The Verdict.

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Re: The Verdict. Mar 02, 2011
BlueOrb wrote:Herve - now that the case is over, and so you are free to talk candidly about everything, are DW correct in thier claim that you bumped up the price of materials by purchasing them though Seahorse Submarines?

And did you (or have you) ever built any submarines that are in operation? If so, how many?

Just curious.

I would find it strange if Herve didn't bump up the price of materials bought thro' Seahore Submarines. Isn't that called doing business and making a profit?
If i was to go to my local garage to buy a part for my car, would i expect to pay the same price that they had bought in for? In reality, no.

If you want to see Herve's submarines in operation you just need to look on Youtube.

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Re: The Verdict. Mar 02, 2011
Can't see how these podgy little things cost half as much as they are claimed to be valued at.

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Re: The Verdict. Mar 02, 2011
Yeah, but its not illegal DDS.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 02, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:I would find it strange if Herve didn't bump up the price of materials bought thro' Seahore Submarines. Isn't that called doing business and making a profit?
If i was to go to my local garage to buy a part for my car, would i expect to pay the same price that they had bought in for? In reality, no.

If you want to see Herve's submarines in operation you just need to look on Youtube.

The point is, if you employ someone to procure materials for your company, to procure such materials through or via a company that they own, and having additional cost added on to those materials in the process, can be seen as dishonest, or lining your pockets at the expense of the company you work for. If it's done without the knowledge of the company you work for, or at least without their specific agreement, then it is definitely not a good thing.

And my point regarding the submaribes should perhaps have been phrased differently - what i meant to say was how many has he sold, and not just does he have one that works.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 02, 2011
benwj wrote:Yeah, but its not illegal DDS.

Never said it was. You'd be surprised how much money on a new cars the dealers make ! Just saying who would wan't to spend that much money on that thing !

I guess when the money was flowing you could sell anything to anyone at any price and many did.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 02, 2011
The point is, if you employ someone to procure materials for your company, to procure such materials through or via a company that they own, and having additional cost added on to those materials in the process, can be seen as dishonest, or lining your pockets at the expense of the company you work for. If it's done without the knowledge of the company you work for, or at least without their specific agreement, then it is definitely not a good thing.

Then who's the daftest? Dubai World or Herve?

-- Wed Mar 02, 2011 4:30 pm --

desertdudeshj wrote:
benwj wrote:Yeah, but its not illegal DDS.

Never said it was. You'd be surprised how much money on a new cars the dealers make ! Just saying who would wan't to spend that much money on that thing !

I guess when the money was flowing you could sell anything to anyone at any price and many did.

I wouldn't be surprised at how much money car dealers make. People are in business to make as much profit as they can, every step of the way. The Emiratis would spend any amount of money, if they had it, on toys.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 02, 2011
BlueOrb wrote:The point is, if you employ someone to procure materials for your company, to procure such materials through or via a company that they own, and having additional cost added on to those materials in the process, can be seen as dishonest, or lining your pockets at the expense of the company you work for. If it's done without the knowledge of the company you work for, or at least without their specific agreement, then it is definitely not a good thing.

Good point BlueOrb. If that ruled applied in Dubai then more than half the people who oversee large companies are guilty of the very same thing. When they sit at the top they generally have about a dozen or 2 dozen business enterprises where company business can be diverted to those privately owned companies. And if they don't have a company that business can be directed to, they start one. I'll give you one example: The new CEO of Nakheel, who owns a gas company, will not allow other gas companies to distribute wherever there is a Nakheel property. The residents are now being forced to purchase the gas from the "new" company at inflated prices.

If you read Herve's book you would find out, according to him, that his "purchasing" from his own company was approved by none other than SBS, everything was above board.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 02, 2011
You aren't refering to Ali Lootah are you Bora? What a dodgy family them lot are! LOL :oops:
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 02, 2011
BlueOrb wrote:Herve - now that the case is over, and so you are free to talk candidly about everything, are DW correct in thier claim that you bumped up the price of materials by purchasing them though Seahorse Submarines?

