David Cameron Says Passive Tolerance Must End

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Re: David Cameron Says Passive Tolerance Must End Feb 06, 2011
:roll: - I'm really surprised that eh's research has let him down yet again. The JDL supporting the EDL is hardly an endorsement. The Canadian Jewish Congress denounced this endorsement (as the EDL are thugs). The JDL are extremists and terrorists themselves:

The Jewish Defense League in the USA is responsible for more terrorist attacks than those carried out by Muslims - the Canadian chapter shares the same views and values. (And we're not talking about arson attacks in dustbins here - full blown bombings and killings of civilians.) Thankfully the terrorists have stopped their campaigns in America.

Relationships with other extremists

In 2011, the Canadian JDL organized a "support rally" for the controversial English Defence League featuring a live speech, via Skype, by EDL leader Tommy Robinson. The event was denounced by the Canadian Jewish Congress whose leader, Bernie Farber, said he was "disappointed that the JDL would support an organization whose record in the U.K. is one of violence and extremism."[42] "We join with all the leading British Jewish organizations in condemning the intolerance and violence that the EDL represents. It has never been the Canadian way to promote vigilantism," added Farber.[43] In an opinion piece published following the event, Farber and CJC general counsel Benjamin Shinewald castigated the JDL stateing that, "By joining forces [with the English Defence League], the JDL condones the indefensible actions of violent extremists."[44]

I guess you can judge a group by the company it keeps. :shock:

DDS and myself remain the only posters to condemn both the fascist EDL thugs and the extremist MAC, Choudary etc. Interesting that.


Note also that the JDL exported terrorism to Palestine, where Baruch Goldstein - the US doctor who emigrated to Israel and settled in occupied Palestine - gunned down worshippers in a mosque, in an act of religiously motivated terrorism which the JDL supports:

The 1994 Cave of the Patriarchs Massacre, in which dozens of Palestinians at prayer were massacred by a gunman in the West Bank city of Hebron, was perpetrated by a one-time JDL member who had emigrated from the United States, Baruch Goldstein.[10] The JDL maintained, on its website, "we are not ashamed to say that Goldstein was a charter member of the Jewish Defense League", and described his action as "a preventative measure against yet another Arab attack on Jews".[11]

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: David Cameron says passive tolerance must end Feb 06, 2011
I'm not surprised that you would go off on the American chapter of the JDL when I specifically mentioned the Canadian chapter.

That would be like mentioning the Egyptian Islamic Jihad or the Palestinian Islamic Jihad or Hamas or al-Qaeda in a discussion of the Muslim Brotherhood and current events in Egypt. Simple deflection attempts and smoke screens that are less and less convincing.

But thanks for admitting that the Canadian Jewish Defense League have come out in support of the EDL against the anti-Semitic sentiments held by most in certain sectors of British society.

And you haven't addressed the clear statements from the EDL - on their own website - that conflict with any riff-raff you would choose to claim is representative of the EDL, especially since counter-demonstrators are usually the side to start the violence at any EDL demonstration.
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Re: David Cameron Says Passive Tolerance Must End Feb 07, 2011
Does the Canadian branch of the JDL condemn the religiously motivated acts of terrorism carried out by American JDL members (such as Baruch Goldstein)? (Do they differ in ANY ideological way?)

I didn't think so. I rest my case.

It also appears that your argument is with the British Council of Jews who rightly categorise the EDL as 'racist thugs' and the Canadian Jewish Congress who similarly denounce this fascist group.

The truth hurts, it appears.

Dubai Shadow Wolf
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Re: David Cameron says passive tolerance must end Feb 07, 2011
Cameron still has it spot on, Passive Tolerence must end!

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Re: David Cameron says passive tolerance must end Feb 08, 2011

Sadiq Khan left isolated after race attack on Cameron

A senior ally of Ed Miliband who branded David Cameron a far-Right ‘propagandist’ for criticising multiculturalism was left isolated by Labour colleagues yesterday.

They refused to back Shadow Justice Secretary Sadiq Khan after his extraordinary attack on the Prime Minister’s speech in which he pledged to crack down on Muslim groups that sympathise with Islamic extremists and oppose British values.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... meron.html
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Re: David Cameron Says Passive Tolerance Must End Feb 08, 2011
shafique wrote:Does the Canadian branch of the JDL condemn the religiously motivated acts of terrorism carried out by American JDL members (such as Baruch Goldstein)? (Do they differ in ANY ideological way?)

I didn't think so. I rest my case.

It also appears that your argument is with the British Council of Jews who rightly categorise the EDL as 'racist thugs' and the Canadian Jewish Congress who similarly denounce this fascist group.

The truth hurts, it appears.

The response to these questions and facts are still awaited. Surely not ANOTHER case of 'all mouth, no trousers' from our young extremist who refuses to condemn JDL terrorist Goldstein?

As for Cameron being right - as I said in my first post, let's see what actually happens in practice in terms of 'stopping passive resistance'. :roll:

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