Avoid is my easiest! but I'll start at the beginning, a very good place to start, so I'm led to believe.
Apologies in advance to Ambassador! I'm still not sure so I've left you off the list. I remember once volunteering to rub goose greese in your chest during a spout of swine flue, it has made me slightly nauseous ever since someone pointed out that you are a woman! I'm happy in my ignorance!
Shag? Well this is easy as i'm a love 'em and leave 'em kind of girl. I've heard tell it's anything with a pulse, but I beg to differ!
It's got to be ben, i just love that accent, it makes my toes curl in the sand!
Zonker, he's fun! A couple of drinks and who knows!
Drew, he's dangerous! I love a dangerous man.
Marry? oh it has to be Dillon! My hero!
and Tom, a true gentleman, someone to cuddle up to on the shag pile!
and Herve! a spy! how exciting is that? mmmmm and that accent, mmmmmm
Joe! a generous loving type! (who would buy you a Bentley

MCL, a sensative man! how nice is that?
Avoid? Yuk, it has to be the resident mooooslims! Not that this is the only reason you understand! They just don't meet the man criteria in my book, I like my men with a couple, these two seem to be missing some.
Shafique and Desertdimwitshj. LOL
-- Wed Feb 09, 2011 1:24 am --
Oh just a negative thought! the Reverend Mother may come on frowning at my lustin! But wait! I'm on her and the Karate Kids foe list so with any luck they won't be able to see my posts so all will be well in 'butter wouldn't melt between my legs land' or will it???:? LOOOL