And did you (or have you) ever built any submarines that are in operation? If so, how many?

Just curious.

What part did you not understand in "the jury rejected all claims against Herve Jaubert"
Do you understand that because these claims are the same that the ones in my 5 years conviction in absentia in Dubai, it demonstrates that the justice system in Dubai is corrupt.
Guilty in Dubai, not guilty in a US court
DW should stop hiring expats, because at $8million dollars the lawsuit and lose, they will be broke before long

-- Wed Mar 02, 2011 4:59 pm --

Bora Bora wrote:
BlueOrb wrote:The point is, if you employ someone to procure materials for your company, to procure such materials through or via a company that they own, and having additional cost added on to those materials in the process, can be seen as dishonest, or lining your pockets at the expense of the company you work for. If it's done without the knowledge of the company you work for, or at least without their specific agreement, then it is definitely not a good thing.

Good point BlueOrb. If that ruled applied in Dubai then more than half the people who oversee large companies are guilty of the very same thing. When they sit at the top they generally have about a dozen or 2 dozen business enterprises where company business can be diverted to those privately owned companies. And if they don't have a company that business can be directed to, they start one. I'll give you one example: The new CEO of Nakheel, who owns a gas company, will not allow other gas companies to distribute wherever there is a Nakheel property. The residents are now being forced to purchase the gas from the "new" company at inflated prices.

If you read Herve's book you would find out, according to him, that his "purchasing" from his own company was approved by none other than SBS, everything was above board.

Not only everything was approved, but I was actually fronting the money for DW, making advanced payments, getting reimbursed later.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 02, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:You aren't refering to Ali Lootah are you Bora? What a dodgy family them lot are! LOL :oops:

Bora Bora
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 02, 2011
BlueOrb wrote:And did you (or have you) ever built any submarines that are in operation? If so, how many?

Just curious.

What part of the above question did YOU not understand, as you failed to answer?
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 02, 2011
BlueOrb wrote:
BlueOrb wrote:And did you (or have you) ever built any submarines that are in operation? If so, how many?

Just curious.

What part of the above question did YOU not understand, as you failed to answer?

Give him a break BlueOrb. Don't you think he's been through enough without getting stick on this forum? If we can't show a fellow DFer a bit of support in times like this, then it's a bit shabby. I know if anyone else here fell foul of the Emiratis then I would show them some verbal support.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 02, 2011
Dont worry BM, I escaped from this sand pit, I beat the police, crossed the Arabian Sea, I beat a billion dollar company despite their immense ressources, I can handle a little blueorb, who is he anyways
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 02, 2011
Drama! :mrgreen:
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 02, 2011
BlueOrb wrote:
BlueOrb wrote:And did you (or have you) ever built any submarines that are in operation? If so, how many?

Just curious.

What part of the above question did YOU not understand, as you failed to answer?

Suggestion: Buy/read the book.
Bora Bora
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 02, 2011
One thing, and I hasten to add, one of many, that I don’t understand about this case is why, on every occasion when questions are asked about Herve’s business enterprise in Dubai and the events and details during and following his leaving Dubai, the discussion usually ends up ‘us and them’ ‘me and you’ ‘right and wrong’.

The latest statement from Herve at the time of writing was; “Dont worry BM, I escaped from this sand pit, I beat the police, crossed the Arabian Sea, I beat a billion dollar company despite their immense ressources, I can handle a little blueorb, who is he anyways’

Well, blueorb is a fully paid up member of the DF community who asked a question? That’s all, he/she’s not the enemy, he/she asked a question that quite probably, a lot of members here on DF are asking themselves?

I, personally was hoping for a more detailed outcome of the trial in the US that was in fact delivered, the only press coverage I have been able to find has been limited to the one I posted earlier and a copy of that mirrored on, both of which contradict Herve’s statements made here on DF and are less than informative in their content, of any real details of the case heard, so I’m not surprised in the least, that people are still asking questions, and in fact, the same questions they were asking before the case was heard?

