I guess that would be a 'no', there wouldn't be calls for a man's arrest and righteous outrage from politicians and advocacy groups if Jesus were the butt of someone's joke. No call of racism or 'xenophobia' would be brandied about. I daresay, no one would lose their job either, or become the target of a mini hate campaign.
It would be a bit bizarre if insulting a founder of religion was viewed less lightly than insulting an official because they are woman.
Does that make women also 'untouchables'. What about racist remarks about black people or asian people (eg using Nigger or Paki in the UK) - does that make them 'untouchable'?
Making a joke of a long dead historical figure is on par with racist remarks.
Got it.
Great logic.
The comments are worth reading. I never expected there would be such unanimous

and bewilderment left in Britain over such an incident:
I am a churchgoer, mainly choral evensong. And I say my prayers every night. Nevertheless jokes about religion are fine by me. Organised religion should be able to take the knocks, and basically there's no need for it. A discourse between the individual and God is all that's required, and that's private. There's no need for all this twaddle from the big religions. If they have no sense of humour they have no right to preach.
- Dave, Devon, 02/02/2011 17:08
Not much of a joke, Mahmoon is a bigger joke did he not fiddle some expenses? I heard better ones in the pub. What happened to free speech, should not have been sacked
- peter grogan, ,London, 02/02/2011 16:57
Fact is most other religious people don't go all stroppy when someone has a dig or joke at their expense. Some Muslims are far too sensitive and end up provoking more backlash.
Someone has started here about Aisha and her age and therein lies the problem. The idea that a holy man can marry a nine year old (consummated or not) offends them but you don't see Muslims rubbing their chins and saying 'Take your point'.
It's easy to offend so lets have a bit of give and take rather than attacking people for stupid jokes.
- Gary, Essex, 02/02/2011 16:46
The joke was not Anti-Islam and was not Islamophobic. It was Islam related.
- Are you having a laugh?, Neutral, 02/02/2011 16:21
Why is it so wrong to offend someone? It is very easily done. I am offended everyday having to get on the tube with all the smelly people, I am offended by beggers everyday,office workers,war,whatever..but so what that is what freedom entails the possibility of being offended in a free society,right? Don't bother replying I don't like you nor do I want to hear your opinion (and not because I will be offended).
- Gary, East London, 02/02/2011 15:57
What's happened? You can't crack a joke about a religion any more? Jesus Christ.
- Paul, London, 02/02/2011 15:33
I think it is the moral duty of every non-Muslim to make fun of Islam. Then the whining will stop and we'll go back to ot caring less about it.
The newspapers and media in general are to blame for all this, for not publishing the Mohammed cartoons day after day, to normalise them.
Likewise, they should have published the actual Satanic Verses, referred to in Rushdie's book, day after day after day.
Their cowardice has brought us to the situation where people are fired from jobs because of a so-called religion. The media and our pathetic politicians are the real Islamophobes. Shame on them all.
- Stephen Gash, Carlisle England, 02/02/2011 15:33
Was he talking about the same prophet who marries 9 yr old girls?
- Rob, London, 02/02/2011 14:41
It was a joke, but it wasn't funny and i am not offended in anyway. They are far more important things in life to worry about, not some joke that wasn't funny.
- Abdul, London, 02/02/2011 14:40
In a free country you can say what you like - the only proviso is incitement to religious hatred as far as I know, and this ain't that. I find it repellant that any man should have four wives. Please censor all references to Mohammed's four wives and Islam so that I am not offended.
- Ricky, London, 02/02/2011 13:40
I am fed up with the likes of Mahmood trying to make a direct analogy in people's minds between so called islamophobia and racism (or, indeed, sexism or homophobia). There is an important difference when the perceived slight is in relation to a religion itself (whether Islam, Christianity or whatever). What next, outraged socialists or fascists on the basis that Marx or Mussolini have been the butt of a joke (no matter how unfunny)?
- Alan J, London, 02/02/2011 12:43