How Did You Start Your Day Today?

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Re: How did you start your day today? Mar 01, 2011
Mahmoud, could I be very cheeky and ask if you are a local? What's all this getting up at 10am and going to work, having coffee, checking FB and all that malarky! Who are you working for! Dubai Government? LOL.

BM was up sharp this morning, around 4am. No reason only than I couldn't sleep. Usual pot of coffee, shower and weetabix then off to work. Spending the day in a hotel attending another bit of my managenment training course. Will sleep with my eyes open at some point no doubt.

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Re: How did you start your day today? Mar 01, 2011
BM, believe or not, I was expecting this question while I was writing (coz I was wondering myself :D)...
well, It took me sometimes to make my boss adapt with my schedule ;) plus I am in the IT so I kinda pay back when there is pressure at work :s

Bethsmum wrote:BM was up sharp this morning, around 4am.

you woke up at the time I was turning off my PC :wink:
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Re: How did you start your day today? Mar 01, 2011
Was lucky today as I woke up to pure bliss......must have done something right yesterday :bounce:
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Re: How did you start your day today? Mar 01, 2011
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Re: How did you start your day today? Mar 01, 2011
Standing up or sitting down Ambassador? :wink:
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Re: How did you start your day today? Mar 01, 2011

-- Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:39 pm --

I heard about the arrest of opposition leaders last night, so my mind was busy all night with that. In the morning I woke up still thinking about the arrest and just hoping internet will work today! ( they had shut it down from yesterday afternoon.) So first thing I did was I reached for my laptop and sadly internet was still down!
Then had pizza for breakfast(left from last night!) and headed to work. Fortunately internet is fine here( I don’t know why?!) but there is going to be a protest to day, so they might cut it anytime now!

Bethsmum wrote:I have always thought you to be a very happy person Mel, but there is no harm in making changes for the better!

Being happy is my ultimate goal in life BM! ;)
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Re: How did you start your day today? Mar 01, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:Standing up or sitting down Ambassador? :wink:


You know, one answer would not help :P
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Re: How did you start your day today? Mar 02, 2011
Ambassador wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:Standing up or sitting down Ambassador? :wink:


You know, one answer would not help :P

Tease :wink:
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Re: How Did You Start Your Day Today? Mar 02, 2011
learned from yesterday, made the alarm 9.15 and snoozed for 30 mins ... had the morning apple then run to work, weather is quite nice today and sky is clear, nice...
had the coffee, but it wasn't that good , donno how its gonna affect the day, will run for the cig now...

have Gday every1...
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Re: How did you start your day today? Mar 02, 2011
I started the day by de-cluttering and packing stuff getting ready for my move - oh the joy.
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Re: How did you start your day today? Mar 02, 2011
Chocoholic wrote:I started the day by de-cluttering and packing stuff getting ready for my move - oh the joy.

A move is always a good time to declutter. I have one coming up also (cheaper rent).
Whats your reason chocs?
Your not leaving Dubai are you?
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