Hi Candyrider.
I'm from NY and have always worked in NYC. I've been in Dubai for over 14 years - not by choice, but because my husband is Arab and we thought it would be a good place to jumpstart his career as the industry he works in is very "blonde hair/blue eyed". We never thought we would be here as long as we have been and foresee outselves being here for quite some time because hubby has been very successful. I miss NY terribly for many reasons, and I miss the States for the freedoms that are in place.
As an American I can tell you that everyone who comes to Dubai is not here for the purpose of making more money - as was the case with my husband and I, although there is nothing wrong with that, but some come because it is the only job they can find, some because it is a good place to raise children (although in my opinion the education is not of high standards), company transfer, etc. This would also apply to other nationalities. I'm sure that most Americans, along with other nationalities, that have been here long term probably didn't expect to be here as long as they have. I will also say that many, many people are living paycheck to paycheck and are in debt. Two reasons: living beyond their means and the economic downturn had alot to do with it. Some people have said that they were better off before coming to Dubai.
The grass is not always greener on the other side. Dubai has its pluses and minuses, as does everywhere. As a single woman I don't know if you would find it as "thrilling" as you may think, nor as cultural as you may hope it to be. As for experiencing the culture, to be frank, nationalities tend to form their individual communities. The culture of the Emiratis has been diluted tremendously. It is a cosmopolitan tourist city.
I understand how your salary potential would factor in on your career growth, but would having Dubai on your resume hinder or improve your chances within your field when you return to the States? An international named company certainly would not hurt. If you know some executives ask them what they would think about hiring someone who left the states, for say 3 years, and worked in Dubai and was looking to return to the states. If you do relocate, set a "sell by date" - meaning when you plan to leave.
You would also have to continue to file a tax return and pay federal tax over and above the allowance, which is somewhere around 85-90,000USD (somewhere around that figure). You would also have to pay medicaid and SS regardless of your income. Your income would be comprised of your base salary along with any additional income - housing, travel allowance, etc. You will in all probability need a car as well has having to furnish an apartment. There are several points that you would need to be aware of when negotiating a contract: among them, will the company provide a ticket for you to get to Dubai; have your goods shipped at company expense and what the terms would be when you complete your contract or if you are on an unlimited contract and want to return to the states, will they pay your return and ship your goods as well?
Work environment here is very, very different. It took me a while to figure out that I was in overdrive compared to everyone else who was coasting along in first gear - so I had to slow down and stop having high expectations!!! There are very few employment laws to protect employees here. You may work for a company that will tell you that they need to hold your passport. We were asked that only once and my husband told them: absolutely not!!!
If you live here, the way you live at home, you will save money. There are a ton of great restaurants to explore. There are things to do - fun things, which would not be a weekly thing. Shopping is rubbish - except for jewelry

. Depending on your needs, it can be very expensive.
I would suggest that you look at Abu Dhabi. It is the capital of the UAE and the financial center and is growing and overtaking Dubai and may, in time, look better on a CV than Dubai. One good thing that you have in your favor is that you have family here. It makes a big difference.
If you do a search on DF you may find answers to some other questions. Most important, please learn about the laws of the country. Do your homework and research Dubai.
Good luck to you and if you have any more questions, ask away!!!
BTW, I met someone on a plane to NY who was involved in the set up of the university. Lovely person.