Ok - been playing with the Kindle for a day now, and first impressions are excellent - it does live up to all the reviews floating around, so I won't repeat the blurb that is found Amazon's site and pretty much every review of the Kindle 3 (and there are loads out there) - I'll just give my reactions.
1. It is bloody small and light - the cover I bought effectively doubles the depth and weight of the kindle, and it still feels lighter than a paperback (with cover). I got the cover with the LCD light - genius design - and it looks like I'm carrying an expensively bound leather diary - extremely portable.
2. Text on screen is clearer than some of the latest hard back books I've bought (which have a creamy coloured paper, not pure white - the Kindle is a very, very light shade of grey, and looks practically white)
3. PDFs do render very well on it - but really only if they are proper e-book pdfs. Scans of double pages are legible, but on a 6 inch screen a pain. It's a screen size issue - as PDFs can't be scaled, but only zoomed.
4. Epubs, mobi files etc - does what it says on the tin and is as legible and more convenient than the book.
5. Calibre - a free ebook management software is what I would call 'itunes for the Kindle' - and indeed the whole experience of loading hundreds of books on to the Kindle is reminiscent of the first time we got an Ipod (back in the day when people were questioning whether it was necessary to carry around your whole CD collection and whether MP3 quality was the 'real deal'!)
[As an aside, I was just thinking back to the early MP3 sharing sites - back before broadband - and I couldn't remember the name of the site that was popular... it bugged me so I put my thinking cap on and then it came to me (after a few mins) - Napster! Out of site out of mind - eh

Then limewire - now good old utorrent. Ahh -takes me back to the early days of Compuserve on a 9kbs modem.. I feel old..

6. Pretty much every recent book is available in Epub ebook format and Calibre converts and copies it over to the Kindle with one button click (and Mobi format files don't need conversion - so a bonus if you can get those).
7. I got the 3G version, so it connects to the web anywhere (and it also has WiFi - so if you're in a hotspot you can connect). Web searches and indeed web browsing is free - any word can be looked up in the OED or Oxford American dictionary (which is on the Kindle) or looked up on Wiki or Google, and indeed can browse the web proper (with limitations based on what the screen can display).
Add to that the battery life is over a month on a charge (and it charges over a USB) - excellent stuff.
The only downside is the document management system on the Kindle itself - putting the books into various 'folders' or 'collections' (eg 'Fiction', 'History', 'Discworld' etc) - a bit of clunky way of doing it - but fine as I think it was intended to do one at a time. A minor gripe - but there are some software solutions out there that I haven't tried.