Middle East Revolution?

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Middle East revolution? Feb 16, 2011
So, after Tunisia and Egypt we have had protests in Iran, Bahrain and now Libya. Do you think this is going to fizzle out or are we looking at a possible Middle East revolution?

Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Middle East Revolution? Feb 16, 2011
Iran has has protests in the past but the regime is brutal and comes down hard on its people. Unfortunately I think they can get much more brutal if need be, but I truly hope the people mobilise and get whats due to them.

Bahrain I don't think so, it will just fizzle out. As too much outside intrest vested there and plus it has oil unlike Egypt and we all know what that means. I think "everybody" would prefer to see a stable status quo there.

Libya I haven't read much about as to the size and force of the protests so can't comment. Is it just a few people out or the public is out enmasse like the Egptians ?
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Re: Middle East revolution? Feb 16, 2011
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Re: Middle East Revolution? Feb 16, 2011
That would be all of us. Unless you use a bicycle and use solar panels to power your house.
UAE, Dubai Forums Lord of the posts
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Re: Middle East Revolution? Feb 17, 2011
Really, if we did have less dependence on oil the political landscape would be quite different...
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Middle East Revolution? Feb 18, 2011
Bahrain, Yemen and Libya are hotting up - with protestors being killed in each country.

However, it feels like the military in each has the upper hand for now.

What is fascinating is reading what government and international media are saying about these - especially the 'tone' of the comments - and contrasting it with Tunisia and the early Egyptian revolution commentaries. There seems to be an awkwardness - not sure which side to support or who will get the upper hand.

Pro-democracy and pro-freedom commentators don't have this dilemma.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Middle East Revolution? Feb 18, 2011
Of course, because it all relates back to political and military strategy, as well as resources - namely oil. Was watching the news about Bahrain this morning and can see that the US has to tread lightly as they have a military base there and lots of oil trade with Bahrain. Clearly we can see that democracy is not as important a value for the US as they claim, because they are willing to prioritize political and trade relations over it, and are happy to have citizens of other countries subjugated to achieve their goals. They should just be honest about that and tone down their democracy flag waiving because in the end it is phony.
Miss DubaiForums 2006
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Re: Middle East Revolution? Feb 20, 2011
Libya is cracking down on protestors, whilst in Bahrain the protestors have taken over the main square..

Looks like there's still a few more rounds to go in these series of revolutions.. I hope that the violence doesn't get out of hand - too many people have died already.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Middle East revolution? Feb 20, 2011
Didn't exactly keep track of the number of the dead, but I believe the last few weeks close to a thousand civilians have been killed. The latets news is that a massacre toke place in Benghazi/Libya, with first reports of more than hundred of civilian dead. Security forces opened blind fire ('shoot at will') at a funeral procession.
Flying Dutchman
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Re: Middle East Revolution? Feb 20, 2011
BBC is reporting over 200 killed in Benghazi massacre. Shocking news.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: Middle East Revolution? Feb 23, 2011
With the muslim and pseudomuslim nations in turmoil, "the one" will show himself soon
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