At the end of the day, a CEO of a business enterprise in Dubai, failed to deliver the commercial product he was contracted to deliver, he then fled the country, wrote and published a biased and uncorroborated version (Fiction) of events leading up to his flight. Discounting the court case in Dubai, proven guilty of ‘Breach of Contract’ in Florida and claims to have been proven innocent?

Herve, provide 3rd party confirmation, that what you claim to be true and correct, is in fact true... and correct...

That’s all, no arguments... no falling out... no accusations or us the money!

Put up.. or Shut up!
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 02, 2011
Dillon - excellent post. I agree completely.

I too wanted more details (out of curiosity) - but this thread is full of finger pointing and taking sides etc. (Whilst I've crossed swords with herve over topics in the Politics forum, I'm agnostic about the alleged crimes - I've not really been interested so far in reading up on the issue. I thought I'd get some info from this thread - but alas, more heat than light.)

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Re: The Verdict. Mar 02, 2011
shafique wrote:Dillon - excellent post. I agree completely.

I too wanted more details (out of curiosity) - but this thread is full of finger pointing and taking sides etc. (Whilst I've crossed swords with herve over topics in the Politics forum, I'm agnostic about the alleged crimes - I've not really been interested so far in reading up on the issue. I thought I'd get some info from this thread - but alas, more heat than light.)


Do you really expect us to believe you want more information out of curiosity? Go away you silly little man.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 02, 2011
shafique wrote:Dillon - excellent post. I agree completely.

I too wanted more details (out of curiosity) - but this thread is full of finger pointing and taking sides etc. (Whilst I've crossed swords with herve over topics in the Politics forum, I'm agnostic about the alleged crimes - I've not really been interested so far in reading up on the issue. I thought I'd get some info from this thread - but alas, more heat than light.)


Hmm... pity you don't listen more often.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 02, 2011
Dillon, there is a link I posted in my OP ... stuart-vs/

which basically says what Herve has said.

I do have access to PACER but I'm afraid my log on details are at home and I'm at work.
I am confident Herve is telling the truth. Why would he lie about what, after all, is public record? It wouldn't make any sense, would it?
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 02, 2011
Dillon - I read, listen AND understand. However will I learn new things if I don't. :)

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Re: The Verdict. Mar 02, 2011
What didn't you understand about 'go away'?
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 02, 2011
Dillon wrote:At the end of the day, a CEO of a business enterprise in Dubai, failed to deliver the commercial product he was contracted to deliver, he then fled the country, wrote and published a biased and uncorroborated version (Fiction) of events leading up to his flight. Discounting the court case in Dubai, proven guilty of ‘Breach of Contract’ in Florida and claims to have been proven innocent?

Well put Dillon! Agreed totally!
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 03, 2011
Herve - I don't have anything against you so don't take this personally.

First I think that BluOrbs question is fair, reasonable and fairly precise - easy to answer and hardly stressful. Also regarding invoicing for the parts - if you worked for them as an employee and in that capacity procured parts for them and inflated the bills to earn yourself something than that is not business its dishonest in my opinion so I don't agree with BM's garage analogy - it would I expect go against any duties you would have as an employee to serve them faithfully and achieve the best price for them. I also find this confusing when you say you paid for parts upfront and were reimbursed later - were you an employee or a contractor? I don't know of any employees that do that.

