Love the double speak of Islam being totally compatible with free speech yet we see Muslims cheer leading the *arrest* of fellow citizens over a video.
That would be as absurd as arresting gadfly over his posts on this forum. It's the serious disconnect between the concept of free speech and speech that only one group of people believe should be free.
I don't know what to say about the UK, other than this being the fruit of Left wing policies that have eroded civil liberties.
Here in America, where free speech is practiced, attorneys at the ACLU would have a field day over these Leninist policies.
LOL - I love the hypocrisy.
When an blogger alleges that Hamas denies the Holocaust, and it transpires there is no real evidence for this - the resident Islamophobes insist that he is guilty because they believe it to be so (not because they can produce the actual full speech).
BUT when two presumably white dudes get collared for an actual crime, and evidence is found, by the police - suddenly the Islamophobes are up in arms!

So, the Islamophobes are having a go at the UK police force for upholding the law.

But hey, Islamophobes will of course support those who incite hatred against Muslims - it would be perverse if they criticised bigots who shared their views - even if it means bad-mouthing the UK police.
As for me being arrested - I don't think they've invented the crime of 'imagined insult yet' - they tend to look at evidence and not what people with fantastical imaginations believe was said.
Wow - how many hyphens did you have in that post?
(I'm using the term Islamophobe as a short hand for those who openly admit to believing myths about Islam being a violent religion that calls for all non-Muslims to be fought against and who generalise the evil acts of some Muslims on the religion and Muslims in general. If you don't fit these descriptions, you're not an Islamophobe. If you do and you object to being labelled accurately, tough.)
So you want to poison the well and not engage in debate. Got it.
Anyone who forms an opinion based on facts and analysis is to be tarred and feathered. Might as well go ahead and lock them up along with rapists and murderers.
Thankfully you're a minority in the West.
You see, anti-Muslim propaganda is free speech, but pro-Islam propaganda is potential terrorism.
You could have a point if Muslim propaganda were illegal in Britain or the US. I would be against that just as I'm against arresting citizens of a country for a video upload because of its political slant.
But it isn't, and instead of addressing the actual substance of the issue (perhaps because you're unable to express an independent idea) , you're content with a vacuous caricaturization of the point made in the OP.
Kudos to the UK police.
And yet the vast majority of the UK population are totally against arresting someone for their beliefs.
Kudos to most of Britain's population.