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the message board for Dubai English speaking community
Bora Bora wrote:Shaf, what is it you want to accomplish on DF with all the time you spend on pro-Islam, anti-Islam issues? Whatever it is that you are promoting or whatever your cause is, get out there and go and do something that will have an impact on your "cause" rather than constantly posting statements from nutters on all sides!!!! It really has no effect here and clearly not too many people are interested in it, or have grown tired, of it.
Bora Bora wrote:Shaf, what is it you want to accomplish on DF with all the time you spend on pro-Islam, anti-Islam issues? Whatever it is that you are promoting or whatever your cause is, get out there and go and do something that will have an impact on your "cause" rather than constantly posting statements from nutters on all sides!!!! It really has no effect here and clearly not too many people are interested in it, or have grown tired, of it.
shafique wrote: You ask what I want to accomplish.
Well, in the politics forum I tend to focus on one main issue - the rise of Islamophobia in general, and specifically the blaming of Muslims/Islam in general for politically motivated acts of violence, terrorism - and the linked misinformation campaign by Israel and her supporters to confuse the issue over the military occupation of Palestine with a religious struggle.
The dehumanization campaign against the Palestinians in particular and muslims in general (they don't value life, sacrifice their kids, are somehow less human etc) is a cynical campaign which is exactly like that carried out against the Jews by fascists in Europe. I have taken to heart the message that it is the duty of good people to speak out against injustice and not to tire of this.
shafique wrote: I understand it must be really frustrating when your beliefs don't match evidence - I guess that is why Islamophobes rely on SHOUTING and insults rather than reasoned debate and evidence.