How Did You Start Your Day Today?

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How did you start your day today? Feb 27, 2011
may be this can be something relaxing to talk about every morning for a minute or 2 before we get into the daily routine!!
and also before starting fights on other topics :bounce: which is quite useful ...

Started mine with a late wake up (as usual :D) and a nice coffee along with a cig, and read some posts...

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Re: How Did You Start Your Day Today? Feb 27, 2011
Interesting topic!

I started this morning keep snoozing the alarm clock! I was going to wake up at 7:15 but then my sleep lasted till 8:15!!
I woke up wondering about the dream I had last night. I didn’t like that dream!
Had my usual exercise routine, had breakfast (cereal and milk) and headed to work!
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Re: How Did You Start Your Day Today? Feb 27, 2011
Woke up at few mins before sunrise -> Fulfilled obligations -> Standard pushups -> reflected on how "death" awaits us all in ambush -> Proceeded to hunting
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Re: How did you start your day today? Feb 27, 2011
Slept in, read a confusing SMS-text from somebody when I woke up. I think I will wait a day with replying. Finally started reading Herve's book.

Had a wonderfull breakfast/brunch with friends, in the end everybody cried from laughter. We did imitations of each other and people we know.

Since I don't have to work today, I am considering an early afternoon beer buzz. Not sure though.
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Re: How did you start your day today? Feb 27, 2011
Woke up, got out of bed
Dragged a comb across my head

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Re: How did you start your day today? Feb 27, 2011
Found my way downstairs and drank a cup
And looking up, i noticed I was late
Found my coat and grabbed my hat
Made the bus in seconds flat

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Re: How did you start your day today? Feb 27, 2011
Quick as a flash, there's no flies on you BM.

:lol: :lol:
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Re: How did you start your day today? Feb 27, 2011
Dillon wrote:Quick as a flash, there's no flies on you BM.

:lol: :lol:

So they tell me :D
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Re: How did you start your day today? Feb 27, 2011
by giving birth to a trud.
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Re: How did you start your day today? Feb 27, 2011
xibit wrote:by giving birth to a trud.

A trud? Did it have two legs or four???
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Re: How did you start your day today? Feb 27, 2011
With jump leads...

:shock: :shock: :shock:

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Re: How did you start your day today? Feb 27, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:
xibit wrote:by giving birth to a trud.

A trud? Did it have two legs or four???

LOL. Do you think he meant turd Bora. When I say he, I do hope he is male. :shock:

-- Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:00 pm --

Dubai Knight wrote:With jump leads...

:shock: :shock: :shock:


Used by you or on you?
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Re: How did you start your day today? Feb 27, 2011
Felt like death this morning. Was up until 4am with friends as I don't work on Sundays but my little one needed to go to nursery today so had to wake up at 8.30am. I just wanted to crawl back to bed but once I was up other plans were made (for me) and I never got the chance....still knackered and getting an early night today.
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Re: How did you start your day today? Feb 28, 2011
Poor Joe, what with stress, lack of sleep and others making plans for you! I bet you are a joy to be around at the moment. Chill! Can I order you a tantric massage?

BM started her day as usual, a large pot of strong black coffee (not for a hangover) and a hot shower.
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Re: How Did You Start Your Day Today? Feb 28, 2011
well, today I managed to snooze the clock only for 15 mins, I woke up 9.30 (I will make it to 9 soon)...
done the daily routines, but started with an apple and delayed the coffee and the cig to work...

was quite lucky with traffic :D but anyway its 3 min driving from work.. :lol: who envies me now?

had to gather the laundry and drop it at the laundry shop (I hate this part)... looking forward for the weekend..
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Re: How Did You Start Your Day Today? Feb 28, 2011
Woken up for landing at Dubai International Airport
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Re: How did you start your day today? Feb 28, 2011
Welcome back home, Sage!

I snooze the clock for 30 minutes today! :P done the daily exercises and went to work. Had the breakfast at work, there is this guy that everyday brings fresh hot great bread with cheese and walnuts for everybody in the office. Some days I skip the breakfast at home and enjoy the fresh bread! lovely!
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Re: How did you start your day today? Feb 28, 2011
Good morning Mel, you sound so happy in the morning!

