer and less souls could have died...

If the US didn't spend the money on wars - Iraq alone!! -the US wouldn't be as deep as it is in the economic turmoil. All those lives and money for what?? Absolutely nothing. Call me crazy, but if the US spent that money by improving and providing education to their own, it would have been money well spent and the return would be ongoing.
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Re: British Troops Are On Stand-by Mar 07, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:Well if current reports are to be believed, a group of 8 SAS men with a diplomat sent in for talks with opposition leaders to Gaddafi have been caught and are being held.

BBC reports they had fake passports.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: British Troops Are On Stand-by Mar 07, 2011
Actually he IS German!

Back ON topic - I don't think other nations are achieving anything by being in these wars zone anymore. All it's done is spread resentment and the best thing we can all do is just pull out.
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Re: British Troops Are On Stand-by Mar 07, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:Bur what can be done now in the countries where troops are posted? I think they should just all pull out and leave them to it, to be honest.

Such a ridiculous thing to say and/or suggest, shows your complete lack of knowledge or understanding of World affairs.
sage & onion
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Re: British Troops Are On Stand-by Mar 07, 2011
Sage, seriously do you have nothing better to do than follow me around the forum making glib remarks? Boring - offer something constructive instead of just nit-picking at everything I say.
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Re: British Troops Are On Stand-by Mar 07, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:Sage, seriously do you have nothing better to do than follow me around the forum making glib remarks? Boring - offer something constructive instead of just nit-picking at everything I say.

Nothing glib about our troops in foreign countries, what you suggest is ridiculous and well you know it.

Follow you around the Forum, please, be sensible, why would I do that?, you should really confine yourself to posting sensible things rather than your misguided opinions about everything.
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