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shafique wrote:Loonwatch have created a page on the protests with some interesting info on it - including the US view of Mubarak as well as a loon blogger's take on democracy and Muslims: ... -in-egypt/
It exposes quite clearly the hypocrisy and double standards of many in the West who give zero credit to the Arab and Muslim peoples, it also exposes their close link and dealings with decadent despotic regimes. We can’t help but notice the difference between the reaction to protests in Iran and these protests, can it be that denunciations are affected by how friendly or adverse one is to the regime in question?
There is no way that the army will turn on the people -
Sledgehammer mentions a systematic plan by the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) to create chaos in society by bombing mosques and attacking popular museums with Molotov cocktails. The desired result was to increase pressure on the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) government following the government’s apparent failure to provide security to its citizens. The attacks were to eventually lead to a military coup.
The plan belonged to the War Academy Command and was drawn up in 2003. It is believed to be part of the Sledgehammer coup plan.
According to the plan Parliament would be forced to accept the fact that the trend of reactionaryism is on the rise, which presents a threat Atatürk’s principles and Turkey’s secular order. “Heavy responsibility falls on the armed forces for the protection of the republic, established by Atatürk. The War Academy Command will be fulfilling its responsibilities,” the plan read.
The document also said the command needed the support of Parliament for a declaration of martial law and that deputies would be forced to declare it.
There are a lot of countries in the World, which cannot find own place between China and the West and don't have enough natural resources to survive in hard days.
Berrin wrote:There are a lot of countries in the World, which cannot find own place between China and the West and don't have enough natural resources to survive in hard days.
Believe it or not..Many countries who are subdued are actually rich in resources but somehow the war lords (that's what a call them),
Berrin wrote: Believe it or not..Many countries who are subdued are actually rich in resources but somehow the war lords (that's what a call them), actually the lords of the world economic system will not allow all nations to utilise their resources at once, or at the same time...There is some sort of categorising, it's through meetings such as Davos that they get together and decide which nations is allowed for what scientific or economic know how and develeopment..Anyone who breaks the rules and decisions taken will be slaved through the lords of the financial system which run by almost the same people....
can't agree anymore, and i would like to add it is not about resources only, it is about who leads the country...
Berrin, you always take the position of victim too easily but there is a good experience of China itself. There were no a hidden plan to rise so big rival which China is now at the end of 70s. It's the merit of the Comunist Party and its leader Den, not the foreign office of US and the first goal China reached under his leadership was food indepandance.
On the other hand uncontroled birth rate makes it impossible to avoid hunger without import of food. Wise Den Xiaoping recognized self-sufficiency of food and moved in the both direction at the beginning of his reforms.
event horizon wrote:Very disappointing.
Many Muslims often ignore their history in favor of Islamic culture, viewing the ancients as living in an age of ignorance.
This is prevalent in Pakistan where the history of the people starts when the Muslim armies first arrived - anything before that is overlooked.
Mahmoud04 wrote:suddenly everyone is an expert with ME, Muslims, and Egyptians matters...
whats happening in Egypt now is beyond any expectations, and the dead are over 100 as in news but i think its higher than that.. and there is news about 1000s of prisoners escaped from jails... so i think the army has a lot to fix before things got fixed, and now the peaceful protesters are busy protecting there homes, families, and national and private I am not sure if they will have time and effort to protest against Mubarak now!!!
and also many of the business men, whom was under the cover of the government has left the country...
Regarding the new cabinet, and the vice president... I am not optimistic at all as now I feel like I will have to live as a soldier not a citizen...
anyway now no one can expect what will happen tomorrow or in the next few days, there is 1000s questions without any answers..
Mahmoud04 wrote:suddenly everyone is an expert with ME, Muslims, and Egyptians matters...
The blogger who still loves Mubarak
Pamela Geller cheers for mass arrests, worries that Obama will throw our "ally" under the bus
Geller continued to demonstrate the limits of her simplistic, binary understanding of the world. "I am all for political freedom," she wrote, except that she prefers Mubarak to, uh, political freedom.
Mahmoud04 wrote:suddenly everyone is an expert with ME, Muslims, and Egyptians matters...
According to sources in the Egyptian Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel is making preparations to welcome Hosni Mubarak into exile after Saudi Arabia rejected overtures.
kanelli wrote:Mahmoud04, do you think the army will turn on the people?
In general the answer will be 100% no...
The news footage today shows the crowds and army getting on well - with people on the tanks and embracing the soldiers.
Berrin wrote: Hah ha, RC Russia is no different when it comes to its hegomony on its ex colonial states..Only those who posses anything other than islamic agenda can come to the power? Isn't it? To be succesful, Presidents will either let themselves be slaved or bare to be overturned by all sorts of cheating and uprise on false promises...After all the mojority of these nations are muslim dominated and if they rise in power with the support of muslims, the whole nation can be a thread to Christian/Ahteist Russia, isn't it? They strategy on caucasus hasn't changed since the times of stalin..While the ex colonies in eastern Europe given the freedom to from their own state and join EU....
Red Chief wrote: Berrin stop putting Muzlim spin on the countries and events you know nothing about. The only Muzlim in such countries like KirgizSTAN and KazakhSTAN is the word "STAN" in their names. Both nations have Russian as the national language and it has nothing in common with Russian infuence. Unfortunately the athority of former parent state is not big enough to stop people from looting during colourful and floral revolutions.
There is no evidence of any threat but only centripetal force. You probably forgot the weight of this state against Russia.![]()
About Caucasus just for your information there are Christian states as well there and not with all of them Russia has good relationship.
The Muslim population of Soviet Union are mainly concentrated in three regions. These are Central Asia, Volga-Ural and Caucasus. Firstly there are five Muslim states on the north of Afghanistan and Iran. These are Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. Secondly the Muslim settlements on the banks of Volga river and Muslim regions of Tataria and Bashkhiria on the Ural mountains. Lastly the region between Black sea and Kashpian Sea.
About one fourth of the area of Soviet Union was Muslim majority. If we exclude Siberia then it can be said that around half of the area of Soviet Union was Muslim majority, because the ice-covered barren Siberia occupies half of Soviet Union.
Total population of Soviet Union was 22 crores(in 1975), of them Muslims are around 4 crores. There is shortage of authentic information about the exact population of Muslims in Soviet Union. In 1913 there were around one crore and eighty lac Muslims in Tsar ruled Russia [Bennigsen. A. Islam in The Soviet Union, Pali Mall Press, London]. In 1960 it was assumed that Muslim population of Soviet Union was more than three crore [Bennigsen. A. Islam in The Soviet Union, Pali Mall Press, London]. Depending on these statistics it is assumed that Muslim population of Russia is now around 4 crore(in the year 1975).
Almost 85% of the Muslim population of Soviet Union are Turkish in origin and Turkish speaking. People of Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan of Central Asia, Tataria and Bashkhiria of Volga-Ural, and Azerbeizan of South Caucasus mountains are Turkish speaking. Beside these there are several Turkish speaking population in North Caucasus, Siberia, Lithuania and Belarus.
The rest 15% Muslim population of Soviet Union are mainly the Farsi speaking population of Tajikhistan. Beside Turkish and Farsi speaking population, there are Muslim population in Caucasus with different local languages (e.g Dagestani, Chechen, Inguish, Kabarda, Adizei) and few Arabic speaking Muslims.
It can be inferred from this discussion that only with the exception of Tajikhistan and North Caucasus whole of the Muslim population of Soviet Union are Turkish speaking and Turkish in origin.