zubber wrote:Segregation of the sexes in the school doesnt sound like a bad idea after ALL IMHO !
But, wouldn't segregating students - all boys classes and all girls classes promote homosexuality??? What if there is a boy in a class that has a defective gene, can the other boys catch his disease??? Girls tend to get all girly and one of them may have a defective gene and quickly pass on her infliction to other girls. I don't think it's a good idea.
-- Sat Jan 22, 2011 6:30 pm --
desertdudeshj wrote:LOOOL ! Zubs I have no clue as you why ol fiesty cat has here claws drawn out here.
I was merely commenting on your story using some of the logic I gained today from some DF posters
Anyways on a serious note that was what I was saying in the other thread, schools should be one of those places where parent can leave their children without having to worry about them if they are in safe hands or not.
The answer to the first sentence can be found in the second sentence, if that helps.
You are on a real streak today Dude. You graduated from dumb, to dumber, to dumbest. What's next: dumberer? dumbester?? Can't wait to see.

-- Sat Jan 22, 2011 6:32 pm --
zubber wrote:I apologize if you are offended bora, but you can really pour out your heart and bring out the big guns via pm,
Zubs, no need to apologize to me. It would take alot more than that to offend me.
I'm just playing with the mouse.