Bora Bora wrote:Mahmoud04 wrote:both my brothers are in streets, can't reach one of them and the other has been hit by tear bombs...
Keep us posted Mahmoud. Hubby keeps me posted. Has the Arabic channels on and has to tell me what is going on. Inshallah, your family stays safe. If you get in touch with them tell them they have alot of support here in Dubai. Hubby spoke to sis on landline this morning so there is still communication (until the government shuts that down!).
land lines are working, and mobile networks working out side cairo and alexandria...
but wondering where is Mubarak in all this, there is news about some police joining the protesters, and Suez city people has control over the city now, so is some other parts in Egypt...
also you can tell you hubby to advice his family to use the internet through dial up calling 0777 7776 or 07777 666 some people say it works...
I think if things remain like this i am gonna fly back tomorrow morning... I shouldn't be online, I should be ONSITE
-- Fri Jan 28, 2011 6:39 pm --
the amry might get involved soon, the soldiers there gave up their weapons and took citizens cloths from the people and left (Suez city).. confirmed...
Ismailia city, the army might get involved soon (not 100% confirmed)...
Cairo, some people are heading to some of the presidents palaces... but we have no information where is he now...
-- Fri Jan 28, 2011 7:07 pm --
JSC, Jazeera, news about the Army entering Cairo

... wish i can kill Mubarak myself..