Perhabs it is a common view in the west on the average arab man/woman?
not true?
I think it is true, and it is bad for both parts.
the message board for Dubai English speaking community
sniper420 wrote:well this cartoon is not a joke at all. It is stereotyping and ridiculing the whole Muslim world. Lemme put it this way- if u have a bro who is a player and naughty messing around the neigbourhood like breakin ur neighbour's window, throwing garbage at ur neighbour's frontdoor etc, ur neighbours come to u to complain abt ur bro and u disagree with his actions and try to lecture ur bro but he remains supid as ever. Now ur neighbours in retaliation gets a pic of ur mom and with adobe photoshop post a naked pic of ur mom. Now how would u feel? Enraged eh?
samething is the case here
There are terrorists messing around the world not only in west in middle east -in iraq, saudia etc. In iraq bombings have bcome so common that ppl still sip their coffee in cafe after loud explosion. most of the muslim population disagree with the terrorist bombings. But when Danes insult something they admire and revere ofcourse they are going to be enraged. Yes if u compare with Jesus and Moses few ppl would give damn in Jewish and Christain world cos they hold less importance in their lives. Cross has become a symbol of fashion. "Jesus" had bcome more of exclamation remark.
I hope this explained.
kanelli wrote:I can see both perspectives. What the cartoon seems to emphasise though is that many moderate Muslims would rather take action over cartoons, but don't show much outrage or action when it comes to the atrocities committed by radical Muslims in the name of their faith. Isn't suicide bombing in the name of Islam just as much of an assault on Islam as those cartoons - or more of an insult in my opinion!
castellano wrote:i admire cuicide bombers in palastine ,, when i condemn it and consider it as an assault on islam in for example 9/11 ,,, so no generalizing at all .
kanelli wrote:castellano wrote:i admire cuicide bombers in palastine ,, when i condemn it and consider it as an assault on islam in for example 9/11 ,,, so no generalizing at all .
What is the difference? Innocent people are killed in both cases. Both kinds of attacks are done for political purposes. Do you feel that Jewish lives are worth less for some reason? Israel and Palestine can and should exist side by side - yet Israelis and Palestinians continue to fight and kill each other. That is not admirable at all. As far as I have seen, the Torah and Quran do not instruct Jews and Muslims to engage in murder.
Most religious texts talk about how people should respect the environment and animals that the god(s) put here on earth - yet every day people abuse nature and animals. I care very much for environmental issues yet I don't admire environmental terrorists who have killed people to protect animals and nature. I'm smart enough to realise that violence only turns people away from the cause. Peaceful protests and political actions are the only ways to reach the goals.
Chocoholic wrote:Killing another innocent is always wrong. Suicide bombers are the most cowardly people possible, they don't discriminate who they kill and are prepared to kill fellow muslims in a heartbeat - very sad.
So are you going to condem the group which just murdered a Christian peacekeeper in Iraq after holding him hostage for months, then tortuing him before shooting him in the head and dumping his body by the side of the road? His only crime was to be in the country, siding with the Iraqi people and helping them to find peace in their country! Did he deserve to die? And what about the other 3 hostages that were held along with him? Do they deserve the same fate? When all they want to do is help the Iraqi people, or are they being punished just because they are Western Christians?
What about the other 54 foreigners who've so far been kidnapped and killed in Iraq? What about the thousands of Iraqi's kidnapped and murdered by there own people in the name of 'their religion'?
Sorry but the people committing these atrocities are the ones you should be mad at, bringing the name of Islam and Muslims into desrepute and causing headlines such as the above.
A recent survey in the US now shows that 43% associate Islam with violence, terrorism, suicide bombings and murder - I wonder why?
sniper420 wrote:well have u ever been to Jerusalem? If yes did u stare at the border of isreal and palestine? If yes then u will realize that oil and water can never mix... cos of the mentality in both the communities.
But politically and economically peace is usually a disadvantage and that is what is truly sad with society.
fayz wrote:sniper420 wrote:well have u ever been to Jerusalem? If yes did u stare at the border of isreal and palestine? If yes then u will realize that oil and water can never mix... cos of the mentality in both the communities.
I don't agree, actually i think the original Palestinians and the original Jews could get along, it is just unfortunate that so many outside forces (both Arab and not) are manipulating the system. even during my 6 hour stint at a border crossing in Israel the "local" Israelis were friendly and hospitable to all Arab appearing people and it was returned but the foreigners (in this case mostly Russian Jews) were very rude and quick to insult.
As Shafique mentioned in one of his posts earlier the golden period for the Jews was actually when Muslims were in charge, it was the only time they weren't persecuted.
I do hope one day that we'll all be able to live in peace, whether you Jew, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, etc. But politically and economically peace is usually a disadvantage and that is what is truly sad with society.
SheikhaS wrote:Could we try to remember that these suicide bombers arent actually "Muslim"?
If you are educated in Islam or even know what Islam means, you will get my point.
kanelli wrote:I didn't say anywhere that aboriginals didn't have the right to modern amenities. In fact, I never said anything derrogatory about aboriginals at all, so no sarcasm was needed. We do have aboriginals in Canada, so I know what is going on. The idea of aboriginals trying to claim a large city is what I found silly - not aboriginal people and their plight.
I can understand that Palestinians are upset (and the rest of the Muslim world seems to take it as a personal offense too) and I sympathise. I know that they are being treated unfairly and I don't support Israel's behaviour on many issues.
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