Mar 12, 2006
You've got it all wrong. The CNN piece is totally sarcastic! Jeff Greenfield is actually poking fun at US security and asking 'why shouldn't the ports be under Dubai control'. And saying that US security is rubbish:
'Our nation, whose forces have so vigilantly sealed our borders from illegal immigrants (not counting the 3 or 5 or 10 million or so who managed to make it here);
Our nation, whose immigration and customs officials managed to keep out those dangerous agents of Osama bin Laden who intended to wreak murderous havoc on our soil (not counting the 19 who did make it; well, 1 of 20 isn't that bad);
Our nation, whose airport security system has ensured that no 84-year-old wheelchair-bound great-grandmother slips past the scrutiny of a system that makes no distinctions based on race, gender, sexual preference, disability, or no-chance-in-hell-this-one's a terrorist;
Our nation, whose existing port security system leaves upwards of 95 percent of incoming cargo unchecked, and whose ability to detect radioactive material is, to put it mildly, problematic.'
Go back and read the whole thing. It's actually very clever!
He's actually criticising the US Government for being xenophobic.
You guys have got to start understanding sarcasm and irony, he's totally taking the p*** and basically asking Americans 'What the hell is your problem?'