Bora Bora wrote:If not, let me just say, that discrimination/racism towards blacks has a very long history as you are aware of. Black people were put on the welfare roles as it became a means to keep them down and uneducated. It became a lifestyle that was passed down to each generation. For appearances sake, government programs were established that were to help them to learn a skill or acquire an eduation to help them into the workforce. But the thinking was: why should I go to work and pay taxes and go home with 300 bucks a week, when I can stay home do nothing and collect 250 bucks a week, have my housing and utilities paid and get food stamps. The government made it more attractive to stay on welfare. But there are many who took advantage of the programs and helped themself out of that cycle because they wanted better for their children. Yes, the majority of people in prison are black. Most came from the generational cycle that was created by welfare.
You did not reply to my question but tell me only some excuses. As far as I know (correct me please if I don't) the attitude of government toward blacks dramatically changed at the beginning of 60s - since that time they have had even preferences against whites. So 50 years or almast 3 generations are over and it's Ok for you because they are citizen even though some of them have never paid taxes and commit most crimes but immigrants, who have always contributed a lot in development of US and also fill the vacancies which native Americans would never do, are scapegoats.
I look at the immigrants in Russia and see that it isn't easy bread to adapt in a new country but as Captain Australia said one time the biggest haters of immigrants are people who are citizen in the first generation.
Translating in more understandable language the ones, who have not contributed to the coffer for pretty long time living abroad in tax-free areas for ages.

By the way Shafique, my congratulation to Manchester University, which in 2010 brought UK the first Nobel Prize in Phisics for 50 years but the winners have very strange name and surname for your countrymen. Oh... pardon they were both graduated from the same uni as me... very strange... because it was prohibited to study in the mentioned uni for foreigners...
As I remember they invented grafene. I know it's not as great as Tetris. Of cause not.