the message board for Dubai English speaking community
SheikhaS wrote:Please try to educate yourselves before always bashing locals on this forum!!!
Its absolutely ridiculous to believe that because the guys were UAE nationals they received a light sentence!!!
Im obviously against the 2 year sentence, it should be more, but please feed your tiny minds with information before making statements that are untrue.
And for all the local bashers i ask you this....."how many locals do you actually know, and im not talking about your work colleagues, Im talking true friends here.Probably none because you either are racist towards them or they cant be bothered to give you the time of day because you are a moaning expat!
Sorry for the rant, but it has to be said!!
Stylinexpat wrote:One would hate to e against the locals but there are many things that point negatively towards their direction. Here is one for you. Look at my case at www.dubaicheckfraud.com
The guy can't be found and the local law does not allow for locals to have wanted pictures in the local newspapers or on the news or any sot of media. So the guy is as loose as a Dog in the streets of the Emirates while no one but the local authorities knows that he is a wanted person. Why are pictures of Indian people printed in the paper for small crimes and pictures of locals never printed in the papers for big crimes? A crime is a crime no matter who you are. In Islam God did not seperate Inidans or any other Nationals and Say the Emirate Nationals are an exception. Try and see things from our point of view. we come to Dubai with good intentions but reality proves other wise once we encounter situations with the law. Try suing a local, he has no address but a Post Office Box that is closedTry printing an advert in the paper to try and find a local, immediater rejection
Sorry but what you say is total rubbish
Nucleus wrote:Sorry but what you say is total rubbish
Not totally rubbish... dubai is getting easy on crimes, read this: http://www.khaleejtimes.com/DisplayArti ... heuae&col=
fayz wrote:I wonder though Choco if it was a local raping a Pakistani boy would you immediately say "see i told you locals get off easy", kinda proving sheikas point.
The root problem is people are getting off too easy, no matter of race or nationality, castration is appropriate for taking a Child’s innocence, when you get lax on crime, crime increases.
Flip side is there is a small group of locals that do believe they are above the law and another group of expats (arab) who dress in local garb, doing so to play into the facad that all “locals” are rich and untouchable, the assholes I’ve met in Kandoras have all not been UAE people, the Nationals I work with treat me very well and work just as hard as any expat, every group has its bad apples and people should be judged for themselves (easier said than done I know but we should all try to be open)
At the end of the day most people on this board want to see the UAE grow and flourish and want to be proud to call this place home, this is only attainable if we all work together.
My two fils.
SheikhaS wrote:Ok ok .this is gonna go on forever............
maybe the number one thing we could learn from this story is.......
Dont go home with strangers.
SheikhaS wrote:Ok ok .this is gonna go on forever............
maybe the number one thing we could learn from this story is.......
Dont go home with strangers.
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