Will Egypt Follow Tunisia?

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Re: Will Egypt Follow Tunisia? Jan 30, 2011
http://www.www.facebook.com/photo.php?f ... =503441613

watch this...

anyway, what i meant by saying in general no 100%... this was in normal cases but now it is abnormal so I can't expect anything...
and as I stated there is many categories of people now in streets, which can give a good justification for the army if they decided to be at Mubarak's side...

will try to keep updating , but i am very busy between calling family, friends and following news...

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Re: Will Egypt Follow Tunisia? Jan 30, 2011
Al Jazeera cut off the air in Egypt.
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Re: Will Egypt Follow Tunisia? Jan 30, 2011
Bora Bora wrote:Al Jazeera cut off the air in Egypt.

yes it is, now BBC and AlArabya are covering what they can, watching them online...

still protesters gathering middle of Cairo, and other cities, and Mubarak is in a meeting with the army generals...Army operations
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Re: Will Egypt Follow Tunisia? Jan 30, 2011
Mahmoud04 wrote:
Bora Bora wrote:Al Jazeera cut off the air in Egypt.

yes it is, now BBC and AlArabya are covering what they can, watching them online...

still protesters gathering middle of Cairo, and other cities, and Mubarak is in a meeting with the army generals...Army operations

His meetings are being broadcast on the local channel. An attempt to let the people know that the army is behind him? The brass may be, but the army out numbers the brass!!!!

What happens to those trying to get out of Egypt with no means of communication??? What about people who have family living in Egypt and trying to find out if family is safe?

It seems Al Jazeera is broadcasting live. News stations are not naming reporters in Egypt to protect them.

Judges have joined the protesters. Muslim Brotherhood now raising it's voice. Now, that worries me!!!!

Edited to add:

The army was ordered to use live ammo on the protesters, which they refuse to do.
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Re: Will Egypt Follow Tunisia? Jan 30, 2011
Mahmoud04 wrote:
Bora Bora wrote:Al Jazeera cut off the air in Egypt.

yes it is, now BBC and AlArabya are covering what they can, watching them online...

still protesters gathering middle of Cairo, and other cities, and Mubarak is in a meeting with the army generals...Army operations

Of course Army operations....Couple of days ago, head of the Egyption military "Sami Anan" was in washington...Peace and democracy loving Obama showed his true colours once more when he said Sami to return back to stand by Hosni Hussein Obama!....Hosni is now relieved he can continue to take the piss out of his people once more...
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Re: Will Egypt Follow Tunisia? Jan 30, 2011
Have you seen this going around Facebook

"If you know anyone in Egypt, please pass this on to them. To bypass government blocking of websites, use numerical IP addresses: Twitter ”” Fb ”” Google ””. A French ISP offers free dial up internet access ~ +33 1 72 89 01 50 Login password: toto. Please pass this on... and share"

Is it real?
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Re: Will Egypt Follow Tunisia? Jan 30, 2011
just thought to share this video....
http://www.www.facebook.com/video/video ... 7&comments

the army is protecting or controlling the people from one side against police forces... so i think i can say the army is playing fair so far...

-- Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:28 pm --

Berrin wrote:
Mahmoud04 wrote:
Bora Bora wrote:Al Jazeera cut off the air in Egypt.

, head of the Egyption military "Sami Anan" was in washington...

didn't know that Sami Anan is the head of the Egyptian military, what happened to Hussein Tantawi mate!
thanks for the info...
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Re: Will Egypt follow Tunisia? Jan 30, 2011
Sorry..Isn't Sami Anan the Chief of General Staff? If not probably the second man of something..Anyways I read in a newspaper that it was him that visited Washington..
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Re: Will Egypt Follow Tunisia? Feb 01, 2011
Mahmoud04 wrote:
kanelli wrote:Mahmoud04, do you think the army will turn on the people?

In general the answer will be 100% no...

but looking at the current situation, streets has 4 categories of people
2-Peaceful protesters, now are busy protecting their homes and national / private authorities (and I ma proud both my bro are with them)
3-Criminals & thugs, stealing and destroying what they can reach
4-people from the interior acting as thugs and more or less doing as 3

in charge
1-President, army background, even now is call the Military ruler of Egypt not a president
2-Vice president, army background
3-Cabinet, I think mostly will be army background, but not 100% sure of course..

adding one fact, there is no ministry of interior now on the ground of Egypt...

I think now all cards are in People hands and nobody know what is their plans specially as we don't have internet which was the foundation of this revolution... and the reaction of the people will make it clearer if army will face them or not...

My understanding is a lot simpler, the army supports Mubarak and in turn get rewarded. Mubarak maintains the support of the army thank to aid packages from western countries the largest of which comes from the US via an annual 1.5 billion dollar aid package. For the first time in a decade US has already placed this package under review and that in turn makes Mubarak even more vulnerable. Now should the US make any overtures to the current opposition leader, that will instantly spell out the end of Mubarak rule. Let's wait and watch!!!
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Re: Will Egypt Follow Tunisia? Feb 01, 2011
well, I don't have much time to explain the situation now in the Egyptian street...
BUT it is not the USA, it is not the EU, it is not the 1.5 $ billion, it is not Muslims Brotherhood (the ghost Mubarak use to threaten the west) and it is not even Mubarak....

IT IS THE EGYPTIANS WHO ARE DECIDING NOW...AND IT IS ALL NOW ABOUT THEM .... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5GSfSRY ... rofilepage

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Mubarak not to stand for re-election in September Feb 02, 2011
But will it be enough to placate the masses?

Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has said he will not stand for re-election in September, as protests against his rule grow.


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Re: Will Egypt Follow Tunisia? Feb 02, 2011
^^^Add to that, another one who will not run for "re-election" with a promise not to hand over the presidency to his son:

http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/02/ ... WC20110202

Obviously Jordan and Yeman get's it. Mubarak thinks all those bandaids he is tossing out to Egyptians is going make the problems, as he sees them, go away. Throw the people a few crumbs and empty promises, come September it will have passed, and Jamal can step in and the it's back to "business as usual".

As Mahmoud points out - too many people outside of Egypt are missing the core points that that are at the heart of the revolution.

When Egyptians say "Leave" to Mubarak, they don't mean leave the country, they mean for him to step down leave the seat of the presidency.

All the people wanted to hear him say in his speech was that he was stepping down.
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Re: Will Egypt follow Tunisia? Feb 04, 2011
Red Chief wrote:In my view, Tunisia and Egypt were the first but not last victims of the World crisis. It must have been Greece or if EU had not granted the financial support. There are a lot of countries in the World, which cannot find own place between China and the West and don't have enough natural resources to survive in hard days.

On the other hand uncontroled birth rate makes it impossible to avoid hunger without import of food. Wise Den Xiaoping recognized self-sufficiency of food and moved in the both direction at the beginning of his reforms.

True! Stability of countries around the world will ultimately boil down to food security.

-- Fri Feb 04, 2011 11:38 am --

shafique wrote:
Mahmoud04 wrote:suddenly everyone is an expert with ME, Muslims, and Egyptians matters...

Ignore the loons. They were just waiting for an anti-Islamic angle and couldn't contain themselves when a snippet of news was highlighted on Islamophobic blog. They are nothing if not predictable - some looting goes on and it is now Islam's fault. :roll:

For example Pamella Geller (a loon blogger, indeed holds the title 'looniest blogger ever') is supporting Mubarak:
The blogger who still loves Mubarak
Pamela Geller cheers for mass arrests, worries that Obama will throw our "ally" under the bus

http://www.salon.com/news/politics/war_ ... ller_egypt

And as Salon highlights, these guys aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer - their hatred of Muslims seems to over-ride logic:

Geller continued to demonstrate the limits of her simplistic, binary understanding of the world. "I am all for political freedom," she wrote, except that she prefers Mubarak to, uh, political freedom.

I think Shafique it is you who needs to be ignored, primarily for your paranoia!!! Firstly you link an article of an article, which is nothing. Can I now link something you have said and make that out to be a fact?
When American bloggers or political observers talk of Mubarak, they talk of an ally and when they say USA lost an ally they are not praising Mubarak but critiquing Obama. Now if America had to pressure Mubarak and call free and fair elections and cut aid a long time ago, it would've bolstered America's image in Egypt. The new government which will hopefully be a representative of the people of Egypt is bound to be skeptical American foreign policy and will probably be more open to relations with other countries. In that respect political observers are quite justified in their criticisms about the Obama administration. (this logic may not hold sway with someone who clearly is a fan of Jimmy Carter :) )
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Re: Will Egypt Follow Tunisia? Feb 04, 2011
Perhaps I am paranoid - who knows? I'll let others be the judge. ;) I thought the quote from Geller was quite pertinent myself, as well as Salon's commentary on it.

Moving on...I found myself nodding to this quote from Haaretz (and I give the direct link):

The late Arab-American scholar Edward Said appears to have been right. We’re all suffering from Orientalism, not to say racism, if the sight of an entire people throwing off the yoke of tyranny and courageously demanding free elections fills us with fear rather than uplifting us, just because they’re Arabs…

People are scaring us with talk of an Islamist takeover of our big neighbor. The Muslim Brotherhood will certainly play an important role in any political democratic structure that emerges in Egypt, and that has to be dealt with. But then, we also have religious fundamentalists in the [Israeli] government. That is the price of a parliamentary democracy. And the previous U.S. administration was intimately linked to fundamentalists, but that’s okay too, because evangelical Christians love Israel.

http://www.haaretz.com/print-edition/op ... t-1.340717


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Re: Will Egypt Follow Tunisia? Feb 05, 2011
..The home-stretch... , *brace for impact*
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Re: Will Egypt follow Tunisia? Feb 08, 2011
Misery Called Life wrote:
Red Chief wrote:In my view, Tunisia and Egypt were the first but not last victims of the World crisis. It must have been Greece or if EU had not granted the financial support. There are a lot of countries in the World, which cannot find own place between China and the West and don't have enough natural resources to survive in hard days.

On the other hand uncontroled birth rate makes it impossible to avoid hunger without import of food. Wise Den Xiaoping recognized self-sufficiency of food and moved in the both direction at the beginning of his reforms.

True! Stability of countries around the world will ultimately boil down to food security.

The confirmation of this statement I found in the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) report:

Food inflation is among the factors blamed for the turmoil in Egypt and the overthrow of Tunisian president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali.

Full story is here. http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2011/02/0 ... rices.html

It's not news as all news agencies mentioned this reason for Tunisia at least.

In addition to the world crunch there were severe weather conditions in the world's main wheat exporters in 2010 which pushed prices up:

Traders also are concerned about the quality and quantity of the global wheat supply, particularly after devastating floods damaged Australia's crop on top of last year's drought in Russia and Ukraine and flooding in Canada.

Russia for instance banned export of weat in 2010-2011.
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