Islam And Sufism, The Mystical And Cosmic Harmony

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Islam and Sufism, the Mystical and Cosmic Harmony Mar 06, 2011
Sufism in Islam really speaking the knowledge of within or the esoteric aspect of Islam. As Sufism remains silence and talks about inner knowledge , so it is a uniting method of creating religious harmony. A harmony of love, tolerance and beauty.

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Re: Islam and Sufism, the Mystical and Cosmic Harmony Mar 06, 2011
almasud wrote:Sufism in Islam really speaking the knowledge of within or the esoteric aspect of Islam. As Sufism remains silence and talks about inner knowledge , so it is a uniting method of creating religious harmony. A harmony of love, tolerance and beauty.

so if I am not Sufism I am what?
I was just having a long talk with a friend of mine about naming groups and add "esoteric" to them,

and I believe I am a Muslim, not a perfect one, but no one has the right to categorize himself in a group and say this group of Muslims are esoteric etc... coz we all have the same source, so why would some people make a group and start making new principals or differentiate it from the rest?

I know what you are talking about exist on ground, and I am not against it, but if they want to categorize themselves the need to do it without making any indications how they are different BECAUSE they are not...
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Re: Islam And Sufism, The Mystical And Cosmic Harmony Mar 07, 2011
When Gabriel came to the prophet, he touched his heart and not the brain(mind), same thing happen to Moses and Jesus. It is the heart which counts, not the mind or brain; that's why we call the prophet "ummi"(not literate).

Our worldy knowledge has "WHY", for instace - why this, why that...etc etc , but the heart knowledge has no 'WHY" - this is the condition of the 'real faithfuls' (mu'minun). Intuition (wahm) in really speaking this heart-knowledge, this knowledge know not what is discrimination, our womanhood possesses this knowledge partially, as they are made to be responsive, and all prophets were responsive in contrast to what we call God. But all the prophets and sufis are gifted with this knowledge, and that is continual outpouring of the Divine knowledge, when the ego vanishes and at the end it merges with the Divine "I". Sufis call it "kamaliat"(perfection) or "najat"(salvation) in general day-to-day Islam. When you are arrive to a complete station (makam), your whole being will be enlightened with peace and bliss, and you will be full of light(nur) and anyone can feel your knowledge divine. This is what in real terminology the GOAL or PEACE.

But why not everyone is entitled to this 'makam'(station), as we have also destiny(kismat/takdir/kadr). And people who are selected for this are also taken a life of torment and torture but their very being is always in peace.

In Koran, it said "nafs-e-mutmainna"(tranquility), in this stage of knowledge, one is attuned to the heart only, his forehead always smiles, in other words, when your nafs (soul) being killed, it is only ruh (spirit/allah) at play. This is the true meaning of Jihad, Jihad means killing the self not killing Americans, then we are reborn again in Spirit. That's why Hallaj said " I'm the Truth/ God" (ana al-haqq), Christians claims Jesus have also said : I am the Truth, I am the Way. But we cannot say that. We need a Guru/ Murshid/ Master/ Pir for that. Then we can realise the Truth (haqiqat/marifat=knowledge) here.

-- Mon Mar 07, 2011 8:28 am --

when Columbus discovered America, he took a ship to get there, so America was his GOAL, and the MEANS he took, in this case THE SHIP.

So, ISLAM is the GOAL for all mankind, the same word 'islam' is used by the Jews even today, they call it "SHALOM"=ISLAM, meaning "PEACE". As there are many WAYS to get to America, so the Sufis, believes the WAYS are many, so ISLAM does mean to be a particular sect who can hold onto it, it is for all, for me Geaorge Bush is also a muslim but may be not a good one. But we are not "mumin"(true faithful) untill 'iman'(certainity) touches our heart.

Wahhabi sect has given today different meaning of Islam. The Wahhabi sect is not belong to any religious category. The try to use the name to survive their religion, they do not understand the esoteric meaning of Islam.

Now, the discussion , what is intuition, it is a partial divine knowledge within be next
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Re: Islam And Sufism, The Mystical And Cosmic Harmony Mar 07, 2011
We may argue about the above for long time,
but I was just talking about one point, which you mention at the very end,
As there are many WAYS to get to America, so the Sufis, believes the WAYS are many, so ISLAM does mean to be a particular sect who can hold onto it, it is for all, for me Geaorge Bush is also a muslim but may be not a good one. But we are not "mumin"(true faithful) untill 'iman'(certainity) touches our heart.

About GB I am glad you said "FOR ME" so I can skip arguing here.

and your mentioning of Wahhabi sect answer saves me to write more, as I won't be surprised if Wahhabi people say same about Sufi, and this is my point...