Apart from that I agree with most of Dillon's comments. In particular your posts are always focused on how bad emirati's are, their laws are, etc, etc. where I think most of the questions you are being asked is about the actual business you ran and not about Dubai itself. Its also irrelevant that they spent $8m to take you to court and in fairness maybe not that stupid - after all its about reputation and you wrote a book diminishing theirs - not DW's but Dubai's. They have walked from the court case having spent $8m but also feeling that that their reputation has been somewhat restored and that you have been exposed as a con-man. Banks and other big organisation have sued and paid much more than $8m while the amount claimed is much less for the sake of reputation - so not insane if you ask me. Finally it feels to me that your venture is not so much submarines anymore but more the book about Dubai and maybe the next book and the movie!! If so than fair enough but just say "I think there is more money in trashing Dubai in books than making submarines" and I would probably agree with you. For someone that has just finnished a long stressful court case and feels has been vindicated at last, writing a further book about the same issue and dragging it up again is about nothing else except money. Good luck to you either way.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 03, 2011
melika969 wrote:
Dillon wrote:At the end of the day, a CEO of a business enterprise in Dubai, failed to deliver the commercial product he was contracted to deliver, he then fled the country, wrote and published a biased and uncorroborated version (Fiction) of events leading up to his flight. Discounting the court case in Dubai, proven guilty of ‘Breach of Contract’ in Florida and claims to have been proven innocent?

Well put Dillon! Agreed totally!

Sorry, but this is sadly inaccurate and uninformed ...

A submarine is a life support technology, not a dating website, and to take such an idea from inception to delivery in 5 years would be a monumental task for anyone.

Everyone, bar none, seems to neglect to recall that this was a start up business. Istithmar, the parent even had it marked on its books as an incubator company (Istithmar Ventures), with revenue anticipated by 2010.

The quickest way to kill an fledgling business is to demand a revenue stream through sales (even Sultan bin Sulayem knew this). Try to remember that this was not and still is not an existing leisure sector.

The subs delivered from Seahorse to Nakheel were at best "advanced prototypes" and understood to be so, Herve's "crime" was to fail to amend the delivery contracts in 2004, the basis of the Judge awarding summary judgement against Seahorse Submarines, not Herve, in 2011.

In order that you are better informed, here are the charges and the rulings, by Judge OR Jury, as read out in court

(1) Breach of Contract - failure to deliver One Stingray submarine in condition described in contract -
JUDGE ruled in summary judgement - Yes in favour of plaintiff

(2) Breach of Contract - failure to deliver One Discovery submarine in condition described in contract
- JUDGE ruled in summary judgement - Yes in favour of plaintiff

(3) Breach of Contract - failure to deliver One Gobi submarine in condition described in contract -
JURY ruled - NO in favour of Defendant, Seahorse Submarines

(4) Fraudulent Misrepresentation - in that Jaubert did commit fraud by misrepresenting his ability to design, build & deliver submarines -
JURY ruled - NO in favour of Defendant, Jaubert

(5) Negligent Misrepresentation - in that Jaubert was negligent in his responsibilities with Seahorse Submarines by failing to disclose that he was unable to design build and deliver submarines -
JURY ruled - NO in favour of Defendant, Jaubert

(6) Breach of Fiduciary Duty - in that Jaubert did breach any specific or general fiduciary responsibility owed by a Director or Officer of a company to his employer, in his dealings with Seahorse Submarines and the procurement of inventory, goods and services -
JURY ruled - NO in favour of Defendant, Jaubert

(7) Conversion - in that Jaubert did illegally or improperly take something (money) that was not rightfully his and convert the ownership of that thing (money) to his own benefit or for his own use -
JURY ruled - NO in favour of Defendant, Jaubert

& Finally

(8) Abuse of Process - in that Plaintiff (Dubai World, Nakheel, Palm Marine & Exomos) did unduly influence or cause the due process of law in Dubai to be used for some purpose other than that for which it specifically exists -
JURY ruled - NO in favour of Plaintiff, Dubai World

That any of you would willingly chose of your own freewill to believe Dubai World spin and PR says more about your own lack of intelligence and ability to think than it every will about Herve and his escape. If you need more facts in order to form an understanding then please feel free to ask, until then though please keep your IQ under your cabbage leaf and restrict yourselves to writing under an assumed name in 5Days.


-- Thu Mar 03, 2011 12:32 am --

JoeTGF wrote:Herve - I don't have anything against you so don't take this personally.

