So all happy with everything in tow reached Al Barsha Police Station, one of the three stations doing out of dubai renewals. Walked up to the line. One photo, check. Passport photocopy, check. Drivers license, check. Emirates ID, chec......what ! Excuse me, emirates ID, Yes. Uh well I ain't got one. Sorry mate you need to have one. Look bro, I called RTA three times to make sure if anything else was needed and there was no mention of any emirates ID. Can't you do it without it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm sorry man look I need to fill in the Emirates ID number until then I can't print the application. Shows me the computer screem.

Reached the only Traffic dept located next to the central jail which does this. Jumping through various hoops , eyetests and waiting in queues for hours. FInally I get my turn at the final counter. Salam, salam. Hand him over the papers. He starts typing away. You have a fine on your license, how much is it ? 300 dhs. Then I remember the a merc quitely snuck up behind and stuck his bumper to mine at a car wash in Abu Dhabi.
I had to move back just a little to move from the wash bay to the vaccum bay. The car was so tiny I didn't see him in any of my mirrors. So I just reversed an inch, faint crack I stop. All I see in the mirror is a door opening. Ah crap anyways long story short I get a fine.
Back at Sharjah Police I tell him, ok fine no worries. I pay up. That will be 540dhs ! I say you mean for everything including the fine. No, no, no, the 300 dhs is seperate. 540 dhs is just renewal fees. WTF, I told him to check my papers carefully. It clearly says light vehicle and not commercial jet pilot.
No bro its 540 dhs then it dawned on me, I'm short on cash. I asked if they except plastic, no strictly cash. Sigh, I could already see another trip to Sharjah in my future comming up. Looked at the watched, its exactly 12.00, asked him what time you guys close, 1 pm.
Ok would it work if I ran back quickly and got the cash, could I come back straight to you. Uh no, you'll have perform through all the hoops for us all over again. I put on my sad little doggy in the window face. Ya Saedi ( Sir ) I drove down from Jebel Ali and I really need to get this done today. He looks at me, then asks his officer a big man in a green uniform with a lot of wildlife and plants in gold pinned to his lapels. Hmm..ok, but make it fast.
I shoot out of the office as I remember there is an ATM machine at the entrance, just when I reach it. Shyte, I don't have the ATM card. ARGH ! Quick, where can I get 300 bucks from. I scroll through my contacts. Ah yes one of my offroading buddies has his office in Sharjah.
Please pick up, please pick up...YES, dude no time to explain, you got 300 bucks I can borrow. When do you need it. NOW..uh ok I guess, but I can't leave the office you'll have to come pick it up. Damn office is on the other end of Sharjah ! No choice, ok I'll be there as soon as I can.
Then I got every red light on every signal in Sharjah and traffic is also starting to build up. Back at the Police Station. 300 dhs in debt. Cut through all lines and skip over everyone. Just in time before end of day I hit the guy again sweaty and out of breath.
He smiles ah so you got the money, ok here you go. hands me more papers ! Go to that counter. OK, so I head over and there is a commotion an old senoir lebanese gentle men is cursing his heart out to one of the grey uniformed police officers. You are the devil, you have no consideration or conscience, I am a sick old man and you can't process a simple request. I am standing like a donkey since morning here. YOU WILL ALL GO TO HELL

I tip toe around the old man and proceed to my counter next to his. Hand over the papers. He looks at them, ok go sit. Then he fiddles with his keyboard for a while. Puts his face up to the screen. Taps the shoulder of the guy who was sitting next to him, who just received the mother load of abuse from the old man. Look at my screen its frozen. I feel my heart sink !
Then he fiddles around with a bit more, still same look of biwilderment. Reboots the PC a few times still nothing. At this point I'm on my hands and knees praying please lord please. Then he taps his mate again. Hey look at this. His mates goes, AH ! slides his seat over. Types a little and goes see its all good and goes back. All this takes around 30 mins.
Then he starts typing away. I see him pull my picture form my pile and place it in the scanner. And 15 more minutes pass and the police station is almost empty by now and all the electronic boards are off. Finally he calls my name, I go pick it up and WTF, date of birth is printed wrong, but everythign else is right at this time I couldn't give a crap and walk out fo the station at around 2.00 pm. SIGH !