I slept in this morning and woke up at 6.30am, panic stations!
Made some coffee, had a shower and got ready. Ruined two pairs of tights in my rush. Quickly checked my emails, had a look at DF and FB and left for work. It takes me about 15 minutes to get to work and I drop Beth off at school on the way.
I had the Fray on in the car.

Let him know that you know best
Cause after all you do know best
Try to slip past his defense
Without granting innocence
Lay down a list of what is wrong
The things you've told him all along
And pray to God, he hears you
And pray to God, he hears you

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

I thought about Herve, he's back in Court this morning.
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Re: How did you start your day today? Feb 28, 2011
Bethsmum wrote:Good morning Mel, you sound so happy in the morning!

That s so true BM! I decided to change some stuff and be happier! I'm glad you already noticed it! :)
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Re: How did you start your day today? Feb 28, 2011
Got woken up by the mad furballs. Did some exercises, had brekky, then ran around doing stuff for the day.
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Re: How did you start your day today? Feb 28, 2011
melika969 wrote:
Bethsmum wrote:Good morning Mel, you sound so happy in the morning!

That s so true BM! I decided to change some stuff and be happier! I'm glad you already noticed it! :)

I have always thought you to be a very happy person Mel, but there is no harm in making changes for the better!
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Re: How did you start your day today? Feb 28, 2011
melika969 wrote:Welcome back home, Sage!

I snooze the clock for 30 minutes today! :P done the daily exercises and went to work. Had the breakfast at work, there is this guy that everyday brings fresh hot great bread with cheese and walnuts for everybody in the office. Some days I skip the breakfast at home and enjoy the fresh bread! lovely!

I don't know where the joy of snoozing the clock coming from :drunken: but these minutes are really magic.. but sometimes it reaches 1 and half hour snoozing :d ...
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Re: How Did You Start Your Day Today? Feb 28, 2011
^^^Tell me about it!!! :lol:
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Re: How Did You Start Your Day Today? Feb 28, 2011
Did a gas run across the Dubai/Abu Dhabi border to get some cheap gas. Cooking and automotive. 20 dhs a pop for a LPG bottle while same in Dubai for close to a 100 bucks.

Actually before that was woken up by a DU tech. TV, net and phone has been down the crapper since yesterday. Atleast he fixed it.

It was kinda weird though, makes you think how dependant we have become on tech in our lives. Went out in the evening, did some window shopping bought groceries, basically killed time and then came home still only part of the evening "killed". There was only so much talking we could do and not much of a book reader, no surprise there eh ! LOL.

So finally popped out the old HD and watched reruns of According to Jim and some movies until bed time.
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Re: How did you start your day today? Mar 01, 2011
Very interesting DDS, you got a bit carried away there! The topic is How Did You Start Your Day! :D
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Re: How did you start your day today? Mar 01, 2011
Woke up horny....was late for work.
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Re: How did you start your day today? Mar 01, 2011
JoeTGF wrote:Woke up horny....was late for work.

Stress sorted Joe!
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Re: How did you start your day today? Mar 01, 2011
Yep - felt like new....don't we all? :D
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Re: How did you start your day today? Mar 01, 2011
Spot on Joe! :D
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Re: How Did You Start Your Day Today? Mar 01, 2011
well, today started from yesterday, took a nap from 7 to 10.30 (is still called a nap :D), so slept around 4 am..
morning tried to wake up at 9 and without snoozing (heh, turned out to 9.55) ... but still didn't miss my apple & some milk :albino:

then cig in the way to work, and later the coffee, but didn't anybody notice the weather is a bit windy (praying for rains)..
checking FB, News, chi chat with colleagues...

by the way I received an e-mail with Dubai speed limits (street names in Arabic, no English version, but briefly add 20 KM to street limit, but didn't mention about Jumeirah or Wasl roads) ... &Page=A26&

will probably check new posts on DF now , have a good day Every1.. :shock:
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