Hey herve - I see you've changed your mind yet again.
Earlier you were talking about only posting information about the UAE - what happened? Do you only object to criminals or perverts being exposed when they are Muslim?
Anyway, as I keep saying, the official stats do show that only 0.6% of terrorist acts in the USA are carried out by 'Islamists'. Your beef is with the FBI, not me.
And in any case - it appears the man is wanted for crimes in Iraq!! Try and keep up herve - it is not unusual that the ones fighting the Americans in Iraq happen to be Arab or Muslim.

Picking on the exceptions and wanting to believe they are representative are classic symptoms of someone not interested in the truth. But hey, as long you get your kicks and I keep on laughing at your increasing desperation, bring it on mon ami.

I guess you are still looking to cover up your embarrassment over your belief in an imaginary interview that Zahar gave! You were wrong then, and have been wrong for a while now. You're due a win sometime soon - so cheer up mon brave!
As Dr Who says - Allons-y!! (But try and find a relevant example next time)