Two-thirds Of Iranians Behind Ahmadinejad

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Two-thirds of Iranians behind Ahmadinejad Mar 02, 2011
Two-thirds of Iranians behind Ahmadinejad

20 February 2011



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The International Peace Institute recently released the results of a telephone survey of Iranians.

According to the poll, Iranians are clearly split in a one third/two thirds ratio. The majority came out in favour of continuing the Islamic Revolution under President Ahmadinejad. On its part, the minority wishes to suspend financial support to Hamas and Hezbollah, hopes for closer ties with the United States, and backs opposition leader Moussavi.

The International Peace Institute is chaired by Terje Rød-Larsen, a Norwegian politician who served as minister of administration in his country’s government before being forced to resign because of his implication in a tax and corrumption scandal. At that point, he was fished out by the United States which had him appointed UN Special Envoy to Lebanon, a mandate which he used to obstruct Syrian and Iranian influence.


Iran : Public Opinion on Foreign, Nuclear and Domestic Issues, a survey carried out by Charney Research on behalf of the International Peace Institute, 8 December 2010 (230 Ko).

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Re: Two-thirds Of Iranians Behind Ahmadinejad Mar 02, 2011
Telephone survey?!!! :lol: :lol:

Seriously, why this guy didnt receive a permanent ban yet?!
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Re: Two-thirds Of Iranians Behind Ahmadinejad Mar 02, 2011
The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. It will attain world domination by the dissolution of other races...and by the establishment of a world republic in which everywhere the Jews will exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the Children of Israel...will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition..." (Karl Marx in a letter to Baruch Levy, quoted in Review de Paris, June 1, 1928, p. 574)
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Re: Two-thirds of Iranians behind Ahmadinejad Mar 02, 2011
yea right!

Are you talking to yourself gadfly?
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Re: Two-thirds Of Iranians Behind Ahmadinejad Mar 02, 2011
Interesting results.

I've read commentaries that it is not clear cut that Ahmadinejad would lose a free and fair election, as he has quite strong support in the rural areas and some support in the urban areas too. The commentators say that the last elections weren't free and fair, but the results may actually reflect the democratic will.

(Don't shoot the messenger, Mel - I know you believe the opposition out-number the supporters).

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Re: Two-thirds Of Iranians Behind Ahmadinejad Mar 02, 2011
^^^^That's islamists’ hallucination!
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Re: Two-thirds Of Iranians Behind Ahmadinejad Mar 02, 2011
did any of you guys go to Iran?
ok, so u r telling me there is 1/3 of the people they called over the phone said "NO we don't support AhmadiNejad"? and this 1/3 still have phones :D
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Re: Two-thirds Of Iranians Behind Ahmadinejad Mar 03, 2011
^^^I live in Iran! I phoned some of my friends, they were not supporting Ahamadinejad! ;)
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Re: Two-thirds Of Iranians Behind Ahmadinejad Mar 03, 2011
melika969 wrote:^^^I live in Iran! I phoned some of my friends, they were not supporting Ahamadinejad! ;)

were they all in the 1/3??? try 911 :lol: and see if they support him..
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