shafique wrote:I'm asking you about the link between this and the Israeli campaign to dehumanise Palestinians, so they can try and get away with crimes against Palestinians.
The question is extremely suggestive and insinuating. What comes as a surprise is that the BBC has a documentary about Wilders and Europe and spends about a quarter about it about jews and Israel. The anti-semites of course pick this up and try to use this for their vile Israel bashing campaign. And even use his hair color for him being a secret Mossad agent (

) The BBC, by the way invited one of the most left journalists in Holland, who compare him with Hitler, paint little moustaches on every poster of him and apparently dig up his private life (which is not done in Holland). Then they scream foul and start whining when Wilders gives them the face palm. This week the left published some kind of video campaign against his party. In it a man, a PVV MP or voter I think, forcing a girl to throat fukc (sorry, dont know the PC term) his penis (the irony just now occured to me btw). There is something very wrong with these people.
shafique wrote:I'll ask you again, isn't Wilders advocating a crime when he says that Israel should steal the land currently under Israeli military occupation?
Pinpoint to the time mark of that quote in the documentary.
shafique wrote:If he is really just helping Israel with her propaganda (and being funded by Israeli interests) shouldn't this be a concern to Dutch people that are supporting him and are not aware of these links?
The only funding I have seen in the documentary is from Daniel Pipes. Dutch people in general are pro-Israel. Remember Holland, next to the US, were the only ones really helping Israel in 1973. Dutch people underwent the Arab oil-boycott afterwards and gave the proverbial middle finger. The Arabs with their most powerfull weapon lost again to a small country, the Netherlands. I even believe Dutch soldiers are the only foreign soldiers ever to fight in Israel defending Israel. In general Dutch people are pro-Israel, but the IPC has never been a major vote issue.