First I think that BluOrbs question is fair, reasonable and fairly precise - easy to answer and hardly stressful. Also regarding invoicing for the parts - if you worked for them as an employee and in that capacity procured parts for them and inflated the bills to earn yourself something than that is not business its dishonest in my opinion so I don't agree with BM's garage analogy - it would I expect go against any duties you would have as an employee to serve them faithfully and achieve the best price for them. I also find this confusing when you say you paid for parts upfront and were reimbursed later - were you an employee or a contractor? I don't know of any employees that do that.


Let me reply as Herve is otherwise engaged :)

Count (6) Breach of Fiducuary Duty - covers this issue

Herve & Seahorse DID both order and pay for hundreds of parts and materials in advance (up front) with the agreement of Dubai World management, and produced evidence in court in support of the knowledge of this practice. fact - The Chairman of DW signed off the payments.

Why was this so?

If you have ever been a vendor to a DW business then you would not need to ask this question but in short, it takes months to generate an order and up to 6 months to generate a payment. That does not fit with a development company that needs technical equipment yesterday to complete a task, or sit well with high tech companies in the US who are used to prompt payment.

Herve produced written evidence that supported, and the jury agreed in its verdict, that a service charge of 10% was to be added to the invoices to cover Seahorses' out of pocket expense in paying, sometimes months, in advance of reimbursement. It is called the time value of money or put another way, why should someone else pay to run a Dubai World company ?
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 03, 2011
VW, thank you for your post and welcome back to DF. I hope all is well with you.

Thank you for clarifying the results of the Herve's Court case. I was never in any doubt that what he said happened in Court, did happen.

I wish Herve all the best in his future ventures, whether they be writing another book or building submarines.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 03, 2011
JoeTGF wrote:Herve - I don't have anything against you so don't take this personally.

Apart from that I agree with most of Dillon's comments. In particular your posts are always focused on how bad emirati's are, their laws are, etc, etc. where I think most of the questions you are being asked is about the actual business you ran and not about Dubai itself. Its also irrelevant that they spent $8m to take you to court and in fairness maybe not that stupid - after all its about reputation and you wrote a book diminishing theirs - not DW's but Dubai's. They have walked from the court case having spent $8m but also feeling that that their reputation has been somewhat restored and that you have been exposed as a con-man. Banks and other big organisation have sued and paid much more than $8m while the amount claimed is much less for the sake of reputation - so not insane if you ask me. Finally it feels to me that your venture is not so much submarines anymore but more the book about Dubai and maybe the next book and the movie!! If so than fair enough but just say "I think there is more money in trashing Dubai in books than making submarines" and I would probably agree with you. For someone that has just finnished a long stressful court case and feels has been vindicated at last, writing a further book about the same issue and dragging it up again is about nothing else except money. Good luck to you either way.

is a personal opinion, and an opinion that Dubai World will be pleased that you formed ... (but based on what exactly, your ability to read company PR material ?)

Herve's submarine project is well underway and I think you may be better served in observing what comes of that, than basing your views on those of some nameless and faceless corporate peons' misconceived notion of a "sinister plot" to make millions from books and movies, that truely is the stuff of fantasy.

But either way, nothing will ever quell the anger that Herve and many other's, me included, have towards Dubai World as a result of the repeated systematic abuse meted out by Dubai World via the authorities.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 03, 2011
The points against Herve are still valid. I dont think using the experession "Herve's submarine project is well underway" has any credit.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 03, 2011
viking-warrior wrote:
JoeTGF wrote:Herve - I don't have anything against you so don't take this personally.

