Tom Jones wrote:DDS’s story about his Sharjah adventure brings to mind this question: Why do most ME government offices open only until 1:00 or 2:00 PM. I could never, ever figure this out!!! In the US, and most developed countries, most government employees work as long as the private sector employees.
One time in the US, I walked into a DMV Office (Dept. of Motor Vehicles) to renew my DL. I only had 10 minutes before they closed, and the place was sort of crowded. It was about 4:50 PM when I walked in the door, and they close at 5:00PM. Believe it or not, I left the building with my renewed licence in hand as they were just starting to close the doors at 5:00 PM!!!
Here in the Middle East, beside low efficiency and poor productivity, they top it up by working shorter hours!!!
Go figure!!!!!

That was probably to the late nineties but know it’s mostly until 4-5 pm, many of these departments are linked to banks to transfer their service charged cash to those banks after business hours and are forced to deposit by 1 pm .
But know with the use of CC and smart prepaid methods they were able to extend their hours, however you have to also look at other factors like the number of the ppl those government department will service in those extra hours, I would say ,just a few at that time, so it won’t be really sufficient to open the hall department for a lazy person who don’t feel like waking up until 1 pm ! you don’t copy and paste other countries my friend, you do what fits you and the nature of your work, right ? but know many have 2 shifts since the population increased .
-- Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:29 am --
Chocoholic wrote:Bacially because they're all staffed by locals and you can't get them to work long hours - they just won't do it.
Bacially you are still dum.....