But anyway Masud, I am totally open with anyone and who practice his religions the way he likes..
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Re: Islam And Sufism, The Mystical And Cosmic Harmony Mar 07, 2011
I can answer, in this way, if someone sends his kid to school, then certainly he thinks, my kid 'll become a real human-being, in similar fashion, the Wahhabi may be right, as they follow, what to be followed, without knowing the essence or goal or thinking about it. So, whoever follows the last religion, we call them muslim, but if you are hold onto it and not give others to be called the same way, then you possessed it, without properly knowing it, in other words, we cannot posses anything, we only can witness(shahada) something, so if someone accepts Islam, what he does - only says ....ash-hadu annna (I'm witnessing...). So, Islam(Peace) is not to possessed but when you achieved Certainty(Iman), your whole become the powerhouse of religion, you don't have to utter a single word, or if you can utter, can you say 'I am the Truth", the Wahhabi might kill you...

So, one who really knows is silent, his being or his presence(hazrat) will tell you agreement or disagreement of feelings.
Mohammad is the projection of God. So, Mohammad was in terms we call "Nur-i -Mohammad", the light. So, it was responsive and negative power, similar that to womanhood, may be that's why he had so many wives... You will be amazed that women are more capable of Divine knowledge than men, as they have less discrimination...

-- Mon Mar 07, 2011 5:11 pm --

sorry, read " Islam doesn't mean to be particular religion..." (in the yellow quote by Mahmoud)

-- Tue Mar 08, 2011 7:42 am --

I just discovered elsewhere in this forum, people were arguing misconceptions about Sufism, and why our Imams cannot depart some knowledge in this regard!!! Are they all Wahhabis, no certainly not. Why then..

I tell a short story here... Once a Sheikh/ Murshid Nijam-ad-din Awalia (Master/Guru) in the Sub-continent had many disciples, many of them were too educated, loaded with worldly knowledge. But none of them were SINCERE (Sincerity is pearl of sufism, in it the faith/iman flourish) enough but just followed what to be followed, they are like the Wahhabis, but one of them were followed his heart and real disciple(mureed).
Then, to his surprise, Murshid told his all deciples, "TODAY WE ARE GOING TO PRAY KALI" (Kali is the God of Hindus, made of statue). Then, all the Wahhabi-like disciples left him with surprise, but one remained in his khanqa/astana(place). Then, the Murshid, went to him, and asked why he not left him. Then the disciple told him, at least one thing I learn from you, that is, if all thing belong to Allah - then why not Kali - he is also in Allah and nothing exits save He. Then the Murshid, told him now you are ready for esoteric(batin/ghayyib) or Sufi knowledge. So, Sufism is not for all. It is too dangerous, as in days you will achieve anything or can meditate even in the middle of crowd, can do anything so it is not something to play with. Hidden things must need a cover/curtain/hizab. Only the Murshid knows who is capable for this knowledge.

-- Tue Mar 08, 2011 7:50 am --

If you have a very little (zarra) hatred in your heart, you are not a mumin, says the Moslem Bible. So, a Sufi is the powerhouse for Divine love and bliss yet he is nothing for a worldly practical man. One who claims, that he is a Sufi, is not a Sufi. So, this subject remain silence as we are not proud of anything, that kills faith/iman. Our Iman always changing...

-- Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:01 am --

Elsewhere in the DF , ppl try to categorize Sufism and also find similarity with other main sects of Islam, but it is not something to be categorized, it is above this limitation of men. We always try to know ppl by his backgrounds, culture, religion in common, country , attitudes etc , but it above all this, yet you can say it is a religious philosophy or essence of ALL, when you dive into the KERNEL or words are not enough to express subtle (latif) things.

Koran,either, doesn't directly talk about Sufism, sometimes it talks "ashabe-safa"(the bench ppl)", "Nafs-i-mutmainna", AL-BAB (The Door=Opener of Divine Knowledge), and a thousand times "Mumin"(CONVICTION/CERTAINITY/FAITH)....and of course SINCERITY, ESOTERIC ISM (BATIN/GAYYIB), NEARNESS(AWLIA) etc etc,

Now, the bench ppl were ppl who were directly denied any kind of pleasure on earth...can Sufi be categorize in this group, no and yes, as we cannot leave the world, we live in the world yet not being possessed...(to be continued)
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Re: Islam And Sufism, The Mystical And Cosmic Harmony Mar 08, 2011
I suggest you all look into the life of ghazzali, to answer the question the op has posted,
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Re: Islam And Sufism, The Mystical And Cosmic Harmony Mar 09, 2011
You are right. Again, we have many Shaikh-ul-Hadis, Shaikh-ul-Qurans, do you think the academic or bookish knowledge can grasp the Divine truth, no - of course. Therefore we must be emptied before being ready to the knowledge Unseen and Divine, we must be sincere and humble and loving. Yes, Gazzali, but the Wahhabi has also ruined Gazzalis teaching by misinterpreting as they done by Koran and Hadith. But, true, never the less, Gazzalis teaching still valued by Wahhabi or non-Wahhabi ppl.
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