For balance, the top comment on the youtube site is:
If you're from a different country, please don't think all Americans are this brain-dead.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kGasHGX ... dded#at=19
the message board for Dubai English speaking community
desertdudeshj wrote:I am have the same question whenever this Obama is a muslim thing is brought up, not saying he is but what if he was ? So what ? Also is it impossible to think that one day a muslim could be president. Obama, a black man became the president. Something unthinkiable just a few years back specially in a country that less than half a century back did not even give african americans full rights and practiced official and open segregation of black and white.
Even if Obama was a muslim does that make him any better or worse as a president ?
Bethsmum wrote:desertdudeshj wrote:I am have the same question whenever this Obama is a muslim thing is brought up, not saying he is but what if he was ? So what ? Also is it impossible to think that one day a muslim could be president. Obama, a black man became the president. Something unthinkiable just a few years back specially in a country that less than half a century back did not even give african americans full rights and practiced official and open segregation of black and white.
Even if Obama was a muslim does that make him any better or worse as a president ?
Why don't you ask the relatives of the victims of 9/11?
JoeTGF wrote:After Reagan I didn't think it was possible to elect a dumber individual to the white house but they managed it with dubya.
I can't stand Tony Blair - the man never answers a question - I know most politicians swerve but he just goes on until you forget the question itself. Complete joke to have him as middle east peace envoy - what a prat!
Based on the competition Obama is a superstar but I dislike politicians generally......except Tony Benn...now there is a man for the people.
Tom Jones wrote:Obama is a Moooslim!
Obama is an African!
Obama was not born in America!
Obama was an illegitimate child
Obama is a racist!
What’s next?? Obama is gay…!!??
kanelli wrote:Come on, everyone knows Obama is gay!![]()