Apart from that I agree with most of Dillon's comments. In particular your posts are always focused on how bad emirati's are, their laws are, etc, etc. where I think most of the questions you are being asked is about the actual business you ran and not about Dubai itself. Its also irrelevant that they spent $8m to take you to court and in fairness maybe not that stupid - after all its about reputation and you wrote a book diminishing theirs - not DW's but Dubai's. They have walked from the court case having spent $8m but also feeling that that their reputation has been somewhat restored and that you have been exposed as a con-man. Banks and other big organisation have sued and paid much more than $8m while the amount claimed is much less for the sake of reputation - so not insane if you ask me. Finally it feels to me that your venture is not so much submarines anymore but more the book about Dubai and maybe the next book and the movie!! If so than fair enough but just say "I think there is more money in trashing Dubai in books than making submarines" and I would probably agree with you. For someone that has just finnished a long stressful court case and feels has been vindicated at last, writing a further book about the same issue and dragging it up again is about nothing else except money. Good luck to you either way.

is a personal opinion, and an opinion that Dubai World will be pleased that you formed ... (but based on what exactly, your ability to read company PR material ?)

Herve's submarine project is well underway and I think you may be better served in observing what comes of that, than basing your views on those of some nameless and faceless corporate peons' misconceived notion of a "sinister plot" to make millions from books and movies, that truely is the stuff of fantasy.

But either way, nothing will ever quell the anger that Herve and many other's, me included, have towards Dubai World as a result of the repeated systematic abuse meted out by Dubai World via the authorities.

Hello VW.
I am sure you know more about the specifics of the case but I think by your own admission you are extremely biased against DW and therefore while my opinion might be uninformed yours is clearly one-sided. I haven't formed my opinion based on PR or Herve's book - and in fairness there is so much detail that I don't really have an interest in reading it all to challenge you or anyone else - I am just expressing my opinion based on what I have read on this forum and elsewhere. Also with regards to the book - I think Herve mentioned there is another book, movie etc - maybe I didn't get the joke - but for someone that wants to put an event behind them and move with his submarine life it doesn't seem the right course of action.

I hope Herve prospers in his business and if he deserves it he surely will. I wished him the best either way and I will repeat that again.

viking-warrior wrote:Joe

Let me reply as Herve is otherwise engaged :)

Count (6) Breach of Fiducuary Duty - covers this issue

Herve & Seahorse DID both order and pay for hundreds of parts and materials in advance (up front) with the agreement of Dubai World management, and produced evidence in court in support of the knowledge of this practice. fact - The Chairman of DW signed off the payments.

Why was this so?

If you have ever been a vendor to a DW business then you would not need to ask this question but in short, it takes months to generate an order and up to 6 months to generate a payment. That does not fit with a development company that needs technical equipment yesterday to complete a task, or sit well with high tech companies in the US who are used to prompt payment.

Herve produced written evidence that supported, and the jury agreed in its verdict, that a service charge of 10% was to be added to the invoices to cover Seahorses' out of pocket expense in paying, sometimes months, in advance of reimbursement. It is called the time value of money or put another way, why should someone else pay to run a Dubai World company ?

I am familiar with the time value of money (essentially interest) but why did a powerhouse like DW, which at the time had no shortage of credit from major banks, require financing from Herve and at 10% at that? If 10% was agreed for whatever reason than so be it but I question why they would contest this later - was there an additional 10%? Why did they feel they were being over-charged?

Please try and not take this personally - its clear that its highly sensitive for you presumably because you were treated poorly by DW but I am just asking a question and giving my opinion. I am not DW just because I don't agree or believe Herve's statements.
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Re: The Verdict. Mar 03, 2011
melika969 wrote:The points against Herve is still valid. I dont think using the experession "Herve's submarine project is well underway" has any credit.

Taking a crayon he writes in block capitals ........

The point is, dear heart, that it is HERVE's submarine project, not Dubai World's, that he is reforming, and will be executed with both the benefit of hindsight and the basis of a solid professional team around him, to finally achieve what he initially wanted to do, build leisure subs - not play corporate email ping pong with Dubai Worlds hundreds of adminstrators and auditors all looking to score brownie points off each other.

If you need someone to explain "The Brownies" .......... Google it !

As to your "points" against Herve, you have added nothing but to regurgitate the BS presented to you by a failing conglomerate. Must try harder.
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