Was in Shj day before, near the labour office. Where they used to have literally hundreds of typing shops carrying out labour and immigration dept paperwork and specially with the labour office close by, bussiness was good. But sometime begining of 2010 Shj passed a law that now only one, yes just one typing outlet is authorised to do any offical paperwork, wonder who owns that one eh ?

Was driving by one shop and saw a sign on the window EID done here, had my orginal PP with me and it was close to 1.00pm Sharjah basically still does the 1 to 4 siesta. I walked in and said I need to get this done. Dude says alright leave your passport here pointing to a stack of passports ! You can then come in a few days and pick it up.
I said uh huh, no way jose, not leaving my passport with anyone and I can't wait I really need to get it done now. Dude looks around, no one in the shop, everyones gone of the 1 to 4 break. OK look, but i'll cost you a little extra. Long story short I walk out after 20 mins with my reciept in hand. I asked is this the one I can use instead of the EID, he said no your suppose to get an SMS with in two days and that will have your appointment on it then you go on that date they probe you ! and then give you another paper which you can use until you get the actual EID
Now just the other day I was talking to someone who after standing for hours to get their apps typed in early december just recieved the SMS a day before informing him of an appointment in late feb !
Hmmm....There is a EIDA center closeby in barsha so I thought I'd see how far I could take this, So I arrived thier earlish today. Went up to the lady with my sad little doggy in the window look and asked if she could help me. She said whats up ? I told her I got my app typed day before need to get my EID ASAP . She looked at the date and said sorry mate not happening you have to wait to get an SMS and the come on the appointment, there was also a rude Egyptian fellow who was turning back anyone with an appointment, luckily I avoided him. I kindly requested her again and that I would really appreciate it and give the Docu A,B,C,D story with a few emblishments. She sighed, ok fine hand me your papers zapped my papers and pulled out a number and said go wait. I said a BIG THANK YOU and mumbled a I love you too I think