I have to at least commend you for not trying to re-write history like eh did when he claimed the Crusades weren't religious wars!
So, no argument that Christians demolished the last Jewish temple remnant and forbade Jews from the area, and also turned it into a rubbish dump. No denying that the Muslim rulers protected Jews whilst the crusaders slaughtered them. The best you can come up with is that the Jordanians expelled Jews after the 1948 war, at the same time Arab villages like Deir Yassin were purged.
But back to the issue of the extremists who violated Israeli laws:
The extremists Jews who went against the Israeli government ban seem to have your support. Why do you guys only seem to condone criminals when they happen to be Jews? In this case, the extremists went against the ban imposed by the Israeli government.
Extremists breaking Israeli laws are still extremists - even if they blame their religion for breaking the laws. There are other extremists who celebrate the actions of Baruch Goldstein - he too wanted the Muslims expelled from Haram al Sharif - they too use religious excuses for their extremism.
Praying in any overt way is forbidden - and it is this ban that the extremists were violating. The Israeli supreme court has said that if Jews do not show they are praying (i.e. just stand still), then they can't be viewed as breaking this ban (which makes sense):
http://www.haaretz.com/news/no-moving-j ... r-1.236376When Israel captured Jerusalem in 1967 and imposed military rule over the city, it chose to not cause an international uproar by overturning the Muslim control of Haram al Sharif which has been continuous since 1187. (It did commit war crimes when it demolished and expelled the 100+ families from the Maghreb quarter though - and that war crime, FD has 'sympathy' for!

Facts are facts.